Big Brother 26 Player Rankings Week 2

Big Brother 26 so far has been a tough season for ranking players, because every time someone does something impressive, they tend to turn around and do something really silly. So, this week I’m going to just look at how people have done in competitions and how they’re doing socially. There really isn’t much to say about strategy at this point, so these rankings will likely be all over the place.

So, like last week, bear with me with these rankings. Some of them probably won’t make sense. But let’s do it, using my traditional grading scale.

Joseph: 92/100. Right now, Joseph remains at the top of the class because he isn’t on anyone’s radar and he has a pretty solid working relationship with many of the houseguests. He also seems to be thinking long-term, as he’s the only person I’ve seen mapping out his preferred boot order. So far, I’m pretty impressed with Joseph. Last Week: 90

T’Kor: 91/100.ย I would classify T’Kor the same way I have Joseph. She has also managed to stay under the radar and seems to be killing the social game. I couldn’t imagine anyone targeting her at the moment, even though her name came up a couple times as a pawn. But even that didn’t happen. I didn’t know where to really place her last week, but since then I’ve gotten some clarity on her game. Last Week: 75

Chelsie: 89/100. Chelise gets a big boost this week for winning the HOH competition and managing to not fall victim to that Week 2 HOH curse we’ve seen recently. She has managed to keep her HOH relatively drama free, and some how managed to not be anyone’s upcoming target. That’s pretty impressive. She played her cards right with the nominees and had a pretty easy go as HOH. Maybe that was too easy? But regardless she holds the third spot this week. Last Week: 82

Brooklyn: 88/100. I think Brooklyn could be positioned almost better than anyone else. I am not totally sure though, so I can’t put her any higher currently. As soon as I see some strategy from her, she could easily shoot to the top of the class. Last Week: 74

Cedric: 87/100. There’s a whole group of people just laying low and building their social games. That is pretty easy when you have someone like Angela blowing up the house constantly. But Cedric joins that group. Right now he’s making relationships and solid alliances that should be able to get him deep into this game. Last Week: 82

Rubina: 87/100. Rubina should maybe be a little higher, but of all the people laying low, she might be laying too low. At least for me to get a better grasp on how she’s playing. But everyone seems to like her and she’s in a good position at the moment. Last Week: 74

Cam: 85/100. Cam drops this week because he is getting too involved with Leah, or trying to. I still think he’s in a good place, but as soon as someone starts considering any form of a showmance, they lose massive points. That being said, he does have some solid relationships in the game, and I think he’s one to watch. Last Week: 88

Tucker: 83/100. Tucker is doing pretty well socially. But I can’t rank anyone who volunteers to go up as a pawn any higher than this. And Tucker also doesn’t seem to be on to hold onto any kind of information. So I think he’s entertaining and fun to watch, but I don’t see him having what it takes to make it deep into this game. Last Week: 78

Kimo: 81/100. Kimo climbs this week after winning the AI Arena competition that secured his safety last week. He wasn’t going home anyway, but that win really boosted him in the game and I think he will be able to ride that wave for a bit. Everyone seems to like him also. But he did spill some important information so I’m not sure if he will be able to get that far without being super trustworthy. Last Week: 70

Quinn: 80/100. Quinn falls this week as more and more people are learning about his power. And all of his alliances will also catch up to him. On paper, he looks good, but he’s not really holding up to his resume. He’s playing a bit messy and that never works out in this game. Last Week: 85

Leah: 79/100.ย Leah plummets this week after being on the wrong side of the vote last week and making some questionable decisions this week. She’s also being weird about Cam and Tucker on the showmance front. I just think last week she seemed to be very promising to a lot of people, and has quickly tanked. I do think she has potential to regroup and climb back up, but we’ll have to wait and see. Last Week: 89

Kenney: 77/100. Kenney is ONLY this high because he won the Power of Veto. But before and after that win, he’s talked about wanting to go home. And I just can’t support that. I would like to rank him even lower than this, but I am taking that veto win into account. He could have very well went home this week had he not won. Of course he would have been happy with that… Last Week: 60

Makensy: 70/100. Makensy is a tough one to rank, because she seems like someone who would be a powerhouse in the game. But ever since she aligned with Matt, her game just hasn’t taken off. And she has that power, but everyone knows about it. She still has potential, but right now she’s kind of a dunce. Last Week: 69

Lisa: 60/100. I am not sure what went wrong with Lisa exactly. I guess everyone just finds her annoying and then on top of that she won a veto, so now she is seen as a threat. Regardless of the reason, there’s no coming back for Lisa. She’s not the kind of player to be able to crawl back from the bottom. She’s toast this week or soon after. Last Week: 72

Angela: 59/100.ย I can’t say anything about Angela that she hasn’t shown us all. There has been a trend of really had first HOHs in the past several years, but she might just take the cake. Even when she is maybe OK and not going home she turns around and does something to make herself the target again. She should be playing so poorly that she gets to stay longer than she should though. And if that was a strategy and not just who she is, I would maybe add a few points to her ranking. But I don’t think that’s the case. Last Week: 59



How would you rank the Big Brother 26 players in Week 2?




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