Big Brother 26 fans were introduced to a new character Wednesday night. Her name is Leah and she is adored by literally half of the remaining men in the house. Oh, and she can win a veto and use it how she wants!
I kid. But Leah herself said on the Live Feeds this week that she was getting called to the diary room more because “they have to introduce a new character.” You know, because she’s kind of been laying low and not really been a part of much of the action. That all changed this week.
Wednesday’s episode picks up after the nomination ceremony. Quinn lets us know that Angela is his target and that he had very few options this week if he was keeping those who sent Tucker out safe.
Rubina is not shocked. Kimo is quite shocked, though. And Angela is back where sheโs been most of the season. And she realizes she is her own worst enemy in this game.
Chelsie lets us know that Quinn got two of the nominations right, but he forgot one – TโKor. She then goes on to call TโKor a Tucker Puppet and she should have been up there right next to Kimo and Rubina.
Angela decides she should go talk to Quinn and apologize for calling him a narcissist. He tells her that he was just having fun with his speech. He says thereโs no ill-will and this is all a game so nothing heโs doing is personal.
Leah decides to extend Angela a hand in her time of need. She tells Angela that sheโs there for her and Angela thanks her for being such a great person and friend to her.
Itโs time to pick players for the veto competition. Joining Quinn, Kimo and Rubina are Joseph (via Angelaโs houseguest choice) and Leah. Which is funny because Leah was afraid that Angela was going to pick her and she got picked anyway.
And letโs get right to the veto competition. For this Power of Veto, the players have to build Ainsely a bot. They will have to play a bit of a game of memory and then put together the bot for Ainsey. And they have to find the robot pieces in a totally dark room. So they have to look at a photo, go into a dark room, feel for the correct pieces and assemble the bot in the dark.
Joseph lets us know that heโs going to throw this competition like he has all the others. He says he doesnโt care and since Quinn is the HOH, he feels pretty safe.
And in case you didnโt pick up on the unusually heavy Leah edit in this episode, she wins the Power of Veto.
So now Leah has to decide if she saves her friend Angela or respect her friend Quinnโs HOH. TโKor definitely doesnโt want Leah to use the veto because sheโs afraid she will go up on the block.
And Quinn gets to work on Leah to not use the veto. He tells Leah that Angela is going to fade into the background and then reemerge in the second place chair on finale night and take $75K away from someone more deserving like himself or Leah.
He tries his best to make that happen, but Leah decides she needs to play her own game and uses the veto on Angela. And Quinn decides to name Joseph as the replacement nominee. Which is pretty surprising to Joseph who threw the veto because he was so comfortable this week. Quinn decided the only people hitting the block this week are those who voted to keep Tucker last week.