We are nearly there. You’ve almost made it. The Big Brother 26 finale is just around the corner! “But First” there are a few adjustments in the regular schedule that you’ll want to note so you don’t miss any of the remaining events and episodes this season.
Less than two weeks remain for Big Brother and there are only four episodes left to go before a winner is crowned. Here’s what you’ll need to mark down on your calendar so you don’t miss anything with the schedule shifts ahead.
Update: Wait! There are five episodes left thanks to that silly Memory Lane show. Corrected!
There are no more Wednesday episodes this season. None! No show on October 2nd nor the 9th. Instead The Summit has taken over for BB26 after Survivor airs on Wednesdays. Instead we’ll get a long Thursday show this week that will combo in both the Power of Veto events and the live eviction show. It’s also our first look at the Jury House. Finally!
Then on Sunday, October 6th, there will be another late night episode at 10/9c. This week’s 10:30PM ET episode was much too late and this won’t be a lot better, though just a nudge. Only a one-hour show this Sunday night so at least we’ll knock that out quickly as the F4 battle for the final HOH and the pointless nominations at that stage.
After that there is one more Thursday episode on October 10th at 8/7c with the last regular eviction to set us up for the F3 and likely a teaser sneak peek at the first round of the three-part Final HOH battle royale.
That all leads us to the Big Brother 26 finale event on Sunday, October 13th with a 90-minute episode starting at 8:30/7:30c. Our live coverage begins that night at 8:30PM ET so we’ll have everything there for you throughout the night.
Ready for this season to wrap up? Clearly when our fav show turns into a game of schedule-pinball I’d hope CBS realizes they should have kept this confined to the pre-fall season lineup, right? Ehh, probably not.
Final episodes of Big Brother 26 on CBS:
- Thurs, 10/3 @ 8PM โ 2-hr episode
- Sun, 10/6 @ 10 PM ET/PT โ special time
- Thurs, 10/10 @ 8 PM ET/PT
- Fri, 10/11 @ 8PM ET/PT – Memory Lane
- Sun, 10/13 @ 9:00 PM ET/PT โ Finale episode
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