It’s New Year’s Eve and tomorrow is the day everyone starts resolving to stop smoking, lose weight and to cut back on winning reality TV shows in 2014.
Wait, what? Oh, that’s just Big Brother 15 winner Andy Herren’s cheeky resolution for the new year. Andy and a bunch of other Big Brother houseguests shared their No. 1 New Year’s Resolutions with us and now we’re sharing them with you! Enjoy!
Jun Song, Big Brother 4 winner: “To finally learn to ride a bicycle in 2014!”
McCrae Olsen, Big Brother 15: “My New Years resolution is to spread the word of how New Years resolutions are bullshit.”
Ronnie Talbott, Big Brother 11: “My number 1 New Years resolution is to keep off all the weight I’ve lost!!”
Andy Herren, Big Brother 15 winner: “My New Year’s resolution is to cut back on winning reality TV shows. I did too much of that in 2013.”
Amanda Zuckerman, Big Brother 15: “It’s to be more careful with my words, understanding with my heart, and thoughtful with my mind.”
Sheila Kennedy, Big Brother 9: “Well, if we lived in a perfect world to cure for Cancer. My #2 New Years Resolution: I would like to see my book being published “No Ones Pet.”
Joe Arvin, Big Brother 14: “Fewer alliances in 2014.”
Judd Daughtry, Big Brother 15: “To workout more.”
Ian Terry, Big Brother 14 winner: “My #1 New Year’s Resolution: Date more models.”
Wil Heuser, Big Brother 14: “It’s to not have any resolutions. Too resolute for me.”
Jenn Arroyo, Big Brother 14: “Play more piano and keep lovin’ big butts.”
Lydia Tavera, Big Brother 11: “Not to date assholes this year and try to keep a hair color for more than 3 months.”
What are your resolutions for the new year? Do you have an Big Brother resolutions? Watch the Live Feeds MORE? Read Big Brother Network more? Yes!
Andy Herren, Big Brother 15 winner: “My New Year’s resolution is to cut back on winning reality TV shows. I did too much of that in 2013.”
Really Andy? Really???
Andy’s should be to be less of a weasel-y rat bastard.