Big Brother 26 Player Rankings Week 7

With a number of the Big Brother 26 houseguests remaining taking credit for getting the comp beast Tucker out, this is where we will decide who actually gets credit. And for maybe only the second time this season, the rankings are actually pretty clear. Most weeks of this season so far have been so confusing. I feel like the game and drama might have slowed down since Tucker exited, but the gameplay hasn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think this group is some of the worst players the show has ever seen, but we grade on a curve here. Someone has to be the top of the class, right?

So let’s do it, using my traditional grading scale.

Big Brother 26 Player Rankings Week 7

Chelsie: 95/100. Chelsie is once again the head of the class this week. This time it’s because SHE is the one who gets full credit for Tucker’s eviction. Not Makensy. Not Leah and definitely not Quinn.  Chelsie put the work in and Chelsie made sure they didn’t miss their shot. And on top of that, everyone is protecting Chelsie, despite her being the clear frontrunner in this game. She’s doing a lot of things right. One of them isn’t her diary room sessions, but that only matters to those of us out here. Last Week: 90

Leah: 90/100. Leah keeps hold of that second-place spot but her average increases. She won the veto this week, used it on her only true-to-her ally and showed that she is someone a lot of people might have been sleeping on. And she has Quinn and Joseph falling at her feet. And they girls all want to work with her. This was definitely Leah’s week. Last Week: 88

T’Kor: 85/100. I give T’Kor’s HOH reign a big F, but her social game is an A plus for sure. She might be losing an ally this week, but no one wants to actually touch her. They want to get rid of her close trio, so they can have her all to themselves. So that’s very impressive. And it might be a little late for her, but she’s finally woken up to Quinn and realizes he might actually be a snake like Tucker said. But the funny thing is, Quinn still wants T’Kor in the game for a long time. Last Week: 77

Cam: 82/100. Cam is seemingly going to be the last man standing this season. But that’s because Chelsie is going to make sure of that. But Cam has put in some of the work himself. He’s unassuming, not a comp beast despite the fact that he should be one, and he just hasn’t been someone anyone is worried about. Last Week: 83

Makensy: 80/100. It pains me to rank Makensy this high, but somehow, this week, she has managed to position herself nicely. But she keeps going around saying she’s a comp beast and thinks she has the house wrapped around her finger. I don’t think any of that is true, but she manages to keep staying when she probably should have been gone weeks ago. Last Week: 70

Quinn: 79/100. Quinn might be the HOH and he might think he’s in a good position, but he is at the bottom of everything he’s a part of. And the way he actually nominated Joseph this week – the one person who might not want him out ASAP – is hilariously bad. And Joseph might actually go home. Basing your whole HOH week on who did or didn’t vote Tucker out is just stupid. And keep in mind, I praised him last week. I thought it was impressive that someone who made so many blunders was still doing just fine in the game. But here he is with another week of blunders. Last Week: 85

Kimo: 77/100. Kimo could go home this week, but I think the house would rather him stay. He’s not really anyone’s target, and if he does go home it is just simply revenge for being close to Tucker. Which is really silly, but a lot of things this season is silly. Last Week: 77

Joseph: 75/100. Joseph used to be at the top of this list. I used to think he was playing a pretty good game. Those days are gone. Now I think he’s just playing a really good game in his head. If he doesn’t go home this week, he’s going home very soon, I predict. Last Week: 83

Rubina: 70/100. Rubina did herself no favors getting into a showmance so she loses points for that automatically. And this week she’s not really putting in the work to stay. Maybe she feels safe or maybe she wants to go see Tucker. Who knows, but I would like to see her step  up her game. Last Week: 69

Angela: 68/100. I still can’t give any credit to Angela. I did a few weeks ago. I thought she had really made a turn in the game. But she’s back to it with the fake tears, spiraling and paranoia. She could very well end up in that second place chair this season and I would praise that if any of this was strategy. She has had the veto winner use it on her twice, and neither time was it because Angela put in the work for that to happen. I’ll give her a few extra points this week, but that’s it. Last Week: 63

Flunked Out


How would you rank the Big Brother 26 players in Week 7?



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