Were you ready for some Big Brother last night? The Houseguests lined up to cast their votes and there was a good chance we would see a deep alliance betrayal when host Julie Chen revealed the final count. Has the real Big Brother 25 finally arrive? Let’s find out who was voted out tonight!
Jag was back on the Block and sat next to Red after Monday’s Veto meeting saw the week’s big target, Cameron, escape danger yet again. Now with ten votes in the mix we’re finding Cirie’s commanding lead in the social game face a new challenge: Would she betray Felicia with a blindside decision?
So during the day’s build up to Thursday’s show we heard talks that Cirie and company might turn on Felicia and leave her and Meme out of the vote flip, but then Izzy decided they should let Felicia know last minute that Red was coming for her to get her support. What we saw tonight follows that strategy.
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Grab the Free Trial and check out the show then watch the Feeds that follow.
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There has been a LOT of debate and wavering on tonight’s vote. It was solidly Red then it was solidly Jag and once Jag hit the Block I expected we’d hear chatter but they’d always come back to roost on Jag going. Well color me surprised because I think that’s been flipped!
And on top of that, I think Felicia is about to be blindsided in the process! Yes, we’re seeing Cirie, Jared, and Izzy conspiring against Felicia to keep her in the dark and blame the votes against Jag on her and a few other allies. WOW! I didn’t think we’d see Cirie turn on Felicia this early, but Cirie is definitely getting concerned over Felicia’s recent behavior. Let’s see how that plays out in the votes tonight.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 5 Votes:
- Cameron votes to evict: Jag
- Bowie Jane votes to evict: Jag
- Blue votes to evict: Red
- America votes to evict: Red
- Matt votes to evict: Red
- Cirie votes to evict: Red
- Izzy votes to evict: Red
- Cory votes to evict: Red
- Felicia votes to evict: Red
- Mecole votes to evict: Red
By a vote of 8-2, Red Utley has been evicted from Big Brother!
After the voting is done we just should see the Head of Household competition live on the show. Julie reveals the Booth Q&A set up in the backyard again with the promise that we’ll get live results for the new Head of Household. We’ll be watching to find out.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 6 HoH Comp – “Name That Toot”:
- Spoilers: Results are in on who won HOH tonight!
- Round 1: False – everyone is right
- Round 2: True – everyone is right
- Round 3: False – FBJ, Matt, and Cirie are out
- Round 4: True – Izzy, Cory, and Cameron remain
- Round 5: False – Cameron WINS HOH!
Hah! Cameron Hardin is once again the new Head of Household after the house just blindsided him and tried to get him out for the third time in four weeks. This should be a fun week of Big Brother.
Julie welcomes the HGs back to the living room with some big news. She reveals that since this is a Humili-verse week ALL the Houseguests except for HOH (Cameron) will be Have-Nots. Ouch! They’ll have to take turns sleeping in the HN room and eat Slop all week long. Wowza that’s rough!
Also, few notes for the upcoming Week 6 of Big Brother 25. Sunday’s episode airs at 8:30/7:30c, Josh Duhamel (hosting another CBS comp series) will be featured on Wednesday’s 8/7c episode, and then Thursday (9/14) is a 2-hour episode at 8/7c (new time, take note). Then for Thursday’s live show, Julie says she’ll make a big announcement that will affect this year’s Jury. Hmm. And of course in the meantime we’ll have all your spoilers here on the site!
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout from the latest HOH comp as HGs start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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