Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cameron Tries To Build A Counter Alliance To Save His Game

Big Brother 25 Cameron in a pig costume

Last night, America made an attempt to wake Cameron up about his place in the game. She told him he was the true target last week. The wheels started turning and now he understands his position in the game and his immediate danger. Itโ€™s not looking good for him. This Big Brother 25ย  day started slowly and quietly but now it seems that things are moving in a big way.ย 

Cameron is trying to create a true split in the house by pulling in Cory, America, Matt, Jag, and Bowie. He now realizes that he canโ€™t trust Jared. He also realizes that he is going to be backdoored next week if he doesnโ€™t get numbers to fight against the Cirie side of the house. Cameron pitched to Cory that they needed to join forces.

He thinks it is their only way forward and to keep him from going out immediately the following week. Cameron also mentions that he needs Izzy to leave this week as well. Cameron also tells Cory that Jared plans to nominate Cory and America and try to take out America.

Big Brother 25-Cory and Cameron talk

Cory takes everything in but brings up his concerns about Jag. He doesnโ€™t know if he can truly trust Jag. Cameron isnโ€™t sure about him either, but he knows Blue and Jared also donโ€™t trust Jag. He thinks he can use that to gain his trust, but Cory doesnโ€™t quite believe that Jag can be taken away from Blue as an ally.

Cory tells Cameron to let him know how the talks go with the other potential allies. However, he immediately goes to Jared, Cirie, and Izzy to tell them that Cameron is trying to form an alliance with Jag, him, America, Bowie, and Matt. He reassures them that he will not be voting out Izzy this week.

Therefore, it looks like Cameron is still on that island. However, it will be interesting to see how his attempts to get Jag and Matt on his side go. America already tried to warn Jag last night as well but it didnโ€™t seem to work out the way she hoped. Matt also seems pretty solid with Cirie, so there may be no moving him.ย 

Cory telling Izzy, Jared, and Cirie what Cameron said

Where Cameron slipped up this week was not getting this information before nominations. He could have attempted this counter-alliance prior to nominations and nominated Izzy and Cirie, or even Cirie and Jared.ย  There is still a chance Cameron can try to form this but the fact that Cory has already told Jared, Cirie, and Izzy some of this makes it look like it’s not going to happen.

Do you think there is any hope for this counter-alliance? Let us know in the comment section.



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