Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Veto Competition Results – Week 11

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother - CBS

Nearly the last Power of Veto competition of the Big Brother 26 season has now come and gone as the BB Comics themed challenged returned to the house for these Final 5 HGs. Two Houseguests had already been sent to the Block but could either of them overturn the HOH’s decision? Read on for the spoilers for who won the Power of Veto in Week 11.

Makensy is running her back to back HOH again this round and has just sent Rubina and Kimo to the Block. Those are her two main options this week so the goal was to keep both of them right where they were. Considering neither had been the most overly competitive this season it seemed likely they’d be beat out again this time and the BB Comics Veto is no easy task.

So who did pull off the Veto victory? Results are below…

Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results:

  • Makensy won the Power of Veto!

Well Chelsie is going to need to get rid of this comp beast or that resume is going to be hard to overcome in front of a Jury, don’t you think? I’ve lost track of just how many comps Makensy has won now, but it’s a lot and Jury loves win records, right?

Makensy Manbeck wins BB Comics
Makensy Manbeck wins BB Comics – CBS

Either way, now Makensy has a choice again this week as both HOH and the Veto holder. Does she have any allies left for Chelsie to get her to target? Nah, probably not and she isn’t going to surprise attack Chelsie or Cam so these Noms should be set and the Veto streak ends here, but I’d love a good surprise for Monday.

HGs are hanging around talking about the covers and who got the shadiest comics. Sounds like Leah’s and Angela got some rough ones and maybe Chelsie’s too.

The Veto meeting will be held on Monday and that will set us for the final noms of the week here as we approach the end of the season. Will anything change? Can anyone be swayed for Thursday’s vote?

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