It was a low-key day in the Big Brother 26 house as Leah continued to quietly grapple with the idea that her close ally decided to take a shot at her this week. Most of the houseguests spent the day just hanging out and napping. Big Brother has seemingly given up on trying to keep this hardly lively group awake during the day.
Leah hasn’t really gotten too far into her pitch to stay this week as she’s still trying to figure out exactly why she’s not in this position. She has spoken to Chelsie and plans to talk more with her, so be sure to check back tomorrow to read our night highlights since that seems to be when this group really gets going.
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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, September 24, 2024:
9:43 AM BBT – Houseguests are getting up for the day.
9:58 AM BBT – Leah asks Makensy why everything said about her was just believed and why wasn’t she asked about it and instead was just being put on the block.
10:02 AM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she has every right to be upset. Leah says she’s gone over the Chelsie stuff and she never brought up any names to her. Makensy says she will talk to Chelsie and says Chelsie said she wants to talk to Leah more too. Makensy tells Leah to talk to Rubina and Cam to see what they’re thinking and she will talk to Chelsie. Makensy says she loves Leah. Leah returns the gesture.
10:03 AM BBT – Makensy tells Leah that she is here if she wants to talk. She tells her that they’ll figure it out together.
10:04 AM BBT – Leah says she doesn’t feel like getting out of bed. Makensy tells her to stay in bed and says it’s going to be a chill day anyway.
1:00 PM BBT – Everyone is napping. No one is doing anything or talking.
1:40 PM BBT – Rubina says to herself that she misses Tucker then says they just have three more weeks. She whispers into her mic asking someone to please tell Tucker that she misses him.
1:55 PM BBT – Kimo asks Chelsie how she’s feeling. She tells him they have a lot to talk about. She says there is a lot of confusion after her conversation with Leah last night.
2:00 PM BBT – Houseguests are making lunch and talking about how they have nothing to do today.
2:56 PM BBT – Cam is working out in the HOH room by himself.
3:30 PM BBT – Leah is making some kind of food. Cam, Makensy and Rubina are in the HOH room hanging out. Not much else is going on at the moment.
Makensy seems to have some doubts on her move this week, but she’s not outwardly admitting that. I am not sure there’s any hope for Leah this week, but never count Angela out to do something to get the target put back on her. She’s pretty talented when it comes to that. So there could still be some hope for Leah yet. But it’s not looking very good at the moment.
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Big Brother 26 Highlights
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