‘Big Brother 26’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH? Week 3

Head of Household competition on Big Brother - CBS

The votes have settled and the second HG is out the door on Big Brother 26 which means it’s time to crown a new Head of Household! With Lisa out the door and Chelsie stepping down from her week of safety the rest of the HGs lined up for their chance at the HOH power.

Angela sticking around was not surprising if you had been following along the Feeds and our Highlights Reports this week. The HGs wanted to keep the reliably self-imploding, low-risk Angela that no one was really going to trust or work with around instead of risking more glitter in their food.

So let’s get to it. Before the comp Kimo and T’kor whispered their worries about Kenney winning HOH and going after them, but they felt strong with their group and both wanted to fight hard for the HOH win and expected Quinn and Tucker to do the same.

Big Brother 26 Week 3 HoH Comp:

  • Cedric is the new Head of Household

We’ve got a busy weekend ahead so keep checking back for all the results from the Live Feeds. Now that we’ve got our HOH set we’ll still need Noms confirmed on Friday and then the Power of Veto winner on Saturday with the plotting and planning on Sunday for Monday’s Veto Meeting.

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