AINSLEY has closed the doors to her AI Arena and these remaining Big Brother Houseguests are back to the “regular” way of doing things. Two nominations and one chance to escape the Block with the weekly Veto. So let’s kick off Week 8 of Big Brother 26 with the latest round of nominations following Thursday night’s HOH competition.
Feeds were down for hours this afternoon. Things cut at the usual time but then just didn’t come back for much, much longer. We did even get a “technical difficulties” message on the Feeds for awhile. Then when the HGs returned they were all crammed into the HOH room and it sounded like the AC wasn’t working as part of the ongoing heat wave in the area. But finally we heard confirmation from the HGs that the meeting had taken place.
Big Brother 26 Week 8 Nominations:
- Chelsie nominated: Angela and Kimo
No surprises heading into this ceremony. Chelsie did all her talks and when she met with Angela she was direct that this was happening. To her credit, Angela didn’t roll over on this news like Kimo did. Angela pushed back that Chelsie did have other options, despite her claims otherwise. All the same, Chelsie was not swayed, but she did try to give Angela a glimmer of hope by saying a bigger target could be the renom. That’d be Leah.
Angela has won two HOH comps and somehow convinced other HGs to twice save her with the Veto. So never say never for Angela. If Leah gets picked to play on Saturday, wins, and saves Angela, well then that’ll be a tough spot for Chelsie, but she’s smart and will figure it out.
What do you think of Chelsie’s move here? Kimo was told he’s the pawn and didn’t fight this nom much at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chelsie really does have a bigger plan than Angela, but you never know.
Veto comp on Saturday and we’ll know more than ahead of Monday’s Veto Meeting. With no Arena on the horizon this is the Noms last chance for a clear break from Thursday’s vote. Let’s see what happens next!
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