Big Brother 25: Veto Ceremony Plans for Week 3

It is Monday, which means it is Veto Ceremony day inside the Big Brother 25 house. For Week 3 of Big Brother, we have our first official backdoor plan brewing with Felicia wanting to take out a comp threat this week, who also happens to be a former ally of hers. Can we make it all the way to the Veto Ceremony without some of the Big Brother houseguest’s paranoia causing another flip-flop scenario?

Felicia has been clear to everyone in the house that her target this week is Hisam, but she knew she couldn’t give him a guaranteed shot at playing in this week’s Veto. The only option this week would be to backdoor Hisam and the only one unaware of this plan was Hisam. Hisam has been very comfortably walking around the house laughing and hanging out with his fellow houseguests. Hisam is none the wiser to how many of those houseguests want to see him leave this week on Big Brother.

Cameron and Jag were initially nominated by Felicia this week with Felicia’s hope being that one of them would win the Veto and take themselves down. The houseguests were still a little worried about the chances of Hisam’s chip being pulled, but luckily for them, that didn’t happen. Everyone in the house celebrated when Izzy, Cory, and Red were randomly drawn to play in this week’s Power of Veto Competition and there was no chance of Hisam keeping himself off the block.

When the feeds came back up from the Power of Veto Competition, we found out that Jag went on to win the Power of Veto. This guarantees that there will be an open spot sitting next to Cameron at this week’s Veto Ceremony. There were some debates on Saturday about whether targeting Hisam was a good idea or if they should go after someone else after some of the HOH crew let their paranoia get the best of them. After discussing possibly renominating America, Blue, Mecole, and others, the plan was back on track and Operation Backdoor Hisam was back on.

So far, since Saturday night, we haven’t seen any other indications that would tell us Felicia plans to renom anyone other than Hisam when the Veto Ceremony takes place a little later. Therefore, we should see Cameron and Hisam as final noms for Week 3 of Big Brother. Felicia feels really good about there being a majority vote for Hisam to leave this week but the question remains, could Hisam talk himself out of being evicted this week?

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