Big Brother 26 Twist: BBAI Arena – Week 3

BBAI Arena on Big Brother 26

Tonight’s AI Arena battle on Big Brother 26 will likely be critical for the Houseguest who would prefer to live his game on the edge. Three will enter, one will leave safe. Get ready for BBAI tonight!

Tucker and Kenney remain on the Block and thanks to Makensy’s America’s Veto we don’t yet know who will be joining the two repeat Arena contenders. We can only speculate and according to our readers, they think it’ll be Quinn joining the two others in the Arena.

Who Will Win the BBAI Arena – Week 3:

These are tough predictions because we don’t know the type of challenge the HGs will face. Tucker had an easy run of the puzzle last week against Lisa and Angela when neither of them seemed to have a clue what was going on while Tucker faced on to the finish line. This week may be tougher.

Kenney and Quinn have both won competitions of their own and are no stranger to the Big Brother puzzles. And if it’s something like in the first arena battle then it’s a straight up guessing game for the most part and a crapshoot on who pulls off the win.

Now that we’ve seen the counting comp and a puzzle comp, what might this next one be? A repeat of either of those or something totally new? This could go in so many directions and we may have three actual contenders to vy for the win.

Tucker Des Lauriers on Big Brother 26
Tucker Des Lauriers on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Tucker might not realize it but he’s going to need to win this comp and he’s definitely mentally preparing himself for it but if he doesn’t… ehh, it doesn’t look good for his game!

Once the Arena competition is settled all three will head back inside, Julie will announce the results, and the HGs will have just a few moments to talk and make their decisions on the vote set to follow.

What do you think will happen tonight on Big Brother?



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