Big Brother 26 Player Rankings Week 4

It’s again time to look at how the Big Brother 26 players are doing in the game as we finish out Week 4. This is the point where we can really see who has potential and who is really just going to either skate by or be an actual dud. So I think what you see in these rankings are going to look a little different from the past couple of weeks.

This has been a tough season to rank so far. Last week I was convinced everyone was playing a terrible game. And maybe they are. But someone has to win every season, so maybe this season we’ll just have to figure out who played the best worst game. I am kidding. They aren’t that bad. ย So let’s do it, using my traditional grading scale.

Chelsie: 93/100. The fact that Chelsie came off that HOH completely clean is pretty amazing. I cannot remember a Week 2 HOH ever going that smoothly. And she’s got herself really stacked up and protected. There are some cracks starting to show in that Collective alliance, and people are starting to see Chelsie as a great player, so the true test is coming up for her. Will she be able to maneuver any kind of trouble? Last Week: 88

Brooklyn: 93/100: Brooklyn is right up there with Chelsie. She has a good read on the game and is totally stacked with her alliance. But also just like Chelsie, she’s being seen as a threat a but too early in the game. Of course someone not on her side has to decide to do something about it or she will be able to get deep into the game with Chelsie. Last week: 89

T’Kor: 90/100: Wednesday while watching the Live Feeds I learned something about T’Kor and Kimo. People think they’re doing nothing in the game, but they actually are. Not only are they being somewhat protected by the large alliance, they are also very aware that they’re on the bottom of that group and are fully prepared to make a move. I just hope they don’t wait too long to do it. Last week: 85

Joseph: 89/100. Joseph thinks he’s playing a great game. SO that’s annoying. But he is doing a pretty solid job. And like T’Kor and Kimo, he knows that he’s at the bottom of The Collective. So he is leading the push to form something outside the Collective that includes Tucker. Last week: 85

Kimo: 85/100. Kimo climbs this week as I realized he knows a little more about what’s going on that I thought. And even though he won an AI Arena competition, no one seems to remember that when they discuss who all is a competition threat. So the fact that he is laying how with T’Kor while taking everything in is working for him. Last week: 79

Cam: 82/100. I find Cam to be incredibly boring. I actually “ugh’d” out loud when I realized I had to write about him. And for some reason he is getting an 82. But that’s only because he is working with the right people and no one seems to want him out. So I guess he’s doing alright. Last Week: 81

Rubina: 80/100. Rubina is well-liked and staying out of trouble and keeping her eyes open. But she decided to get a little close to Tucker and it landed her on the block. She could easily go home this week, but not because she’s playing a bad game. I think if she makes it past this eviction, she will be in a solid position. Last week: 83

Cedric: 79/100. Right now, as I write this, there are some rumblings of flipping the vote on Cedric but I don’t think that will happen. He’s got a lot of support in the house and if people were to turn on him, so many games and alliances would be blown up. That would be fun to see, but I don’t think that will happen this early. Last week: 77

Tucker: 77/100. If this was based solely on competitions, Tucker would have a 99.9. But since he’s proving to only be good at competitions, here’s where he lands. If he were to show some strategy and be willing to play the boring parts of Big Brother wisely, he would be a force. But all those comp wins can’t be overlooked. Last week: 70

Makensy: 76/100. Makensy basically has no game. Which is kind of a shame because she understands the game and the dynamics. She could be a real asset to a group of people, but she is sitting on the block this week and will likely go home if she doesn’t win the Arena competition. Last Week: 80

Leah: 72/100. Leah continues to just exist in the house. She had a real moment at the start that made it seem like she was going to really do well in the game, but now she has no alliances and isn’t really trying to make any sort of progress, it seems. ย Last Week: 71

Quinn: 70/100. Quinn has had flop moment after flop moment. From outing his power to too many people to missing his target this week, he has just not really lived up to the hype he put on himself. And now his closest allies are even skeptical of him. Last Week: 70

Angela: 70/100. Angela is no longer failing the class! Not only did she win the HOH competition, she also managed to go from everyone’s main target to basically everyone’s pawn. That’s not an impressive game, but she has definitely improved. Last week: 60

Flunked Out


How would you rank the Big Brother 26 players in Week 4?




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