Big Brother 26: Eviction Prediction Week 7

These 3-Nom Arena weeks make things a little more complicated for our Big Brother eviction predictions! No idea if this will be the last time before they narrow down to the regular two HGs on the Block for the rest of the Big Brother 26 season, but for now we’ve got three possibilities for the combinations tonight.

With Joseph, Kimo, and Rubina on the Block following Leah’s save of Angela with the Veto that means we could end up with Joseph vs Kimo, Joseph vs Rubina, or Kimo vs Rubina for the eviction vote. Let’s see how it could play out following the upcoming Arena battle.

There are seven votes up for grabs which means it only takes four votes to be evicted and there is no chance of a tiebreaker this week for Quinn as the HOH. Talks of an all-women alliance has been circling and if they want to rally their numbers then this would be a good week to do it. There will be at least five women voting even with Rubina staying on the Block and only two men in that situation. The ladies could definitely run the table if they decide to stick together. Sending one of the guys home tonight would leave it just as Cam, Quinn, and either Joseph or Kimo after this round. Watch out, gentlemen!

Who Goes Home: Joseph vs Kimo

So in the case that Rubina wins the Arena for safety then we’ll have the two guys up there. Late last night we watched in on the Feeds as Cam, Chelsie, Leah, Makensy, and Quinn gathered in the HOH room to discuss this scenario. Chelsie and Makensy want Joseph out and if they lead that way then I would expect Cam to follow, but Leah will be torn. Leah knows that Joseph will follow her like a puppy dog and do what she wants of him, so she won’t want Joseph out, even if Makensy is pushing her for it.

Normally I’d say Angela would vote out Joseph after their little exchange earlier this week, we know Angela is petty, but Leah may want to keep Joseph and so could follow Angela’s vote. I don’t think they’re going to pull enough support though to make a difference though and Joseph would be evicted.

Update: Just a bit ago on the Feeds we heard Makensy and Chelsie discussing that it might be better to get rid of Kimo in a Joseph vs Kimo situation. Well that changes that situation and it could be flipped to keeping Joseph over Kimo. That’s a big shift. And they also discussed keeping Rubina over Joseph, which we note below.

Joseph on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Joseph on Big Brother 26 – CBS

T’kor and Rubina will vote to keep Kimo and then along with Chelsie and Makensy that’s all the four votes they need, plus Cam voting with them is strongly possible. On the other side of the vote could be Leah, Angela, and Cam if he doesn’t go along with Chelsie (which I think he would).

Who Goes Home: Rubina vs Kimo

In either pairing against Rubina I expect she would be safe. HGs in that same huddle discussed last night that they’d want to keep Rubina over Kimo and it could be a landslide except maybe T’kor voting to keep Kimo as a sympathy vote.

The decision here seems settled in Rubina’s favor if she’s against Kimo.

Kimo on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Kimo on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Who Goes Home: Joseph vs Rubina

Same as above with both combined. There’s stronger support for Rubina to stay but again you’ve got Leah, and possibly Angela by extension even though she wouldn’t like it, voting to keep Joseph. I think the rest would vote out Joseph and once Leah sees that writing on the wall then she and Angela could be along for the ride. Quinn is pushing for his ally Joseph to be kept but he doesn’t have a vote and hey Quinn, maybe you don’t nominate an ally! Didn’t you stay awake last week? Joseph is in a tough spot again here.

Overall, I see Rubina fairly safe tonight and it’ll be a decision between either Kimo or Joseph going with Joseph more likely to be evicted.



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