Big Brother 26: Counting The Votes In Week 2

It’s once again time go over the Big Brother 26 eviction votes. And once again, we’re as unsure as the houseguests themselves since we don’t know which two players will actually be sitting on the block tomorrow night. But we’ve got a job to do here, so let’s try our best to figure this out.

One thing I think we can be sure of is if there was ever a time in Big Brother history to be a pawn, it’s this week. I think Satan himself would be fine sitting next to Angela and Lisa. So unless something absolutely off-the-wall happens from now until tomorrow nights, I think Tucker will have no votes cast against him.

As for the other two, I think it’s just a matter of which of the two evils they decide is the lesser on who they will keep. All week long, literally every houseguest has contemplated this dilemma. As Mankensy put it during a conversation with T’Kor, do they listen to their heads (and vote Lisa out) or listen to their hearts (and vote Angela out). Most everyone agrees that Lisa is the bigger threat, but getting out Angela would make everyone in the house more comfortable.

That being said, I think when they do finally land on a person to send out it will be unanimous. And of course if Tucker doesn’t win the AI Arena competition, then their decision will be much easier. They’ll vote out the person who didn’t come off the block next to Tucker.

So here’s how it would play out in all scenarios, based on conversations up to this point:

Tucker vs. Angela

Votes to evict Tucker: None

Votes to evict Angela: Lisa, Makensy, Leah, T’Kor, Kenney, Joseph, Rubina, Cam, Quinn, Brooklyn, Kimo, Cedric

Tucker vs. Lisa

Votes to evict Tucker: None

Votes to evict Lisa: Angela, Makensy, Leah, T’Kor, Kenney, Joseph, Rubina, Cam, Quinn, Brooklyn, Kimo, Cedric

Angela vs. Lisa

Votes to evict Angela: Either none or unanimous

Votes to evict Lisa: either none or unanimous

Like any season of Big Brother, there’s still that possibility the vote could flip onto the pawn, but only Quinn has mentioned that to himself once, but since then he has formed an alliance with Tucker. So I’m sticking by my bet that Tucker is probably the safest pawn in the history of Big Brother pawns.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted from BB26? Vote now in our poll below.




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