‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 3: Tuesday Highlights

The Big Brother Over the Top Veto Ceremony put the final nominations in place for the week and Scott continued to work on his plan to evict Shane while Jason and Justin worried that Danielle sticking around is probably not the best idea.

Plastic Ball Smashers sun by the pool on BBOTT

Live Diary Rooms took up a part of the evening a little later in the day but HGs were soon back to plotting and scheming. Read on to get all the details from the night’s Live Feeds.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, October 18, 2016:

10:00 AM BBT – Wake up call.

10:45 AM BBT – Everyone is awake now and talking about their dreams and general chatter.

11:45 AM BBT – Shelby, Whitney, and Alex discuss Shane said he wanted to talk with the Plastics after the Veto meeting since he’s expecting to go up. They think he’s ready to turn on Danielle.

1:00 PM BBT – Veto Ceremony time. Scott calls everyone in to the house.

1:05 PM BBT – Alex declines to use her Veto. Justin saves Kryssie. Scott renoms Shane. Veto meeting concludes.

1:50 PM BBT – Shane comforting Danielle and promising whoever goes this week will be waiting for the other at their turn. He tells Danielle he feels deeply for her.

2:20 PM BBT – Danielle talks with Shane that she hopes they can force a tie this week so Scott will have to break it to hurt his game.

4:00 PM BBT – Houseguests all called in to the living room. Scott announces that BB will be hosting a Halloween party for them and they’ll each get a costume. Everyone picks a costume to wear.

4:10 PM BBT – Justin and Jason discussing the week’s vote. They think Danielle will be gone. Jason was worried Shane would give up his game for Danielle.

4:20 PM BBT – Justin promises Neeley she’ll be safe this week. He discusses his decision was between saving her or Kryssie, but not Danielle even though she thinks he should have saved her.

5:15 PM BBT – Morgan and Shelby discuss Scott’s plan to tell Justin and Jason he wants Shane to go. Shelby isn’t happy and doesn’t understand what Scott is thinking. She wanted Danielle to be blindsided.

5:42 PM BBT – Justin and Alex meet up to solidify their new thing with Jason and Scott. Justin checks on the eviction vote and Alex says she’ll vote how Scott wants.

5:47 PM BBT – Shane tells Danielle that Justin not using the veto on her shows that he is not loyal to them. They say he’s not good at the game and messed up their whole game.

6:10 PM BBT Danielle talking to Kryssie about forcing a tie so Scott has to break it and get more blood on his hands.

6:20 PM BBT – Scott making the pitch to Justin to vote Shane out. Justin tells him everyone right now thinks Danielle is the one going. Justin still thinks Danielle is a bigger threat but Scott tells him that Shane is more likely to in HOH and go after Alex and they need to protect her. Scott mention how many people Shane has already turned on in the game (CB, Monte, Scott basically).

6:42 PM BBT – Justin talks to Jason about his talk with Scott and how Alex and Scott want Shane to go. Jason says it makes sense but he really wants Danielle to go. He doesn’t want to have to listen to Danielle for another week.

6:50 PM BBT – Jason and Justin worry a bit about Shane going and the guys being really outnumbered.

7:05 PM BBT – Nightly recap show starts late. Live DRs follow.

7:23 PM BBT – Morgan asks Alex if she thinks Jason will target her if he wins HOH. Alex says she has no idea. Talk turns to them preferring Danielle to go but will do what Scott wants.

7:50 PM BBT – Danielle tells her allies to just vote her out if that’s what the other side is doing.

8:50 PM BBT – Ball Smashers trash talk Neeley. They’re not happy that Neeley said they’re have-nots because America doesn’t like them.

9:00 PM BBT – Jason is reminding Scott what a good strategist Danielle is and is pushing for her to go but Scott says he’s not worried about her. Jason tells him that she wants to force a tie so Scott gets more blood on his hands.

9:38 PM BBT – Shelby is breaking. She’s bored and is upset she can’t win anything. She doesn’t seem like she wants to be playing anymore. HoH crew tries to make her feel better.

10:15 PM BBT – Justin joins the HoH crew and lightens up the talk with subjects of sex, Danielle, and life back home.

10:45 PM BBT – Justin and Scott leaves and the PBS talks about Scott letting the other guys know that Shane is going. They worry about the upcoming HoH and the pressure to keep the wins on their side.

11:00 PM BBT – Scott and Alex catch back up and discuss the four person alliance with Justin and Jason. They agree it’s a good idea and everyone is on board.

11:30 PM BBT – Neeley tells Jason and Kryssie that Alex, Scott, and Whitney need to be the next ones to go. Neeley doesn’t even want to BD Alex, she just wants her up and out.

11:45 PM BBT – Jason tells Shane about the other side’s plans to fool their side with Shane being the real target. They agree to stick with the original plan to vote against Danielle in case things work out.

12:00 AM BBT – Jason lets Scott know the other side knows the plan to VTE Shane so he shouldn’t be surprised by any talks that come up from it. Both agree Shane is the better option to evict. Jason warns Scott the other side is coming for him.

12:05 AM BBT – Danielle talks with Kryssie and Neeley that if Shane stays he’ll work with just them two because she (D) doesn’t trust Jason.

12:15 AM BBT – Danielle tells Neeley she wants to win HoH to nominate Scott and Alex together. Alex is her target for being the brains of that operation.

1:30 AM BBT – Jamboree talking about Danielle and Shane having a send-off tonight in the HN room, but Danielle doesn’t want to do that.

2:25 AM BBT – Shane and Danielle having a heart to heart as he tells her how much he likes her. She says they’ll work it out to be together after the show.

The plan to evict Shane is mostly out in the open now and no one should be surprised by tonight’s results. There’s always time for a last minute shift, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it. The real mystery will be who wins HoH and takes charge for the week.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I’m warming up to Jason a lot more, now that he’s adjusting his game according to what he perceives America is trying to tell him with our votes. At least he cares about how we feel…
    Shane is a vindictive crybaby. Not sorry to see him go
    Danielle and Neeley have the potential to be smart, they just need to stop being so full of themselves, not like that’s going to happen before they get evicted though…
    Justin… who doesn’t like Justin?
    Kryssie! UGH! Can we please have her butt evicted next week?! No explanation needed
    Plastics Ballsmashers… never hated them
    Scott, don’t hate him but is not as smart as I thought he would be as a superfan player, if I have to bet my life on who the next evictee will be I would bet it’s him

    • “Shane is a vindictive crybaby. Not sorry to see him go.”

      Oh you must have seen his live DR session too….that was the hardest thing ever to watch.

      • His crying was not limited to that DR session… so was his bitching over the fact that he now has a vendetta against Scott.
        Seriously, it was pathetic, he basically cut that DR short because his speech ability regressed to that of a three year old

    • I agree with everything you said! Kryssie is the most miserable HG I have seen in awhile..she bitches and moans and groans about just about everything..does she ever smile? Neeley is getting nastier by the day..don’t like her at all.

      • Putting Neeley and Kryssie on the block together would be ideal for next week. The one that gripes the most must go. It will be an endurance comp for all of us.

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