It’s been a busy night inside the Big Brother 26 house with the new Head of Household holding one-on-ones and coming up with a plan of attack. After Thursday night’s live vote and eviction, there was a lot of damage control going on between some of the Big Brother houseguests but will it have any impact on this week’s plan? Read on to get the details of what the houseguests talked about and how Week 5 of Big Brother could play out!
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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 15, 2024:
6:40 PM BBT – Feeds return from the live show. The HGs are waiting for the HOH Comp to start. Brooklyn is doing damage control with Rubina.
6:45 PM BBT – Makensy is checking in with T’Kor. Makensy wants to make sure everyone is good because everyone seems very conflicted over evicting Cedric. T’Kor says she was conflicted and she had no idea that they had the votes.
6:52 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Kimo that she just wishes someone would have told her that the vote was flipping.
7:03 PM BBT – Tucker, T’Kor, and Kimo are talking about HOH. Kimo says that everyone is nervous it’s the wall, but he doesn’t think that anyone except for Tucker is actually ready for it.
7:05 PM BBT – Chelsie and Brooklyn are telling Makensy that Leah is freaking out right now because she was saying that she was voting one way and then voted the other.
7:12 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Brooklyn and Makensy that she can’t believe that Joseph flipped. Meanwhile, T’Kor and Kimo are talking about telling Tucker and Rubina why everyone is so mad at them for Cedric’s eviction.
7:17 PM BBT – Kimo tells Tucker that him, T’Kor, and Joseph were part of the big alliance. Tucker says that it’s cool and he trusts them. After Tucker leaves the room, T’Kor says that she was uncomfortable with Kimo telling Tucker that. He tells her that he wanted to tell him before one of them did.
7:25 PM BBT – Makensy tells T’Kor and Kimo that she hopes Quinn or Angela don’t win HOH. Says she knows that Angela has been nice to her, but Makensy is also an easy nom for her.
7:28 PM BBT – Rubina tells Tucker that Brooklyn said if T’Kor and Kimo didn’t tell her that they were voting Rubina out, she would have voted to keep her too. Makensy tells Tucker and Rubina that she clocked everyone’s reaction when she won.
7:32 PM BBT – Brooklyn comes in and reiterates what she told Rubina earlier to Tucker.
7:35 PM BBT – Brooklyn pulls Rubina aside and continues to try and convince her that she wouldn’t have voted her out if she knew they had the votes to keep her. Brooklyn tells Rubina that T’Kor and Kimo won’t even look at her.
7:45 PM BBT – Chelsie joins the conversation. Brooklyn fills her in on what they are talking about. Chelsie says that she probably would have still thrown Cedric a sympathy vote. Rubina says she understands that.
7:50 PM BBT – T’Kor asks Cam if he is mad at her and he tells her absolutely not. Says that he knows they were close to Rubina and this game is all about who you want to continue playing with.
7:55 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo and T’Kor that Brooklyn just told Rubina that T’Kor and Kimo told her to vote Rubina out. Rubina and Leah come in and confirm that’s what was just said. Leah tells them that they know it’s a lie. Rubina reassures them that she trusts them (T’Kor and Kimo) more than Brooklyn and Chelsie.
8:02 PM BBT – Feeds cut to animal loops for HOH prep!
9:55 PM BBT – Feeds return from the HOH Comp. Tucker has the HOH key around his neck.
10:07 PM BBT – Joseph tells Kimo that they made the right choice this week. Kimo thanks him for voting with them.
10:17 PM BBT – Joseph and Tucker celebrate in the storage room. Joseph mentions that Quinn should have taken the deal. Tucker goes into the kitchen and gives Angela and Kimo a hug. Says that everyone should be nervous except his group.
10:20 PM BBT – Kimo is reading over what the HNs can have for the week (the list was updated). Him, Joseph, and Angela are HNs this week.
10:30 PM BBT – Leah tells Quinn not to be so hard on himself and that he did great. Chelsie says that she thinks they made the wall comp harder because people usually last longer.
10:55 PM BBT – Makensy is telling Cam, Angela, and Brooklyn that she thinks that BBAI Arena might be done because the powers were only for four weeks. She does think another twist is coming though.
11:10 PM BBT – Brooklyn mentions that if the upcoming eviction is the last one before Jury, that Angela made it. Chelsie thinks the noms will be Quinn, Leah, and Makensy but Cam doesn’t think Makensy will go up. Brooklyn mentions that Tucker wants to work with floaters.
11:15 PM BBT – Brooklyn says that Tucker can’t play in the next HOH and says that if the twist is done, then they need to BD him next week. Cam says that they would give Tucker a battle back because there is no way they are going to lose these ratings.
11:20 PM BBT – Cam says that if one of them wins Veto, another wins BBAI Arena, then an innocent person will go home. Brooklyn says then they would be back on track.
11:22 PM BBT – Quinn tells T’Kor that Tucker told him if he dropped that he would be safe.
11:26 PM BBT – They think that Tucker, T’Kor, and Kimo knew the entire time that they were going to vote out Cedric. Chelsie tells Cam that she doesn’t think Tucker will put him up but she thinks that she could be a renom option. Cam thinks that Chelsie will be safe from the initial noms.
11:35 PM BBT – Rubina tells T’Kor that it’s going to get messy this week. Says she is so grateful to still be in the house and thanks T’Kor for helping her stay.
11:55 PM BBT – Brooklyn again pushes to Rubina that she only voted to evict her because T’Kor and Kimo said they were too.
12:02 AM BBT – Joseph tells T’Kor and Kimo that he loves Cedric but he never should have volunteered to go on the block. Joseph is glad they flipped and says that as T’Kor and Kimo said, he didn’t come here to be on the bottom of an alliance, especially one he started.
12:05 AM BBT – T’Kor says that she would like to keep Chelsie safe this week. Joseph says that Chelsie handled it well and so did Cam. Says the only one who came at him sideways was Brooklyn. Kimo notes that she came at them all.
12:15 AM BBT – Brooklyn tells Tucker that she has not lied to anyone in the house and even told Rubina that she didn’t think they had the votes because she thought that’s how it was going. Tucker tells her that when he heard the vote count he started taking his bracelet off to give to Rubina. He was shocked that Cedric was evicted. He tells Brooklyn that his target is Quinn, but he will hear everyone out.
12:17 AM BBT – Brooklyn tells Tucker that she would rather work with him beause he is a strong, smart player. She mentions that there are a lot of people playing both sides of the house like Joseph, T’Kor, and Kimo.
12:20 AM BBT – Tucker tells Cam that he has one person he is going after and is hoping to hear suggestions about others to put up.
12:25 AM BBT – Cam tells Tucker that he would never volunteer to go up no matter how good his connections to people in the house were. Says that if people had the chance to take him out, they would.
12:28 AM BBT – Tucker tells Cam that if he goes up, he would be a pawn. Says that if he wins the Veto, he would use it on Cam. He says he doesn’t want to put Cam up, so he is hoping someone offers.
12:35 AM BBT – Tucker tells Chelsie that he needs a pawn. She asks if he is thinking about using her and he reminds her that he did when she was HOH. Says he offered to be a pawn so they can talk game, but they haven’t. He says he is going after the best players and even though she won an HOH, it was luck and that’s not on his radar.
12:40 AM BBT – Tucker asks if Chelsie has any suggestions on who to put up. She says that if he is looking to get Quinn out, he should put up a physical competitor and a mental one because Quinn has both.
12:45 AM BBT – Tucker mentions that Quinn said he would throw his whole game for Leah in Week 1. Chelsie asks if he would consider putting them up together and Tucker says yes. Chelsie mentions that she loves Brooklyn, but they don’t have a F2, says she doesn’t have any F2s because it’s too early and isn’t in any alliances.
12:50 AM BBT – Tucker tells Joseph that people have been talking to him about Joseph, T’Kor, and Kimo. Tucker tells him that he is going after Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn this week and he is fine with any of them going. Joseph says that if Tucker does that, they should sent Cam or Brooklyn home because Quinn is still a big target.
1:00 AM BBT – Tucker tells Joseph that Brooklyn was able to get into Rubina’s head, even after the vote, and she is his number one target right now.
1:07 AM BBT – Brooklyn tells Chelsie that if it’s them and Quinn, they have to take themselves down. Chelsie says she thinks Cam is going up.
1:15 AM BBT – Tucker gets his HOH room. His letter is from his Dad.
1:45 AM BBT – Rubina tells Kimo that it was feeling really fake in the HOH room. They are both happy for Tucker and sayd he needed this. Rubina tells Kimo that Brooklyn called Kimo and T’Kor flip-floppers and said they go wherever they need to. Says she isn’t believing what Brooklyn is saying, just making it seem like she does.
2:15 AM BBT – Cam tells Chelsie that Makensy is coming to sleep in their room so they will have to watch what they say. Says Makensy will report back to Tucker.
2:20 AM BBT – Leah is in the HOH room talking to Tucker and throwing Cam’s name under the bus.
2:25 AM BBT – Tucker tells Leah that Chelsie doesn’t like her. Leah is not happy about this. Tucker says that he has gone along with what Chelsie has said, but he loves Leah.
2:30 AM BBT – Brooklyn wonders to Chelsie if they should tell Tucker about The Collective (he already knows).
2:35 AM BBT – Tucker tells Quinn that he has to put him up this week, but he doesn’t want Quinn to go. Says he will use the Veto on him if he wins it and put up a social threat.
2:55 AM BBT – Tucker tells Angela his nomination plans. Tucker is confused by Brooklyn would even mention Kimo’s name to him and Angela mentions that Brooklyn called her weak and gullible. Tucker tells Angela that he told Quinn to keep his mouth shut this week and he will use the Veto on Quinn, but if it gets back to him that he has told anyone anything, Quinn will stay up.
3:05 AM BBT – Tucker tells Makensy she has nothing to worry about this week.
3:10 AM BBT – Leah tells Chelsie that she feels bad for voting out Cedric, but even if she voted out Rubina, they wouldn’t have had the votes to keep him.
3:35 AM BBT – Tucker tells Angela, Rubina, T’Kor, and Kimo that he is nominating Quinn, Brooklyn, and Cam this week. Says he will use the Veto on Quinn as long as he doesn’t tell anyone that’s what Tucker’s plan is. He says he will renom Chelsie. Tucker says his main target this week is Brooklyn.
3:45 AM BBT – Kimo asks if it’s two or three noms. Tucker says he thinks it’s still three and believes they would have told him otherwise since he makes his noms Friday. Kimo asks what if it’s only two and Tucker says that he would nominate Brooklyn and Cam and keep Quinn off the block.
At the time of this article posting, many of the houseguests were still awake and talking. Kimo and T’Kor were up comparing notes and decompressing about the events of the evening. Meanwhile, Angela and Joseph were venting about how terrible the HN beds are. Right now, it seems like Tucker will be nominating Quinn, Brooklyn, and Cam this week, but he still has some conversations to have before the Nomination Ceremony takes place.
Who do you think Tucker should nominate for Week 5 of Big Brother 26?
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