Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 2: Monday Night Highlights

What started as a pretty calm evening inside the Big Brother 26 house turned into, what should have been, chaos when Angela exposed some information to some of the Big Brother houseguests. Unfortunately, for her, none of the houseguests were buying what she was selling. What she has failed to realize is that if she can prove that Lisa doesn’t have the power, nothing will stop her from being voted out during the Week 2 live eviction on Big Brother.

Angela even went as far as telling Tucker that Quinn admitted to her that he had it and Tucker didn’t seem to believe her because he is convinced that it’s Lisa who holds the power. The kicker of that conversation was that Quinn was standing only feet away while she was spilling all the beans to Tucker! Read on to find out what else took place inside the Big Brother house on Monday night right here!

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Back up and read the Daytime Highlights Report before moving on to overnight events.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, July 29, 2024:

4:00 PM BBT – Joseph tells Cedric that he thinks The Collective is good. Says that the people who are playing scared are looking for somewhere to go. Joseph adds that he thinks the only one they have to worry about is Angela if she stays and asks Cedric if he is good with Kenney. Cedric says they are good and Joseph says that they have to be careful because people are noticing them (J&C) together.

4:40 PM BBT – Many of the HGs are just lounging in the backyard.

5:10 PM BBT – Quinn is camtalking in the storage room. Says that he is on the bottom of the Pentagon. However, if Chelsie was really worried about his game, she would not ask him who they should send home. He adds that he will not allow someone to try and send T’Kor home and because Lisa mentioned T’Kor’s name very publicly, she has to go.

5:25 PM BBT – Tucker tells Leah that he is nervous if it ends up being him and Angela on the block and people decide to take a shot at him. Leah is surprised to hear this but Tucker says he’s just being realistic.

5:30 PM BBT – Tucker tells Leah that he wants Lisa out so bad. Leah says she thinks everyone does. He says that his annoyance with her is at a boiling point and adds that she is a snack and he doesn’t trust her.

5:40 PM BBT – Leah tells Tucker that she hates that it looks like she’s in a showmance because that’s not what she signed up for. Tucker says that him and Rubina had a chat about how they are both flirty people but there is nothing between them. Says that maybe outside the house it could be different. She tells him that she talked to Rubina to make sure she wasn’t stepping on any toes by talking to him.

5:55 PM BBT – Angela tells Kimo that she is just trying to enjoy her last couple of days in the house, if this is what it is. He doesn’t try to peptalk her and when he walks away she says “at least he didn’t lie to me, but Tucker can lie to her real well.”

5:57 PM BBT – Angela tells Cedric that she knows a lot of people want her out, but it would be nice to have a vote for her to stay. She asks him if he would do that for her and he says he will.

6:02 PM BBT – Angela tells Kenney that she has something “powerful and interesting” that she will tell him if she stays this week. Says she will still fill him in on her way out if she leaves, but she would like to stay so they can use this “power” together. (Quinn’s power?)

6:15 PM BBT – Lisa is having a one-sided conversation with Cedric about stereotypes.

6:45 PM BBT – Some HGs are inside cooking, others are outside talking about their social media accounts and if they have had anything go viral.

6:55 PM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she doesn’t think that Lisa has a power because of how worried she was last night and she hasn’t used it yet.

6:57 PM BBT – It’s dinner time. Everyone is eating except for the HNs who are all outside lounging.

7:25 PM BBT – Cam and Leah are talking about how people in the house are preceiving them as a showmance. He tells her that they both know that it would not be smart.

7:45 PM BBT – Leah is retelling her conversation with Tucker to Chelsie and how he said he doesn’t want a showmance which made it easier for her to just leave it alone. She then tells her about how Cam had a dirty dream about her but then tells her that a showmance wouldn’t be good for their game. Chelsie points out that he’s following her around the house though.

7:55 PM BBT – Angela tells Kenney that if she stays this week, she would like to work with him. Says they can be in a secret alliance and he says he can’t promise her anything like that.

8:02 PM BBT – Angela tells Kenney that he can’t be a lone wolf forever. He says he knows, he just thinks it’s in his best interest until he wins HOH.

8:04 PM BBT – Kenney gets up and goes inside. Angela says to herself that Kenney is a smart man for not wanting to align with her right now, but hopes that he can help her figure out what to do with her knowledge of Quinn’s super power if she stays.

9:00 PM BBT – Angela tells Joseph, Kenney, Cedric, and Tucker in front of Kimo that she knows the second power is being able to take over the HOH’s nominations. Says she doesn’t have it, but she knows this 100%.

9:05 PM BBT – Tucker then hints to the group that he knows the other power gives someone immunity.

9:10 PM BBT – Quinn walks outside to the conversation Angela is having the others about what his power does.

9:15 PM BBT – Angela goes inside and Kenney tells Cam, Kimo, Quinn, and Tucker that she offered an alliance with him, but he told her no. Talks turn to what Angela had told them (in front of Quinn) about the power. They don’t believe her story.

9:30 PM BBT – Tucker tells Brooklyn about what Angela told them outside.

9:45 PM BBT – Tucker talks to Kenney about working with him. He says he thinks he can get the other HN guys to work with them too. Kenney tells Tucker that he thinks Joseph, Quinn, and Kimo are working together.

10:00 PM BBT – Kenney tells Kimo that he thinks Brooklyn is running a women’s alliance.

10:20 PM BBT – Kimo tells T’Kor about what Kenney told him about a possible women’s alliance. T’Kor says that’s fine because her core alliance is with two guys (him and Quinn).

11:10 PM BBT – Tucker, Rubina, and Chelsie are feeding the fish. Rubina and Chelsie take this opportunity to tell him about everything Leah told her about him and Cam. The conversation ends when Leah walks up.

11:55 PM BBT – Angela tells Tucker that Quinn is a snake for telling people she can’t be trusted. She reiterates that she knows who has the power but hasn’t told anyone. She says that Quinn told her that he had it and she knows that Tucker knew about it. Tucker doesn’t think it’s Quinn has it, he’s convinced it’s Lisa. (Quinn is listening to this conversation)

12:25 AM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina what Kimo told her about Kenney suspecting a women’s alliance. Meanwhile, Quinn, Lisa, Joseph, and Kimo are talking about how Angela is telling people Quinn is a snake. Quinn says she was talking about him to Tucker while he was standing right next to them.

12:35 AM BBT – Lisa is questioning Joseph about how involved he was with Angela’s HOH last week and if he has one of the powers. Joseph denies everything.

12:45 AM BBT – Rubina, Quinn,, T’Kor, and Kimo talk about locking something in. They want to get Tucker too before someone else does. They also talk about Kenney, but they are nervous about his closeness to Makensy and Leah, but Kimo thinks he can get Kenney.

1:10 AM BBT – Cedric and Cam think they can vote Lisa out without triggering her to use her (nonexistent) power.

1:30 AM BBT – Makensy tells Leah and Chelsie that T’Kor, Kimo, and Quinn are close. She says if one of them wins HOH (Mak, Leah, Chelsie), they are likely going to have to put up either Lisa or Angela (whoever is still in the house), a strong player to fight for the Veto, and Joseph because he is floating.

2:10 AM BBT – Joseph is camtalking. Says he is a snake and they need to vote him out if they expect to win. Says that he thinks him, Chelsie, Rubina, and Quinn are the best players and he doesn’t think Quinn is as strategic as he is. He adds that Chelsie is smart and the biggest threat in this game.

2:20 AM BBT – Joseph heads to bed.

So it seems that Angela’s big reveal had very little impact on the houseguests that she told. Tucker even went as far as telling Angela that he doesn’t believe that Quinn has a power after Angela told him Quinn told her he did. As of right now, Lisa is still the target unless she pulls out a win at the BBAI Arena, but Angela could find herself in a sticky situation. She is desperate for someone to believe her and work with her and she is willing to tell everyone everything that she knows in order to gain those allies.

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