Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 2: Tuesday Night Highlights

For the most part, was a quiet night inside the Big Brother 26 house on Tuesday night with the Big Brother houseguests finding ways to keep themselves occupied with comedy skits and charades. A little later though, some information about the upgrade powers started being shared and now a few houseguests know who has the powers floating around the Big Brother house and what they do.

After Tucker shared with Kimo that he knows Makensy has one of the upgrade powers, Kimo shared with Tucker that everything Angela told them in the yard about the other power is true. He also confirmed that Quinn had it and not Lisa. Will Tucker run with this information or keep it to himself?

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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Tuesday, July 30, 2024:

4:30 PM BBT – Not a lot going on in the house right now. Many of the HGs are still in the bumper pool area relaxing and having general conversations.

5:45 PM BBT – The HGs have all made their way downstairs to start cooking dinner.

6:20 PM BBT – Kenney tells Chelsie that if he didn’t win the Veto this week, he was going to pull everyone together…feeds cut. (Assuming to ask everyone to send him home)

6:30 PM BBT – Kenney tells Angela that he has already told Chelsie and Makensy that he doesn’t feel like talking game. Says he’s safe this week. Angela says she hopes to win the BBAI Arena and save herself too.

6:45 PM BBT – Chelsie and Cam are playing basketball in the kitchen with a balled up piece of aluminum foil and a small trash can.

7:13 PM BBT – Kimo tells T’Kor that he is nervous about a power surprising them on live eviction night. T’Kor says that she doesn’t think that it was smart for Chelsie to put Lisa on the block this week. Kimo asks if she thinks people might try to flip the vote on Tucker. She says no.

7:20 PM BBT – Most of the HGs are sitting down to eat. Leah and Lisa are in the bathroom talking while Leah cleans.

7:42 PM BBT – Cedric is surprised to find out that he could have kept the leotard from his punishment costume. Says he is going to request to have it back when he goes back in the DR.

7:50 PM BBT – Makensy and Rubina are talking about Lisa and her following them around the house all the time. Makensy says she just needs space from her. Rubina wonders if they can just set boundaries with her, but then decides it doesn’t matter because she’s leaving Thursday anyway.

7:55 PM BBT – Rubina is now hiding in Tucker’s closet trying to scare him. He comes in and she jumps out of his closet, but he claims she didn’t scare him, she says he jumped. Meanwhile,ย Lisa and Kimo are talking about what America thinks of them. Kimo says that people probably love and hate them all. Lisa says she just wants the love.

8:10 PM BBT – The HGs are prepping for more improv skits. Leah is dressed in some of Cedric’s clothes and calling herself “Big Leo” for her skits.

8:30 PM BBT – The HGs are all doing improv skits in the living room.

9:00 PM BBT – The HGs have moved onto charades.

9:30 PM BBT – Tucker is in the kitchen cleaning. Says if there wasn’t prize money at the end of this, he would leave because the house being so dirty is annoying.

9:40 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Cam that she thinks a Tucker HOH next week would be good. Cam agrees and wonders who he would put up. Chelsie thinks Makensy because of her power, for sure. Cam says that anyone but Angela can win next week because she would likely put them up.

10:10 PM BBT – Brooklyn is camtalking and tells us that she needs to confirm with the Pentagon that the plan is still voting Lis out unless she wins the BBAI Arena.

10:20 PM BBT – Chelsie, Leah, Makensy, Rubina, Cam, Brooklyn, Joseph, Cedric, and Quinn are all hanging out in the HOH room. Topic of conversation is Lisa and all the annoying things she did for the day.

10:35 PM BBT – Talks in the HOH room turn to Kenney. Brooklyn mentions that they all miss their families and his attitude is disrespectful to everyone in the house, applicants who didn’t make it, casting and production. Joseph says that if Kenney left, he would regret it and everyone agrees.

10:45 PM BBT – Tucker is talking to Kimo and T’Kor about how disgusting the house is. Says that if he is up before Jury to vote him out because he doesn’t want to be stuck in the Jury house. Says that he can’t believe people are so unaware of others in 2024.

11:20 PM BBT – Tucker confirms to Kimo and T’Kor that Makensy has one of the upgrade powers and told him what it is. Kimo leaves the room and Tucker tells T’Kor that he told Chelsie to put Makensy up to flush the power and when she didn’t, it confirmed that Chelsie and Makensy are close.

11:30 PM BBT – Kimo confirms to Tucker that Quinn has the other upgrade powers and that everything Angela told them outside was true. He tells Tucker that they have to protect Quinn because he has their backs and asks Tucker not to say anything.

12:05 AM BBT – Brooklyn tells Quinn that she feels like Cam is the weakest link in the Pentagon. Quinn says Leah wanted to work with them, he had a great conversation with Leah and then the next day she was all over Cam. Quinn mentions that he doesn’t want a showmance, but that he thinks T’Kor is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and then he found out she had a boyfriend.

12:20 AM BBT – Makensy tells Rubina that she would be nervous is Tucker wins HOH because she thinks he would put her up.

12:35 AM BBT – Makensy and Rubina wonder if Lisa has rich parents or something based on her stories about traveling so much. Makensy says it doesn’t seem like Lisa actually works since she mentioned taking two months off to go to an island when she got overwhelmed.

12:45 AM BBT – Kimo asks Tucker if he is ready for the BBAI Arena. Tucker says he is and he has a victory dance planned. Kimo says just make sure he goes in there focused on the win and not to worry about the house flipping on him, because they aren’t going to.

1:00 AM BBT – T’kor, Rubina, Leah, and Makensy are all in the kitchen chatting. T’kor says she can’t believe some of the things that the guys in her room talk about. Rubina asks if she needs therapy and T’Kor says maybe.

1:30 AM BBT – Rubina, Makensy, and Leah head to bed. T’Kor stays up and uses q-tips to do some strategizing/studying in the bumper pool area.

Tucker knowing that Lisa doesn’t have a power should be information he keeps to himself since it could change the trajectory of this week’s vote. However, Lisa has started to wear on everyone’s nerves inside the house, so unless she wins the BBAI Arena, she could still be the houseguest meeting Julie on Thursday night. If Tucker decides to share the information he learned about Quinn’s power could also burn Quinn’s game and put a target on his back moving forward, especially with his alliance who he had continued to lie to about not having one of the powers.

It could make for an interesting time between now and the live eviction show on Thursday night. Make sure you check back for updates on if Tucker spills this information and whether the vote starts to shift!

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