Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 10: Saturday Highlights

Makensy Manbeck on BB26 - CBS

It was Veto Day again in the Big Brother 26 house and the HGs were ready to compete as part of the season’s F7 where only one of them would be excluded from the chance for safety. By the end of the night the results were revealed and the week’s final noms were set in plans.

Makensy had just sent her Noms to the Block on Friday so this was her chance to secure her choices and force a vote on her target. Looks like she’ll be getting her way and the next Jury member looks all but official at this point. Of course, things can always change rapidly in the Big Brother house!

Before you read through Saturday’s events you can read about Friday night’s highlights.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 21, 2024:

7:30 AM BBT – HGs got their early morning wake up call to get ready for Veto Day.

8:15 AM BBT – Feeds cut to pick players

8:55 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Everyone but Rubina will be playing and she’ll be hosting.

9:20 AM BBT – Makensy says she picked Cam for HG Choice and Leah’s face dropped when she did it.

9:30 AM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie she hopes the Veto doesn’t get used this week but if Angela or Kimo come down then Rubina goes up as the renom.

9:50 AM BBT – Chelsie says she wants to go to F2 with Makensy because it’d be two religious women at the end. She doesn’t want Cam to get to F2 because he isn’t trying or helping when Leah can beat him in an endurance comp.

10:05 AM BBT – Chelsie asks Makensy why she doesn’t want to go after Leah this week. Makensy is worried about her Jury vote and that Leah wouldn’t actually go after her and would have other targets instead of her.

10:30 PM BBT – Angela, Cam, Leah, and Rubina debate what sort of BB Comics everyone would get. Matt’s would be about Crazy Eyes and Lisa would have to do with glitter. They expect Young Cedric to be his theme and Joseph to get something about his mustache.

11:00 AM BBT – Rubina and Cam discuss the pressure is so intense. Cam says it feels like you can’t have even one day off.

1:00 PM BBT – Few HGs outside in the backyard.

1:20 PM BBT – Angela talking with Makensy says she’s tired of always being on camera and is looking forward to that being over.

1:30 PM BBT – HGs are napping around the house.

1:43 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.

8:38 PM BBT – Feeds return. Makensy is wearing the medallion. She won the Veto.

9:00 PM BBT – HGs got a alcohol dropoff in Storage.

9:15 PM BBT – Makensy got to pick HGs to see a movie with her and picked who hadn’t won HOH yet. Chelsie and Leah are not pleased with her choices.

9:40 PM BBT – HGs discussing how they did in the comp. Angela and Kimo timed out. Makensy won by a lot.

9:45 PM BBT – Kimo talks with Rubina that they are social players so he shouldn’t feel bad at himself about not winning these comps. Kimo thinks Cam is just throwing everything. Rubina isn’t so sure.

9:50 PM BBT – Rubina and Kimo agree that Makensy needs to go and they think Chelsie must agree with them. They wouldn’t want to do it though and think Cam would instead. Rubina mentions that Makensy announced herself as the new Tucker.

11:30 PM BBT – HGs hanging out in the kitchen snacking and singing. Rubina sings Happy Birthday! to her dad.

12:20 AM BBT – Angela talks with Chelsie about the upcoming vote. Angela doesn’t expect Makensy to use the Veto so she will need Chelsie’s support and hopes she still thinks of her in the F5 with Chelsie.

12:30 AM BBT – Makensy excitedly telling Chelsie and Cam that this is the week for Angela to go. She’s glad she gets to be the one to send her out. Chelsie confirms to Makensy that Angela knows the Veto won’t be used this week.

12:50 AM BBT – Makensy talks with Rubina and Kimo, telling them she would have renom’d Leah if Angela had won Veto (Makensy would have renom’d Rubina). Rubina is sure Leah wishes she had made a bigger move last week.

1:15 AM BBT – Cam tells Chelsie that what he’s done so far should prove that she is the one person he fully trusts.

1:50 AM BBT – Rubina and Kimo talking their way through a possible DE. Kimo hopes one of them wins the HOH during it, but Rubina says she’d rather get the follow-on HOH instead.

2:20 AM BBT – Cam talks with Chelsie that they could try to get Makensy out if Leah gets the next Veto.

3:15 AM BBT – Leah talks with Rubina and Kimo, saying she thinks she has a crush on Quinn. She says she got teary when she did Quinn’s goodbye message but hadn’t before on others.

Angela is in trouble here. She doesn’t have an out after losing the Veto and the winner this week won’t be saving her for the FOURTH time this season. Votes should line up on Thursday night for Angela’s eviction but then the real drama arrives with the upcoming Double Eviction!

The Veto meeting will be held on Monday so we should still see Angela working and campaigning, but I think the HGs will just smile and nod as they’ve mentally moved on to planning their next round of moves.

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