It was a slow night inside the Big Brother 26 house as more talks about the vote and forming alliances continued. There still doesn’t seem to be a solid decision about which Big Brother houseguest will be voted out this week, but one of this week’s nominees might not be as safe as they think. The BB26 houseguests spent a lot of time playing games to pass the time, but in between, there was some game talk.
Read on to find out what the houseguests had to say below!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights ā Tuesday, September 3, 2024:
4:25 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina about her chat with Chelsie and says that she thinks Rubina will likely have the votes to stay if she is still on the block after the AI Arena.
4:30 PM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor talk about wanting to lockdown the all-girls alliance tomorrow, tonight if they can (they have been talking about this alliance for weeks).
4:35 PM BBT – Rubina thinks they need to talk to Leah about the all-girls alliance. T’Kor thinks that when they get down to six it will be MJ, Leah, and Angela versus T’Kor, Rubina, and Chelsie.
4:40 PM BBT – T’Kor says that if there is an opportunity to take Quinn out next week since he isn’t playing in the HOH, it will be their best shot. Rubina agrees.
4:45 PM BBT – T’Kor says that it would be best for their game if Kimo could stay this week too. She says that if he is up next to Joseph, they could have the votes to keep Kimo.
4:50 PM BBT – Chelise, Kimo, MJ, Leah, and Angela are all in the living room going over days and events.
5;30 PM BBT – Joseph is campaigning to MJ. MJ tells him that she’s good with him but she hasn’t checked with anyone about what they’re doing. She says that she doesn’t think Joseph is the target this week.
5:40 PM BBT – MJ tells Chelsie that Joseph told her that he thinks she (MJ) has his back this week. She told him he does, because this week, she does. She says she doesn’t know what anyone else is planning and Chelsie says that she only knows Cam is keeping Joseph.
5:45 PM BBT – MJ and Chelsie agrees that they should vote Kimo out this week, but if Kimo wins AI Arena, they should vote out Joseph because Rubina won’t go after them.
6:00 PM BBT – Chelsie says now that she thinks about it, Rubina is the glue that holds that trio together. Says that T’Kor and Kimo wouldn’t know what to do without her.
6:45 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Kimo that if it’s him and Joseph, Kimo has her vote. Rubina joins and Chelsie tells them she thinks the two of them have a good chance of winning the AI Arena this week and she really doesn’t think that it’s going to come to a Kimo versus Rubina vote on Thursday.
6:55 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Kimo if she thinks anything is going to shift, she will let him know. Kimo tells her that he is protecting Chelsie, T’Kor and Rubina.
7:00 PM BBT – Most of the HGs are in the kitchen. Some are cooking while Cam and Joseph play Jenga.
7:35 PM BBT – Kimo asks T’Kor if she thinks he should be worried at all. She tells him that he needs to make sure that he secures votes in case Rubina since AI Arena and he’s sitting next to Joseph. Says he would have her, Rubina, and Chelsie.
7:55 PM BBT – Angela tells Kimo that she feels like there should be a rule that a HG can’t be a HN more than twice in a season (Kimo has been three times now). She says that she thinks HNs will end soon.
8:40 PM BBT – Dinner time for the HGs.
8:55 PM BBT – Angela keeps mentioning how good dinner is, meanwhile, Kimo is lying on a pool floaty by the door for the backyard.
9:10 PM BBT – Rubina is in the bathroom with T’Kor and Joseph walks in. She’s emotional because it would have been her mother’s birthday. She hopes her mom is proud of her.
9:15 PM BBT – Chelsie is camtalking and making her predictions. She thinks Kimo will win AI Arena and that Rubina will be evicted over Joseph. She also thinks that Cam will win the next HOH.
9:30 PM BBT – Rubina tells Angela that Joseph is rubbing people the wrong way by saying he can beat all the girls in the house.
9:40 PM BBT – Angela doesn’t understand why Quinn would put Joseph on the block. Rubina says she doesn’t think Quinn knew that Leah was going to use the Veto. Angela says that Quinn and Leah were in the HOH for a long time the night before so she isn’t sure about that.
9:50 PM BBT – Angela tells Rubina about Joseph telling her that he was surprised she is still in the house and that Joseph is part of the reason she was on the block this week.
9:55 PM BBT – The HGs are now playing Charades.
11:40 PM BBT – Chelsie and Angela are talking about if Joseph or Kimo go this week then it will be 6 women and 3 men left in the house. Chelsie asks, wouldn’t it be great if the women left got to the end and Angela says she is down.
11:50 PM BBT – Quinn asks Leah, Chelsie, Cam, and MJ to meet him upstairs to discuss the vote.
11:55 PM BBT – Quinn asks Chelsie not to vote out Joseph. Chelsie says she needs to see where the rest of the house is at but she thinks that Leah, Cam, and MJ will vote to keep Joseph.
12:05 AM BBT – Leah joins the conversation in the HOH room. Quinn asks her how Joseph is doing and she tells him, Chelsie, and Cam that he’s really paranoid.
12:10 AM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor have been sitting outside the HOH room noticing everyone walking in. T’Kor says that if MJ goes in there it confirms that they are forming an alliance. Kimo comes upstairs, T’Kor tells him to go into the HOH and her and Rubina follow as MJ walks in.
12:35 AM BBT – Chelsie tells T’Kor that Cam is mean to her all day and he’s getting pet by other women in the house at night. She talks about how Tucker had boundaries when it came to how he interacted with the other women in the house. She wonders if what Cam has told her is just him making sure she stays a vote for him.
12:40 AM BBT – Chelsie says she doesn’t think MJ is aware that her actions toward Cam bother her. (Chelsie left the HOH shortly after Cam laid next to MJ in the HOH bed.)
12:50 AM BBT – Chelsie says that she isn’t upset with Cam on a game level, she is on a personal level. Talks turn to game and T’Kor tells Chelsie that she would like to keep Kimo as long as she can in this game, but her priorities are Chelsie and Rubina. Chelsie says that Quinn wants to keep Joseph, but she isn’t a fan of Joseph.
1:00 AM BBT – Talks about the all-girls alliance start (again) and Chelsie says she is onboard with it. She thinks all the other girls will be too but they should solidify it next week in case a guy wins HOH and hears about it.
1:40 PM BBT – Quinn gets emotional about someone else being evicted after having everyone hanging out in the HOH room.
2:15 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina that Chelsie thought the girls alliance would be formed next week in case a guy wins HOH. Says if a guy wins and finds out about the alliance, then three girls could go up. They talk about ways Rubina could approach the other women and explain that she won’t vote against or put them up if she wins HOH.
2:35 AM BBT – T’Kor says that regardless of him putting Rubina and Kimo on the block, she feels like she could have a good relationship with him in this game.
3:00 AM BBT – T’Kor promises Rubina that her and Chelsie have her back this week.
3:20 AM BBT – MJ leaves the HOH room leaving Joseph and Quinn. Quinn tells Joseph that he is safe this week. Says that they weren’t able to make a decision on who goes, but that Cam, Leah, Chelsie, and MJ all agreed to keep Joseph.
3:30 AM BBT – Joseph tells Quinn that Leah likely lost Jury votes this week for using the Veto on the most hated person in the house.
3:35 AM BBT – Quinn and Joseph talk about how Chelsie’s game has been weakened with the way things have worked out. Quinn says that she is rebuilding though and thinks that she is pulling Cam, MJ, and T’Kor in.
3:50 AM BBT – Joseph thinks it would be funny for him and Quinn to have a fake falling out over them both having feelings for Leah.
4:00 AM BBT – Joseph says that he thought he was the most insulated person in the house and then corrects himself and says he is the 3rd most insulated person (meanwhile he is sitting on the block).
4:05 AM BBT – Joseph tells Quinn that he isn’t throwing anymore comps moving forward.
4:10 AM BBT – Joseph and Quinn call it a night.
While Joseph remains pretty paranoid about how this week is going to play out, he still feels like he is a well-insulated player inside the house. What he doesn’t realize is that in at least one voting scenario, he could find himself sitting next to Julie on Thursday night. There are still talks about solidifying an all-girls alliance, but Chelsie seems to think it’s smarter for them to wait until next week. This likely has a lot to do with the fact that she plans to vote Rubina out if she is sitting next to Joseph on Thursday night.
Eviction Eve usually brings a lot of flip-flopping so there is still time for these scenarios to change. There has been some mild campaigning throughout the last few days since the Veto Ceremony took place, but we could expect that to pick up a bit on Wednesday.
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