‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 2: Thursday Highlights

It was Alex’s turn to hold court in the Big Brother Over The Top HOH room as she worked on figuring out who her nominees were going to be even though she’s known the whole time. Aside from that, Justin’s antics triggered Monte to the point of wanting to fight him. Read on for all the details of the talks and drama from the day in the BBOTT house.

Scott Dennis relaxes on BBOTT

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, October 6, 2016:

9:15 AM BBT – Few of the HGs are awake. Scott, Shelby, and Monte are up and about.

10:00 AM BBT – More HGs are up and wondering what’s going on for the day. In just a minute they’re all called to the living room.

10:05 AM BBT – Julie Chen greets the HGs with a taped message announcing the Care Packages twist for the season including this week’s first ACP: Save-A-Friend. (Voting is open.)

11:30 AM BBT – HGs’ talk has turned to politics. Run away!

12:50 PM BBT – Kryssie talks with Justin about how confusing the Care Packages are since they’ve never seen a season where those were involved. They’re anxious to learn about them.

1:10 PM BBT – Ladies are getting ready for an upcoming event. They know to expect Julie within the hour.

1:20 PM BBT – Jason and Scott share talks over being superfans. Scott wishes he had started watching the show sooner.

1:30 PM BBT – Justin strips down bare naked in the bathroom then climbs in the show.

2:00 PM BBT – HGs are ready and waiting when Julie appears on the screen. She goes around the room asking HGs questions. It feels a lot like her usual Thursday night Q&A’s but they have a lot more time.

2:10 PM BBT – Julie wraps up the discussion and that’s it. You can rewind and catch it all again on the Feeds.

2:20 PM BBT – Alex talks with Morgan about having Shelby influence Jason while Morgan needs to work on Monte.

2:25 PM BBT – Neeley tells Jason she’s feeling safe but she thinks Danielle and Justin could be in trouble.

3:55 PM BBT – Alex gets her HoH room. Everyone is required to be in attendance and she can’t go in until they are all there.

4:00 PM BBT – Everyone checked out Alex’s baby pictures and then she reads her letter from her mom.

4:40 PM BBT – Alex says she wants to split up the showmance of Shane and Danielle. On a personal level she wants to get out Danielle, but she knows it’d be smarter to target Shane for eviction. She knows that getting out Shane not only splits the showmance but also his bromance with Monte.

4:45 PM BBT – Alex, Whitney, and Shelby doubt Justin’s story. They question if he really has a restaurant and think maybe he just has a lot of money because of his nice clothing. They agree to keep Justin this week so he and Monte can go after each other next time.

5:00 PM BBT – Neeley is the first visit for Alex’s evening of the revolving door HoH discussion sessions. Neeley promises Alex she can be very loyal and agrees with the idea of splitting up the showmance. Neeley says the only person she really has her eyes on is Shelby. Alex says she won’t put Shelby up right now.

5:07 PM BBT – Neeley lets Alex know that she likes Jason and Kryssie and won’t vote them out but she would anyone else.

5:19 PM BBT – Morgan tells Alex that she’s going to request no photos with or of her cats so the others won’t notice they’re the same cats in Alex’s pictures.

5:25 PM BBT – Alex reveals to Morgan that she was the one who voted to evict Danielle just to create paranoia.

5:32 PM BBT – Monte goes to the HOH room and suggests that Alex nominate Jason and Danielle. Alex asks him what he thinks about her putting Shane up. He says it’s her HOH. Monte wonders if America would put up Danielle (he thinks we voted to evict her). Alex says she can’t risk that.

5:47 PM BBT – Alex camtalks and says if America wants to make the game interesting to vote for her side this week.

6:01 PM BBT – Alex, Monte and Morgan are annoyed that Scott can’t be trusted because they wanted to work with him.

6:11 PM BBT – Morgan and Monte asking America to keep Morganย safe this week.

6:24 PM BBT – Alex, Morgan, Monte, etc think Justin is smarter than he lets on and is good at competitions. Monte pushes for Justin or Jason to be the other nominee with Danielle.

6:49 PM BBT – After Monte leves, Alex tells the girls she’s not going after Justin just because Monte wants her to. She says they can use Justin to their benefit. They agree.

6:53 PM BBT – Alex seems pretty set on nominating Shane and Danielle so they can’t pull each other down.

7:15 PM BBT – Neeley tells Jason that if America doesn’t help them this week one of them from their side is going home.

8:00 PM BBT – Jason and Alex are talking now. She tells Jason she can’t promise him that he’s safe but right now he is because she has targets. Jason tells her that if she doesn’t come for him this week then can promise he won’t come for her.

Feed Highlights continue on the next page…



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  1. Having flashbacks to bb18. Monte is trying to use the bathroom thing to target Justin the way Paulie kept harping on the Da rear end slap to get Frank out. Then went on to be 1000 times worse. It says a lot about him the way he still assumes he’s in charge. And I love how Alex uses that. Monte asked America to target him rather than Morgan (sure it would make him look noble, why would we even target her?). Maybe we should give him what he asked for?

      • Yeah Monte is getting my vote this week too, although, I doubt he will actually go home. I just want him to know he’s not exactly a fan fave. ;) I would love to see him on slop tho–that might actually be do able. When do we vote for that?
        *laughs evilly*

    • He was already on my list, so he doesn’t need to ask. haha! Morgan isn’t even on my radar, but of course, if/when Monte is nominated, how much would anyone here like to bet he will say he was put OTB by America b/c he asked to be in order to save Morgan?? Who here would like to make a wager…?? He has that I am the man of the house mentality that drives me crazy…I was so glad Alex just basically ignored him. :) She definitely has a mind of her won!
      Love her.

  2. Wasn’t Julie supposed to have the interview with Cornbread yesterday? Is it still coming or did he just storm off home?

      • Thank you Matt. I was wondering about the interview too.
        Do we know why CBS isn’t just doing the OTT episode like a LIVE Thursday show of the regular season?? I am kind of unhappy with the evictions. They are so anticlimactic. Why can’t they (CBS) have an audience waiting there and have Julie interview the evicted HG right there after the LIVE show on Wednesday night?? BB has ALWAYS interviewed the evicted HG right after eviction. I think that is the ONLY thing I am really-really not liking about BBOTT.

        Do you have any inside info you can (within reason) share with us about why they don’t do a normal live eviction show for OTT??

  3. Monte is so annoying…still thinks he is HOH. Alex will not let him take over her reign. She knows BB well. Scott, to me, is just creepy. Something about him makes me uncomfortable. I think Monte and the girls will soon realize that we are on Jason’s side of the house..am I right, guys? Monte getting so offended to the point of wanting to punch Justin was so ridiculous..I want Monte to go away!

    • I voted for Jason to come back in . But his mouth and behavior is getting pretty discussing also . He thinks he’s Gods gift to the house.

      • I agree. I’m voting for Justin to be nominated. I want Alex to be able to control her own HOH and not the other side like last week. I don’t like Monte but the girls don’t like him either and he’ll always be a target. I don’t want to waste my vote on him because he’ll be going soon anyway. And I’m not wasting my vote on Jason this early in the game. I think he’s always going to be a target too. I’m voting Shelby for CP just because I think it will be funny to see the others reactions since they don’t line her.

    • No I’m on Alex’s side. I don’t want to screw up her HOH. I’m voting for Justin to be nominated. He’s disgusting and I’m sick of his perverted stories. He was disgusting in the bathroom. No reason for him to get naked in front of Morgan. He could if got undressed in the shower. He’s a pig.

      • If you don’t want to screw up Alex’s HOH, then don’t vote Justin on the block. Monte wants Justin up not Alex. Didn’t she say she’ll let Monte and Justin take out each other?

      • Me too. I have said it before, but I love being the All-Knowing-All-Seeing 14th HG!! ;) I almost cancelled my feeds in BB 18 b/c so many HG slept all day, but I kept them specifically for BBOTT! Now, I am glad I did. :)

      • She did. Alex wants Shane or Danielle to go home. She personally does not like Danielle, but as a game move, she thinks sending Shane home would be the best move b/c it ends a showmance and a bromance in one move. I really like Alex. That kind of thinking shows she’s here to play BB!

      • Yes she said that. But then who do we vote up? It would have to be either Jason, Neely or Krissie. And I don’t think America will vote Jason to go up. A lot of people will probably vote Shelby or Monte and that would be bad for Alex because she’d lose a number. A lot of people don’t like Justin, Monte and Shelby. So I’m trying to go with who I think will get a lot of votes and be from the other side and not screw up Alex’s HOH. Who do you think? Everyone that is for Alex needs to stick together and try to vote the same person. Voting Justin would keep Alex’s hands clean because it would be from us. And he’s just a nasty ignorant person.

      • Alex doesn’t want Justin out LG…She wants the showmance and bromance broken up. Alex is seriously thinking of going for Shane…which is a great move since sending him home does effectively eliminate Monte’s allegiance to Shane as well as Danielle’s.

      • I know. But we need to vote for someone on that side so she will keep the numbers and control her own HOH. Not like what happened to Monte last week. So it’s either Justin, Jason, Neely or Krissie since she’s putting up Danielle and Shane. If we vote Justin and he just happens to go instead of Danielle or Shane she’s still getting someone out she doesn’t like. She wasn’t going to put him up because she figured Monte and him would go after each other.

      • Yeah..that’s true…I think I spoke too soon! I do like Neely, Shane and Danielle..but, I do not like Monte, Shelby or Whitney..I think Justin is just stupid…does not know how the game works..and tries to put on a show for everyone..he won’t last much longer..Scott is creepy to me…I do like Alex…she has real knowledge of how the game works.

      • I like Alex too. She is really thinking what would be the most strategic move for her. She knows Jason is too easy of a target b/c he IS a fan fave. NO ONE in that house is going to want to take Jason to F2, so he can be voted out by the Hg at ANY time. She is looking at it from a game view and her idea of getting out Shane is (by far) her best move. I don’t want Shane to go b/c I actually like him, but Alex showed how well she knows this game with bringing that up b/c evicting Shane will destroy not only the showmance between Shane/Danielle, but it will leave Monte without his bromance partner as well, thus making him even more loyal to the girls. It is a brilliant move and a bold one to be contemplating considering how popular Shane is with the HG.

    • I’m not necessarily on Jason’s side for the entire game. I was last week but only because I wanted a chance to see how he plays this time around. I want to check out the other players to give them a chance. I like Alex this week and I like Danielle. Monte I can’t stand. His talking is just too much. Scott definitley has the creep factor. I don’t believe he looks or dresses like that in real life. I’m skeptical if he even talks like that.

    • Yeah, I think Monte has the attitude of “I’m the man, so I’m in charge”. Alex will not let him get away with that on her HOH, that’s for sure! Alex is a gamer. She knows BB and the move she says she’s making is best for her game. Breaking up the showmance of Danielle/Shane (especially after BB18) is, by far, in her best interest. I also think her idea of actually evicting Shane shows how well she is thinking b/c getting rid of Shane breaks up the showmance & the bromance in one quick swoop.

      I wish Jason would work with Alex and, through Alex, Morgan too. I said that from week one when Jason recognized the resemblance between the sisters. I was hoping he would go to them and let them know he knows their secret, and make them realize how keeping him around could be a shield between the sisters and being OTB…much like Austin was for the twins in Jason’s own season. Jason is a HUGE target…having a secret alliance with him could be very beneficial for all of them.

      Scott is two faced and playing every side of the house…that is going to eventually get him into serious trouble, much like it did Paulie in BB 18.

  4. All it means to be HOH this season is there own safety. Their nominations are pretty much meaningless due to the fact that America has been given to much power. You know the houseguests are going to vote for whoever America puts on the block. Especially since America sends the care packages , nominates houseguests and also votes. And on top of everything gets to pick the winner. Too much power. The people that really play the game really fight to win comps ect can get screwed to easily by Americas Votes. Really messed up season

    • Viewer interactivity is the primary element of what Big Brother really is. “Too much power” is an understatement.

      All it takes is for feedsters to be that unseen 14th housemate with the advantage of having knowledge of all the house action.

      And again, they only have one eviction vote, which with so far only 12 people in the house at the moment, is still a small fracture and can hardly make an impact until there are fewer people left. The house can override this if there is a powerful alliance who can collectively vote to send away their intended target, regardless of who the online public nominated.

      This is unlike BB1 where there wasn’t really a strong impressionable cast to begin with, the tasks given to them every week in order to win food and luxuries could hardly produce any strong narrative for people to want to tune in consistently.

      • Thats assuming “America” all agrees anyway. I didnt nec. vote for CB last week. Stop crying and either watch or dont.

      • There was no sarcasm, I put it all out there.

        Each season people whine and cry about too much power, or not enough. There are millions of other things you can be doing with your time if you don’t care for this format. You leave post after post bitching about it so i suggest you stop watching since its so difficult for you.

        Is that polite enough for your fragile little heart?

      • You sound like a hypocrite. What are you doing right now? You’re bitching about someone’s opinion.

      • Try again when you learn to read. I wasn’t bitching. I was suggesting (sound out the big words) that if he was unsatisfied, stop watching. Keep up the hard work sport, you’ll get there some day.

      • Why don’t you try showing some respect to other feeders maybe then some will be shown to you.

      • Sounds like bitching to me. And he was just stating his opinion. Not bitching. That America has too much control. Which by the way I agree with.

      • Good idea…

        Ignore the show also since you have issues with it too.

      • Depends. Kryssie was an easy vote for most of the house but some inner workings were made in a couple of days leading to Wednesday’s eviciton show that shifted the target from her to Cornbread.

        Even when RHAP was doing pre-eviction podcast earlier this week, the talk was still on Kryssie going.

      • Agreed James. I am really enjoying the season so far. Personally, I think this cast is one of the best BB has had in YEARS!!

    • Have you considered cancelling your subscription since you’re so unhappy with the format?

      • There is no reason to be unhappy by the format. BB is trying something different. Let’s watch and see what happens. So you’re right.

      • I for one love the format! I love feeling like I’m one of the HG this season…an all knowing HG who sees all!! It’s awesome!!

      • There’s really no perfect BB format. It’s either Production interference or this time it’s the ‘viewers’ interference.. Giving all this power to the viewers, I knew there’s gonna be some crazy votes. Like I voted for Corn because he snores a lot. lol Has nothing to do with game play. (just kidding) but you know what I mean. But I’ve embraced this new format and getting with the program…I love the Power!

      • Me to, Cy. I love being that 14th HG!

        I also think (as feedsters) we are also gamers…we see (and respect) the subtle moves the HG make to further their game and I think we will vote accordingly when a HG makes a bold move or stands their ground, despite pressure to do something else. JMO of course, but I have faith in us to help make this season exciting…

      • I know..and I know what you’re saying. I’m a very strategic player….I like to backstab all the time. lol

      • Exactly. I think as an audience, America will nominate someone strategically as well…once we get out all the players we don’t like of course! haha

      • Well you know me, Cy…not afraid to stir the pot a little. ;) I mean after all…Evel Dick IS one of my favorite players!! haha.

        *rubs hands together with evil glee* People love to hate me here for that alone. hehehehe!!

    • I think it’s too much power also. That’s why I’m not going to screw up Alex’s HOH. I’m voting for Justin the pervert. I hope everyone votes for him. I love Alex. That girl is playing the game.

    • I have to respectfully disagree with you here Harvey. I don’t think America got CB out last week. Cornbread did that to himself by making some comments that offended a lot of the HG and kind of giving up there at the end… and with the help of Danielle and Neeley campaigning to keep Kryssie and vote out CB, that kind of sealed his fate. America only has one vote. If the other HG had wanted to keep CB, he would have stayed. At least that is how I observed the last week…

      Plus Harvey, one thing you aren’t mentioning is “America” in BBOTT is feedsters. We are not the “normal” BB watcher who only sees the edited versions of the weekly shows. I believe as an audience, we are gamers too. We understand the game and, while we all have our faves, I believe the feedsters will make nominations and vote with more respect to who is playing the best game than the average BB summer edition watcher. JMO of course, but I am excited about being an all-knowing-all-seeing HG this season. Hope you can find that kind of excitement too. :)

  5. Ughh *FacePalm* I was really rooting for Justin, but I have to admit some of the things he does is getting on my nerves a bit. I have to admit he can be pretty hilarious at times but he has to learn when to tone it down and when he is crossing the line. Monte is still aggravating and annoys the heck out of me with all that alpha male crap. Scott is still sketchy as heck haha. Danielle and Shane are still in their own little world, although I’m still hoping Danielle proves us all wrong about her and actually begins to play the game(probably won’t happen with Shane wrapped around her legs). I felt they had great potential to be the power couple of this season like Jeff and Jordan and Brandon and Rachel but they’re so wrapped up in each other they probably don’t even realize that they’re being targeted. As of right now I love Neeley, Jason and I’m slowly starting to like Alex. I don’t know how I feel about Morgan just yet since she hasn’t done anything to spark my interest. I don’t like her nor do I dislike her. Although I do agree that she should stay far away from Monte since he’s a sinking ship. I don’t quite understand Whitney and Kryssie yet, for me they are just there and Shelby….no comment. That’s my run down on the houseguests. Feel free to comment on your thoughts and opinions :).

    • Coco I agree with you almost wholeheartedly! :) Except, I have a lot of respect and love for Alex and her game play. I would really like for her and Jason to form a *secret alliance* which no one would expect. That alliance would be beneficial to both the sisters and Jason b/c once the other HG find out Morgan and Alex are sisters (and I believe they will eventually) Alex & Morgan are going to be targeted…keeping Jason around will allow them to have another HUGE target there to shield them–and vice-versa for Jason. Having sisters in the game will enable him to stay safer b/c some HG will be targeting them instead of Jason.

      What do you think??

      • Exactly! I would love to see Jason and Alex set aside their differences and make an alliance with the other. It would be amazing to see how they run the house and it would bring joy to my heart seeing Monte realize that he isnt running the house nor has he ever! :D

      • Absolutely! Monte is a perfect example of a Captain-Save-A-Ho!
        It’s like he seems to think women need a man to come in and either A: make the decisions for them, b/c perhaps all those options are just too confusing for our delicate sensibilities, or B: protect them, because we are to weak to defend ourselves–we need a man to “save us”!

        Alex isn’t having it and I am so glad!! She knows her own mind and does NOT need Monte to help her make it up! In fact, she does not much respect his game, so he will be on her target list quick once she gets out the bigger threats of Danielle, Shane and perhaps Kryssie…I could see Alex evicting Monte over Jason easily.

  6. Okay Disqus…why are you targeting a certain subscriber?? Not cool. FiddleDeeDee has every right to post his/her opinions. That is what this board is here for!!

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