Week 12 of Big Brother 26 is going about as well as we expect at this stage in the game. There isn’t much game talk to be had at this point, but a big decision still needs to be made on Thursday night on BB26. Chelsie and Makensy had a few short moments to chat about which Big Brother houseguest should make F3 and whether the Jury will respect that they were the ones who dragged Cam and Rubina to the end.
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Monday, October 7, 2024:
5:30 PM BBT – Makensy is awake now. The F4 are hanging out in the HOH room talking about cooking shows. This prompts Cam to ask where popcorn kernals come from. None of them seem to know the answer.
6:05 PM BBT – The F4 are all talking about jobs they have had. Cam talks about all the jobs he applied for and mentions that he applied to be an HVAC technician, but didn’t know what HVAC was. Makensy had to explain to him what it was.
6:25 PM BBT – Chelsie and Makensy are trying to figure out how to play backgammon. Rubina and Cam are both playing solitaire.
7:18 PM BBT – Makensy beat Chelsie in backgammon. Cam and Rubina are still playing solitaire on separate sides of the HOH room.
7:40 PM BBT – They are currently arguing about whether or not they count Sunday as one of the days they have left in the house. Whether they have five or six days left in the house is a huge debate. Somehow Makensy thinks it’s only four days…
8:00 PM BBT – Rubina and Cam are playing war while Chelsie waits for Makensy to come back upstairs. Chelsie is rigging the deck of cards so she can beat Makensy in war.
8:10 PM BBT – Makensy loses at war against Chelsie, but Chelsie can’t keep a straight face.
9:05 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that if Rubina stays and wins the Final HOH, she will win the game sitting next to either of them. Makensy agrees.
9:15 PM BBT – Makensy says that Cam and Rubina haven’t done anything all season. Chelsie says they might not have done anything, but they are still there. The Jury will see that. Makensy says that Rubina and Cam are only there because of Makensy and Chelsie though and the Jury will respect their game more because of that.
9:30 PM BBT – Cam and Rubina are back in the HOH room.
10:30 PM BBT – Cam is performing magic tricks with the cards.
11:55 PM BBT – Still a lot of general conversations going on inside the HOH room.
1:00 AM BBT – The HGs are talking about “The Bachelor.”
2:35 AM BBT – Talks have shifted to “Love is Blind” and Rubina is the only one of the four that would go on that show. Makensy said she wouldn’t because of the height requirement she has for the men she dates.
3:20 AM BBT – Makensy brings up Angela’s blowup on the stairs during Week 1 again.
4:00 AM BBT – The HGs are still up and hanging out in the HOH room, talking and playing cards.
4:12 AM BBT – Cam is heading to bed. He lets Rubina know what time it is and she decides to go to bed as well.
4:15 AM BBT – Makensy heads downstairs to get ready for bed as well.
4:25 AM BBT – Rubina asks Makensy if they can talk after they get some sleep. Makensy says of course.
4:30 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie about Rubina asking to talk. Chelsie wonders why she waited this long to say something. Makensy doesn’t understand it either.
4:35 AM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that she is nervous that whoever they keep this week will win the final HOH and cut one of them. Makensy agrees that she is also worried about that.
4:40 AM BBT – Chelsie mentions that Cam hasn’t had to win anything to get to the end and he hasn’t pissed anyone off in the Jury. Says that was a good strategy for Cam and it’s something that Cam will use in his F2 speech if he makes it there.
4:45 AM BBT – Makensy asks Chelsie if she is more comfortable sitting next to Rubina or Cam in F2 if one of them doesn’t win the final HOH. Chelsie says Cam because Rubina has had to survived the block so many times and she is so well liked in Jury.
It sounds like Chelsie might be hinting at reasons why Cam should be evicted, but she has also hinted that Rubina would win if she was in one of the F2 chairs. Makensy and Chelsie think that Rubina has a better argument as to why she should win. Makensy also doesn’t like that Rubina waited so long to talk to her post-Veto.
At this point, Makensy is leaning toward evicting Rubina on Thursday night, but there is still a lot of time between now and then. We will likely see this decision flip-flop a lot throughout the next couple of days as Makensy and Chelsie continue to stress about which one is a bigger threat in F3.
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