Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 8: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

It was a very quiet day in the Big Brother 26 house as Quinn has seemingly accepted his fate. That’s an early acceptance for this season, but that’s what we can expect now that the AI Arena is no longer in play.

There is some movement to flip the vote once again, though. But is there any chance at all we could see that play out at yet another live eviction? Read on to get all those details.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 10, 2024:

9:45 AM BBT- Houseguests are waking up.

10:33 AM BBT – Quinn is “panhandling” for votes. He’s got a bag on a stick, holding a jar walking around asking for spare votes.

12:00 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that Leah is mad she lost Joseph and she’s about to lose her other guy. She says Leah also isn’t happy with how close Makensy and Cam are. Chelsie says Quinn would give his back for Leah even though she is clearly playing him. Chelsie says she likes Quinn but he is giving all his information to Leah and that’s not smart.

12:12 PM BBT – Cam has joined Chelsie and Makensy in the HOH room. They tell Cam they need Quinn out this week and then one of the trio (T’Kor, Rubina, Kimo) out next week.

12:14 PM BBT – Makensy says Leah and Angela want to try to flip the vote to keep Kimo. Makensy says they want her to keep Quinn with them.

12:25 PM BBT – Cam asks how many votes they need to keep Quinn. Chelsie says four. Cam says they don’t want Chelsie to have to break the tie. Chelsie says she thinks they’ll ask her to break the tie to keep Quinn. Cam says he just wants to hear their campaign. He says he enjoys those moments. Cam jokingly says they’re going to have to work for his vote.

12:28 PM BBT – Makensy says she’s going to let Leah and Angela think she’s voting to keep Quinn so that Angela once again votes against Kimo and the trio will not be happy with Angela. Cam says when Angela plays her own game she sinks herself.

12:30 PM BBT – Makensy says she assumes that Leah is leading the charge on trying to get the vote to favor Quinn. Makensy says Leah thinks that they are tighter than they are. Chelsie says Leah wants Makensy to think that but Leah is tighter with Quinn.

1:00 PM BBT – Houseguest are just hanging out. Nothing much going on at the moment.

1:40 PM BBT – Now the houseguests are doing an improv show.

2:55 PM BBT – The remaining houseguests are so bored they’re now making foil hats for everyone.

4:00 PM BBT – Still nothig going on. The housgeusts really want to go outside.

So it looks like another vote flip is being attempted this week, but since it’s not being led by Chelsie, don’t expect it to gain any traction. Quinn is likely going to become the first member of the jury this week no matter how hard Leah tries to glip the vote onto Kimo.

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