‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 7: Tuesday Highlights

It was eviction eve in the Big Brother Over the Top house and Danielle has seemingly accepted her fate. Meanwhile, Morgan decided to offer up her secret to Kryssie to hopefully gain her trust. Spoiler: It didn’t work.

Shelby Stockton celebrates on BBOTT

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, November 15, 2016:

10:15 AM BBT – HGs received their wake up call, but there’s little movement after a few went to get new batteries then returned to bed.

11:35 AM BBT – Big Brother again reminding the HGs to get on up. Shelby asks for a deck of cards to keep them busy and awake.

12:45 PM BBT – Morgan talks with Kryssie about their F4 deal. She asks Kryssie if she’d throw the HoH comp to her so she can take out Jason and would be willing to give up her chance at F4 HoH comp in exchange. Morgan decides to tell Kryssie that Alex was her sister. Morgan claims she hasn’t told anyone else this news. Kryssie looks like she couldn’t possibly care less and doesn’t ask any questions. Probably not the reaction Morgan was expecting. [Note: Last night’s weekday recap show revealed Kryssie thought this was a lie and that’s why she acted so unimpressed.]

1:00 PM BBT – Veto meeting time. Shelby saves Morgan. Final noms are Jason and Danielle.

1:10 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle discuss the situation. Jason says he doesn’t know what they’re planning to do.

1:20 PM BBT – Justin, Kryssie, Morgan, and Shelby alone in the kitchen. Morgan asks if everyone is still on to do as planned (vote out Danielle) and they all agree they are.

1:30 PM BBT – Jason slightly nervous about the vote and how America will vote. Shelby tells him she thinks he’ll get it. Jason agrees he will.

1:40 PM BBT – Danielle is alone and softly crying by the pool.

1:50 PM BBT – Danielle dries her tears, heads back inside, and is back to her old chatty self again with the rest of the house.

3:10 PM BBT – Morgan has a similar talk with Justin as she did with Kryssie. She asks him to throw the HoH comp and she’ll use Kryssie as the pawn next to Jason instead of Justin going up with him. They discuss Shelby being a threat and a better F3 would be her, him, and Kryssie with Jason and Shelby gone. Justin mentions he told Shelby he’d take her (S) to the end but really he wouldn’t.

3:45 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle chatting about her seeing Shane again.

4:25 PM BBT – Danielle tells Kryssie she’d be happy for Jason to win it and would even want him to win over her if they were there at the end together. Danielle says she’s ready to go and see her son again. She plans to encourage America to vote against Jason when she has her live DR with the hope that it makes the girls think America doesn’t like him so they’ll be more inclined to keep him.

4:30 PM BBT – Justin talks with Morgan about F3 between them two and Kryssie. Justin says they shouldn’t tell Kryssie just yet because she will want to keep Jason.

4:55 PM BBT – Justin warns Morgan that she’ll need to put Kryssie up on the Block if she gets HoH, otherwise they risk Kryssie not voting out Jason.

5:10 PM BBT – Kryssie talks with Justin about Morgan asking them to throw the HoH comp. Justin says he hasn’t decided. Kryssie says it’s not a good idea.

5:25 PM BBT – Justin reported back to Morgan that Kryssie told him not to throw the HoH comp. Morgan says that worries her and she’ll have to be sure to beat Kryssie then.

5:30 PM BBT – Morgan goes back to Shelby to let her know Kryssie isn’t with them and isn’t going to throw the HoH comp. Shelby is upset and calls Kryssie an idiot and dumbest player in the game. Morgan quickly regrets telling Kryssie about Alex being her sister.

6:00 PM BBT – Danielle tells Jason and Kryssie how frustrated she is with Justin and that she knows he’s been upset with her this whole time because she told him no when he hit on her earlier in the game.

6:12 PM BBT – Justin calls Kryssie over while he’s blowdrying his hair. He says “you know I got you, right?” He says he just wants her to know that whatever he does is going to be for their best interest. She asks him if he’s going to throw the competition. He says he can’t say that because he doesn’t know what the comp is.

6:13 PM BBT – Kryssie tells Justin Shelby needs to go before Jason, but Justin pushes back on that and says he can win HOH the following week and Shelby can go then. He says he has an evil plan.

6:14 PM BBT – Danielle says she’s pretty sure Justin is voting to evict her and she’s pretty sure Morgan is. So she doesn’t need America’s vote to go. She says she’s going to ask America to vote to evict him so that could take some of the target off his back.

6:15 PM BBT  – Morgan is annoyed that Kryssie isn’t on board to take Jason out. She says it would be so easy. Shelby says they had to put an idiot in there so things wouldn’t be so easy on them.

6:17 PM BBT – Shelby says she’s very surprised that Danielle is just laying over and dying. Morgan agrees and says it’s very unlike her. They think the vote will be unanimous to evict her.

7:00 PM BBT – Daily recap starts.

7:31 PM BBT – Live Diary Rooms start. Shelby is up first.

8:30 PM BBT – HGs just hanging out. Nothing going on.

9:10 PM BBT – Everyone is in the kitchen preparing food or chit-chatting.

9:42 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan can tell that Kryssie told Jason about Morgan and Alex. They say he was hinting and mentioned Alex’s name.

9:44 PM BBT –  Morgan says Kryssie is such a liar but she’s going to pretend like she trusts her. They agree that they need her at the end because she’s so awful at the game and will finish in third place no matter what.

9:45 PM BBT – Morgan thinks Kryssie will target her if she wins HOH. Shelby says they’ll still want her (Shelby) out. Morgan is pushing the idea that they’re going to target herself.

10:21 PM BBT – Morgan is bummed that everyone probably knows about Alex and her being sisters because now she won’t have a good eviction speech.

10:25 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan say Danielle must really be regretting pranking them with that Final 5 deal and for not getting Justin out over Whitney.

10:50 PM BBT – Morgan and Shelby continue talking about past HGs and are sure Shane has forgotten all about Danielle and moved on.

12:30 AM BBT – Danielle tells Jason this next CP should be used to get out Shelby. She works on teaching Justin the season’s days and associated events.

1:25 AM BBT – LNJ still up and hanging out. Justin warns Danielle not to be offended by anything he’s said this season when she goes back to watch.

1:30 AM BBT – Danielle tells Kryssie and Jason that she trusts them but doesn’t feel the same about Justin.

2:30 AM BBT – LNJ turning in for the night. Danielle continues to be upset with Justin saying she doesn’t want him to win as they turn out the lights and go to sleep.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Let’s go Jason get this next HOH then Morgan get the next one hopefully Justin and Shelby will leave before finale

  2. Morgan thinking anyone cares about the sister thing is so funny. Confessing weeks after her sister was evicted is completely useless information and doesn’t build trust with anyone. Like confessing to murder after you’ve been found not guilty.

    • What’s even funnier is Krissie saying in the DR does Morgan think I’m that stupid to believe her. Uh yeah you are pretty stupid Krissie.

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