Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 13: Thursday Night Highlights

After Rubina’s not-so-surprising eviction on Thursday night, the F3 Big Brother 26 houseguests went on to record their F3 memory lane dinner and competed in Round 1 of the Final HOH of the season. When the Big Brother feeds returned after the competition, one houseguest seemed extremely worried about their ability to hold their own in the end. Read on to find out who won Round 1 and get the details of the discussions the BB26 F3 had on Thursday night!

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, October 10, 2024:

11:38 PM BBT – The feeds return after Round 1 of the Final HOH. Everyone is covered in slime.

11:45 PM BBT – Chelsie confirms that she won Round 1 of the Final HOH. Cam and Makensy will face off in Round 2.

12:00 AM BBT – Sounds like the F3 are getting Mexican take-out for dinner on Friday. We also got confirmation that the F3 memory lane dinner happened before Round 1 took place.

12:05 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie she has to win tomorrow (Round 2). She also says she did terrible in Round 1 (sounds like she was the first to fall). Chelsie and Makensy agree that they both thought that Cam would win Round 1.

12:15 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie that it would be embarrassing if she came all this way and then couldn’t hold her own by winning at least one round. Chelsie trys to give her a peptalk and tells her to breathe.

12:40 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie that it might sound stupid, but she doesn’t want to win Round 2 for herself, she wants to win it for Chelsie (ummm, what?).

12:55 AM BBT – Apparently the instructions for Round 1 came out of a fax machine.

1:20 AM BBT – Makensy and Cam talk about losing Round 1. Cam says that Thursday night comps aren’t his thing but he thinks he will win tomorrow. Makensy tells him that her biggest fear is to make it this far and then bomb at the end. Cam says his biggest fear was being voted out Week 1.

2:00 AM BBT – Not much going on in the house right now. Cam has gone to bed.

2:35 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie about a dream she had that Cam hit a button and beat her in a comp. She talks about being worried about losing tomorrow (again). She says that she didn’t think she was going to win Round 1 and that Chelsie would. Makensy is also questioning evicting Rubina.

2:40 AM BBT – Makensy thinks that Cam is really trying to win now. Chelsie says that Cam doesn’t expect to win BB26 and Makensy tells her that Cam thinks one of them (her or Chelsie) deserve it.

2:45 AM BBT – Chelsie asks how Makensy thinks Rubina would have done in Round 1. Makensy says she thinks she would have done better than Cam. Chelsie says that the worst thing that can happen at this point is she will have to beat Cam in Round 3. Says she feels good about that scenario.

2:50 AM BBT – Makensy is off to bed.

2:55 AM BBT – Chelsie is now getting into bed. Lights out for the F3.

Makensy was the first one eliminated in Round 1 of the Final HOH competition and is feeling quite nervous about her chances against Cam in Round 2. She thinks that Cam is no longer throwing competitions and fighting to win now which seems to have her second-guessing her choice of keeping him over Rubina. Based on talks inside the house and the lack of time between now and finale night, Round 2 will likely take place sometime on Friday. Stay tuned for results!

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