Big Brother 25: Nomination Anticipation In Week 14

The Trio on BB25 - CBS
The Trio on BB25 – CBS

Buckle up because Big Brother is going to move quickly over the next two days as we put the pedal down on the last few days of the season. A new HOH was just crowned and now it’s time for nominations, but these are the least important noms of the BB25 season so let’s do this quick.

Bowie Jane is in charge as the new HOH and that means she’s got a guaranteed spot at the F3 comps, but someone else will need to go before that. With only four HGs left that means one is HOH, two go on the Block, and one Veto medallion decides the outcome. The Noms do NOT matter. Whoever has the medallion casts the one vote.

When Feeds returned just after the live show we were soon hearing from Bowie that Felicia had suggested she put up the two guys together to avoid showing any favoritism. That’s actually a really good idea and frankly since it doesn’t matter for Felicia this didn’t have to be an angle to help her position. Naturally Bowie Jane dismissed this suggestion and instead tried to make it as complicated as possible.

Speaking privately with Jag Bowie Jane asked how she could avoid sending him to the Block. BJ was trying to come up with reasons like Matt has zero noms and Jag already has three. Jag told Bowie it really didn’t matter (he’s right) and to just pick a number. Bowie Jane said okay, but she was going to tell Jag the number first. It’d be 70. Good grief.

Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane on Big Brother - CBS
Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane on Big Brother – CBS

Matt arrives and Bowie Jane starts in with all her reasons and excuses before suggesting they pick a number with whoever is closest gets to stay off the Block. Matt shouts out 77 and Jag quickly “guesses” 73. FBJ says it was 70. No kidding. Matt says it’s fine, but then questions if they plotted this before he came in there. Yes, yes they did, Matt.

So there we go. Bowie Jane plans to nominate Felicia with Matt and keep Jag off the Block. HGs must have been told the Nomination Ceremony would be coming up tonight because Jag was discussing it happening soon.

Once Noms are set the Veto comp should arrive on Friday because the next eviction is Sunday night (10/9c). It’s likely the Feeds will go down sometime Friday or Saturday and stay out until after the show to hide the latest results.

Who do you want to see win the Veto and secure the second spot in the F3? Unless Felicia wins the PoV I do expect her to be out the door next. Not the best move by the Trio for their own games if there’s a chance to evict Jag, but that’s how this goes.



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