Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 10: Thursday Night Highlights

It is officially Week 10 inside the Big Brother 26 house and we are down to the F7 houseguests. We have a new Head of Household in place and this week they have a pretty clear plan as to which Big Brother houseguest they would like to target. Read on to get all the details from the HOH’s one-on-ones and find out who will likely hit the block this week on BB26!

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, September 19, 2024:

8:47 PM BBT – Feeds return from the live show. Leah and Makensy are celebrating. Makensy is our HOH for Week 10 of Big Brother.

8:49 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she feels like most of the house want Kimo out. Says that she doesn’t know if Kimo and Angela have something so she thinks that putting the two of them up together is the best move this week.

8:52 PM BBT – Leah is already pushing against putting Angela up. Says that Angela would never put her up and she is a solid number for Makensy.

8:55 PM BBT – Cam and Chelsie are talking about how T’Kor being evicted was a loss for them. Cam says that he didn’t want to fight too hard and Makensy was really threatened by her. Looks like they are unpacking their stuff from Jankie World.

8:56 PM BBT – Meanwhile, Leah is telling Makensy that she is more worried about Chelsie and the fact that she is playing both sides of the house. She is also worried that Cam and Chelsie will keep Kimo over Angela. Leah wonders what happens if Kimo wins Veto and Makensy tells her then Rubina will go up.

9:08 PM BBT – Makensy mentions that she needs one more comp win so Tucker can’t say he was the comp beast of the season.

9:10 PM BBT – Kimo, Cam, Rubina, and Makensy are speculating about why Ainsley is red now. They also talk about how she destroyed Jankie when she got back.

9:15 PM BBT – Chelsie and Leah are talking about how they both felt like crap after their HOH’s because they both got two likeable players out of the house.

9:17 PM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that she wants Angela gone this week. Says that she has to put Kimo up so they can’t save each other. Says that Kimo will have the votes to stay.

9:20 PM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that she almost wants a split vote so she can be the one to evict Angela.

9:33 PM BBT – Makensy is talking to Kimo now. She fills him in on her plan to get Angela out this week with him as a pawn. Says that she is purposely misleading Leah into thinking that Angela would be safe this week, but everyone else has his back.

9:37 PM BBT – Kimo asks Makensy how he should interact with people this week and she tells him that she is telling Angela she is a pawn. If she asks him what he was told, just to tell her he wasn’t told anything, just that he was going up. She doesn’t want Angela freaking out.

9:42 PM BBT – Makensy is now filling Cam in on her plan to put Kimo and Angela up and that she told Kimo he would be fine. Asks Cam who he would want gone and he tells her that he is good with voting Angela out. Says if he won, he would have done the same thing.

9:50 PM BBT – Chelsie, Makensy, Cam, Rubina, and Kimo are all debating the finale date. They think that the finale is October 17th (it’s the 13th).

10:10 PM BBT – Makensy is going over what she wants to say to Angela with Rubina. Says she wants to keep it short and sweet.

10:30 PM BBT – The HGs are all eating.

11:30 PM BBT – Rubina and Kimo are talking about T’Kor. Kimo mentions that they should try to think about the positives of T’Kor being in the Jury House.

12:05 AM BBT – It’s time for Makensy’s HOH room reveal. Her letter is from her mom and dad.

1:00 AM BBT – Everyone is still in the HOH room. They are talking about the HOH comp.

1:30 AM BBT – Angela calls it a night. Makensy tells her that they can have their one-on-one in the morning.

1:35 AM BBT – Everyone else heads downstairs. The backyard is open and back to normal.

2:05 AM BBT – Kimo tells Rubina that he thinks there were deals made between Leah and some of the others that made T’Kor the only renom option.

2:10 AM BBT – Angela is sitting in her bed telling Makensy how happy she is that she won HOH this week.

2:15 AM BBT – Kimo tells Rubina that he is going to be a pawn this week. Says that he does believe Makensy when she tells them she wants it to be the three of them and Chelsie in the F4.

2:35 AM BBT – Makensy comes outside to tell Kimo and Rubina good night and that she didn’t have a chance to talk to Angela tonight but she will tomorrow.

2:45 AM BBT – Rubina and Kimo are talking about targeting Leah during the DE. They know that Makensy can’t be the one to put her up and the DE is their chance to make a move. They also talk about how it’s good for them if Angela goes this week because they both told her they wouldn’t put her up so it can’t be them that does it.

3:00 AM BBT – Kimo tells Rubina that this will be his fifth time on the block. Rubina says it’s going to be Angela’s sixth. Says she doesn’t think Angela sees it coming because she seems fine.

3:25 AM BBT – Kimo and Rubina head inside to get a snack.

Makensy already had a plan in place by the time the feeds came back up from the HOH competition. Makensy has convinced Leah that Angela is only a pawn this week, but can she also convince Angela of this? That conversation will be taking place on Friday morning, but Makensy seems set in her plan to put Kimo and Angela on the block together with Angela being her target.

Makensy has reassured Kimo that while Leah doesn’t want to see Angela go this week, the rest of the house has Kimo’s back. Cam confirmed with Makensy that he is good with voting Angela out this week over Angela if the noms should stay the same. It is going to come down to the Veto Competition this week and if Angela wins, Makensy is going to have to rethink he plan. Makensy mentioned that she would also like to see Leah go, but for Jury management reasons, she can’t be the one to put her up. Could this change if Angela pulls off another comp win? We’ll have to wait and see!

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