Big Brother 25 Player Rankings For Week 13

The Big Brother 25 Final 5 becomes the Final 4 tonight, and it’s shaping up to be one of the most predictable final Big Brother weeks ever.

After tonight, we’ll have one more eviction and then the Final 3 will be cut down to the Final 2 on finale night. And it’s becoming more and more clear how it’s all going to play out. But before we jump too far ahead, we have to assess how the past week went. And these results might shock you. I’m pretty shocked myself. But I thought long and hard about them. But I do apologize (to you and myself) for what I’m about to write.

Jag, 99/100. Jag is running away with this competition. And his Final 2 plans are smart. He has himself positioned to easily win and if he somehow doesn’t win and Bowie does, he’s still in the Final 2. I do think Matt has wisened up enough to cut Jag if he can actually beat Jag, but Matt is better at sprints and not endurance and mental competitions. So it’s really not looking too good for Matt. But this is Jag’s assessment. Jag gets a near-perfect score this week because he won the veto, blocking any possible moves to be made against him this week. But he doesn’t score perfectly because Jag is the easiest houseguest to read in the show’s history. Matt and everyone else can see Jag’s final days plans all over his face.

Bowie, 95/100. This is the part that pains me. This is the part I am sorry for. But I am writing this as unbiased as I possibly can. Which as you can see, isn’t very much when it comes to Bowie Jane. She has played an actually true floater game – one we haven’t seen in a long time, but it’s not one I can really respect. And maybe that is my bias against her. I just don’t care for her game or her Big Brother character. Not saying I know her in a real-life sense, so please don’t think I am here to attack anyone’s actual character. This is her Big Brother character I’m talking about, and there is a difference. But that being said, Bowie Jane is clearly in second place this week. Which is funny because that’s probably how her Big Brother run will also end. At this point, I think she gets second place no matter what happens after this week. I believe Matt and Jag will both take her to the end. And if her goal was to always get second place, then she has nailed it.

Matt, 88/100. Matt should have taken his shot this week. He winning HOH and then going after Felicia but letting Jag and Bowie take out Cirie is just terrible, terrible gameplay. I would be ranking him about a 70/100 if he wasn’t actually HOH. I mean it’s a totally wasted HOH, but I can’t ignore that is technically “power.” Matt will have to win that Final 3 HOH to get to the Final 2, and I really don’t trust he can do that. Sorry, Matt, you made your bed, now you have to lie in it, at the bottom, next to Bowie Jane’s feet.

Cirie and Felicia, 70/100. Cirie and Felicia are both lame ducks. So at this point there are interchangeable. I would love to rank them, or at least Cirie higher, but since they haven’t been able to win any of these past couple of competitions, they haven’t been able to make any moves. Cirie has played a 95/100 social game though. Let me just say that right now. Because it does feel wrong ranking her so low, but it really is one of those it is what it is situations. And Felicia gets a 100/100 for entertainment. A literal perfect score for all her antics. So glad we get her all the way up to the last week. Great casting.

So that’s how the Final 5 ranks in my grade book. How would you rank this very strange Final 5?



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