Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results

Veto medallion on Big Brother

The results are in with the Big Brother spoilers for this week’s Power of Veto competition featuring the return of Zingbot. Host Julie Chen promised we’d be seeing Zingbot as “never before” and that left us with some guesses on just how this might go down for his appearance on Big Brother 25.

It also meant we’d have a lot longer downtime for the Veto comp since there’s all that facetime with the robot himself before the real battle begins. But if suspicions were true, and Zingbot was appearing as OTEV then maybe it’d be a little different.

Playing this week in the Veto we had Bowie Jane as the HOH, her two noms Felicia and Cirie, and then the drawn players: America, Jag and Matt. No HG Choice chips this time around which was a relief to Cirie and Felicia who didn’t want to be put on the spot for that decision. So who won Veto this week? Read on for the latest.

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results:

  • Jag won the Power of Veto

It was indeed OTEV this week so that’ll be interesting to see how Zingbot gets worked in. Perhaps he was the latest incarnation of OTEV himself. Anyway, when Feeds returned the HGs were messy and heading for the showers. Cirie mentioned she didn’t play well and America also noted that she blanked out too. Then we saw Jag celebrate quietly with America and then America celebrated with Matt. Took us a bit to figure out who won this Veto!

America takes a shower on BB25 - CBS
America takes a shower on BB25 – CBS

Eventually Cirie and Felicia started talking in the Comics room. Felicia thinks Bowie Jane could have won it at the end but then picked up the wrong piece, she believes that was intentional. They talked through who was obviously throwing the comp and Felicia thought they were about to let her win it so Bowie wouldn’t have to make that move on her own. So now it’ll be up to Jag.

BB25 Week 10 Veto Meeting:

So now Bowie Jane has to be convinced that a Backdoor is the way to play this week and she’s been coming around to the idea after talking with Matt for a while over the past few days. Will she let the HGs take Cameron out yet again? It could definitely happen at this point if Bowie feels like she’s getting the support to make this BD move.

The Power of Veto meeting awaits the Houseguests on Monday and there should be plenty to talk about between now and then.

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