Big Brother 26: Nomination Anticipation In Week 5

It is Week 5 of Big Brother 26 and after Thursday night’s blindside eviction, all the houseguests competed in the wall endurance competition for Head of Household! This week’s Head of Household has made their plans clear to the Big Brother houseguests they are closest with and a target has been named. Read on to find out which houseguests will be put on the block at Friday’s Nomination Ceremony on Big Brother and who this week’s target is! It might not be who you think it is!

If you watched the Big Brother live feeds for Thursday night, you know that the wall competition came down to Tucker and Quinn in an epic showdown for power. Tucker and Quinn had both said they felt like they could beat the other in this competition, but only one of them came out on top. Unfortunately, the feeds went down and we missed the very end of the competition, but based on what the HGs talked about when the feeds came back up, there was some back and forth between Tucker and Quinn right at the end.

Tucker and a few other HGs discussed Tucker offering Quinn a deal this week if he dropped off the wall, he would be safe this week. Quinn continued to hold on and was convinced that he could win it all. However, moments later, Quinn fell off the wall making Tucker the HOH for Week 5 of Big Brother.

Before the HGs went outside for the HOH competition, Brooklyn attempted to do some damage control with Rubina. Unfortunately for her, she only managed to frustrate Tucker and Rubina by claiming T’Kor and Kimo told her to vote Rubina out this week. Tucker didn’t like the fact that Brooklyn was still trying to get into Rubina’s head after the eviction. T’Kor and Kimo didn’t like the fact that Brooklyn was throwing them under the bus with someone that they had worked really hard to save.

After the HOH competition, Tucker told Rubina, T’Kor, Kimo, Angela, and Joseph that he was going to nominate Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn this week. Many people expect Quinn to be this week’s target. However, during a conversation between Tucker and Quinn, Tucker promised that he would use the Veto on Quinn if he won it and keep him safe. There was one stipulation to this, Quinn wasn’t allowed to tell anyone Tucker’s plan.

So if Quinn isn’t Tucker’s target this week, after two weeks of going back and forth, then who is? Joseph had mentioned to Tucker that keeping Quinn safe this week and taking either Cam or Brooklyn out this week is better for their game because Quinn is still a bigger target than they are. As of now, Brooklyn seems to be the number one target. If she or any of the nominees come off the block, Tucker currently plans to put Chelsie on the block in their place, but we know how fast this game could change.

Do you think that Tucker’s nomination plans this week are what’s best for his game?

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