It is Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 25 house and this week’s final nominees still have no idea which of them is going to be voted out during Thursday night’s live eviction. They both made some final pitches to Jag and Bowie in an attempt to solidify votes, but they have had their minds made up since Saturday evening after the Week 13 Power of Veto Comp played out on Big Brother.
Cirie and Felicia now know that their fellow Big Brother houseguests have been feeding them both the same promises thanks to a conversation that Matt had with Cirie on Wednesday. Cirie and Felicia both feel that they are in danger and that the other will be fine, but only one of them can be right. Read on to get all the details of the conversations that went on inside the Big Brother house on Wednesday!
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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, November 1, 2023:
8:50 AM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are up and talking in the living room.
9:08 AM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that if Bowie wins the next HOH comp, she will have to put one of the guys up and whichever one of them wins the Veto, they will take the other one out. Felicia says that Jag will definitely put Matt up if he wins HOH. Adds that Jag is confident with him and Bowie that he’ll definitely put Matt in that chair.
9:40 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
10:11 AM BBT – Felicia is talking to Matt. Matt tells Felicia that Jag and Bowie haven’t made a deicision yet and keep going back and forth with which option is the best. He says that he is fighting for Felicia to stay.
10:15 AM BBT – Felicia tells Matt that he has to convince them (J&B) that they don’t know what Cirie is going to do. Matt says and that she might have been throwing comps and they don’t know her full potential. He says he thinks they are more worried about Cirie. He suggests that she campaigns to Jag that Cirie would win if she went to F2.
10:20 AM BBT – Matt says that Jag told him he wants him (M) in F2 with him. Felicia says no he doesn’t because Jag knows he can’t beat Matt in the end. Adds that Matt has a better social game. Matt says Cirie thinks that Jag has a better social game. Felicia disagrees with that.
10:24 AM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie about her conversation with Matt. Says that Jag and Bowie are weighing their options and still going back and forth.
10:27 AM BBT – Felicia goes to campaign to Jag and Bowie. Felicia says that Cirie has a lot of connections in the jury and that she already has a couple of people in the jury tell her that they are giving her their vote. Says Cameron, Cory, and America are likely to vote for Cirie in a F2.
10:34 AM BBT – Felicia is wrapping up a chat with Bowie and Jag and leaves. Jag says that it’s crazy to him that Cory and Cameron both promised Cirie their votes. Bowie says it doesn’t matter anyway, she won’t be here. Jag notes that this is the first time that Felicia has actually campaigned against Cirie.
10:36 AM BBT – Bowie says that Felicia playing the “old lady” card but she isn’t an old lady. Says her uncle is the same age and is coaching an olympic team, Matt’s dad is too and running triatholons. Says her age is not a legitimate excuse.
10:45 AM BBT – Jag tells Bowie that Cirie had a problem with him showering and washing his hair during the family style dinner they did. Says that they had a problem with everything he did and then went around telling people that he couldn’t be trusted, a liar, a manipulator and all sorts of other things.
10:52 AM BBT – Bowie says she always found it weird that she was being associated with Red and Cameron when all she was doing was playing pool and hanging out. Jag says that Cirie and Izzy were snakes and he feels no remorse for either of them.
11:00 AM BBT – Felicia and Cirie have been working on packing in the Comic Room.
11:15 AM BBT – Felicia tells Matt she talked to Bowie and Jag and pushed the fact that Cirie will beat any of them if she makes it to F2.
11:20 AM BBT – Felicia tells Matt that Jag really needs to start thinking about Jury votes. Matt says that he thinks Jag will have a lot of votes because of his comp performances. Felicia says that Jag never kept his word to anyone though. Matt points out that Blue isn’t even mad at him for targeting her.
11:25 AM BBT – Felicia goes into the Scary Room to talk to Bowie while she’s alone. Felicia asks her what pros and cons she is weighing and she says the whole game honestly. Felicia asks what her strategy going forward is and she says to win HOH or Veto and survive. Bowie is giving very general answers.
11:31 AM BBT – Felicia tells Bowie that she just asks that she considers keeping Felicia for F4. Jag comes back in and Felicia leaves. Bowie goes to tell Jag about her conversation with Felicia and he gets called back to the DR.
11:50 AM BBT – Cirie asks Matt if they are still good. He says yes, but he knows that Jag and Bowie are working together and they keep going back and forth. Says that if it was 1-1 that would be fine, but he doubts that they will split the vote. Matt says that he keeps telling them that if Felicia makes it to the end, she will win. Cirie says they both told her she had their votes and Matt says they both told Felicia that she had them too.
11:52 AM BBT – Matt mentions that Jag and Bowie haven’t said anything to him yet today. Cirie says she might be in trouble then because they know she is close to Matt. He doesn’t think so because he downplays their relationship to them.
11:54 AM BBT – Cirie tells Matt not to leave Felicia with Bowie because she is probably telling her that they are in the room talking. He leaves.
11:57 AM BBT – Cirie is talking to herself in the Comic Room about how Matt didn’t listen to her. He could have let her win the HOH and then he could play in the next one. But he wanted to win so bad. Now they feel like Matt has no power.
12:00 PM BBT – Bowie tells Matt that her and Jag have been hiding in Scary Room studying all morning. He says he wondered where they were and how he was sitting in the kitchen for an hour and didn’t see them at all. She tells him to come in there.
12:02 PM BBT – Felicia and Cirie are in the Comic Room talking again. Felicia says she is going to stay in the room today. Cirie says she isn’t chasing anyone especially when they are telling both of them the same thing. Felicia says they don’t see either of them (F&C) in the end, but they are forgetting all about the jury votes.
12:04 PM BBT – Cirie says they will find out tomorrow night. Felicia says she asked Bowie about her path forward and she just said “winning.” Feeds cut to Bowie telling Matt and Jag about the same exact conversation.
12:10 PM BBT – Cirie and Felicia agree that they will be okay with going to Jury. Felicia says she is just tired.
12:16 PM BBT – Felicia asks Mr. B if they could do everything today and get it over with.
12:20 PM BBT – Cirie is talking with Jag, Matt, and Bowie in the kitchen. Says she doesn’t want them to think she didn’t think she needed to talk to them, but she didn’t want to be super pushy and is going by what they said to her already (about having their votes).
12:21 PM BBT – Cirie leaves the room and Bowie says to Matt and Jag that she (C) shouldn’t have continuously blinded the house.
12:45 PM BBT – Felicia grabs the cards from Matt in the kitchen and heads back to the Comic Room. She leaves the room and Matt tells Jag that he was going to play something. Jag tells him that he should have told her.
12:47 PM BBT – Matt asks where all the chips went (from the 18 pack of small bags). Bowie points out that Felicia has been taking three bags every time she comes out. He says that he wanted to try all the flavors, but now the white cheddar ones are gone. Bowie says you’ll find them all in the Comic Room.
12:52 PM BBT – Jag and Bowie head up to the HOH room and Matt goes into the Comic Room and asks if he can have the other deck of cards. They tell him he could have them.
1:00 PM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are in the Comic Room playing cards while Matt, Bowie, and Jag are in the HOH room playing cards and studying.
1:23 PM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are talking about the “what-ifs.” What if they kept Cory, would have targeted Matt and Jag. Felicia thinks that Cory thought he was still aligned with them and probably wouldn’t have taken the shot.
2:00 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that she thinks that Cirie might the one who is staying. Cirie asks why she thinks that and she tells Cirie it’s just a feeling. Cirie says she has the same feeling about Felicia. Felicia gets called to the DR. They start laughing that Mr. B isn’t going to let Felicia nap today and Mr. B hits them with an “I’m sorry” and a “My bad.”
2:16 PM BBT – Cirie tells Felicia that she hopes that Jag is stupid enough to bring Jag to F2. Felicia doesn’t think he will be.
2:22 PM BBT – Bowie, Matt, and Jag are talking about all the food and drinks that they requested and got in their baskets that Felicia took.
2:42 PM BBT – Cirie tells Felicia it must be awkward for Matt right now upstairs with Jag and Bowie. Felicia mentions that Matt was in the kitchen for an hour and said to her that no one came out of the room to say hi to him. Felicia mentions that Matt told her that everywhere Jag goes Bowie is right behind him and vice versa. Says Matt told her that at after 2 am last night he saw both of them go into the bathroom together.
2:45 PM BBT – Cirie wonders why Jag needed to follow Bowie to the bathroom at 2 am? Cirie says probably making sure she didn’t go upstairs without him. Felicia says that while they think Bowie is chancing Jag, it’s the other way around.
2:48 PM BBT – Jag asks Matt how he’s feeling. Matt says he was a little nervous when Bowie kept messing up during the quizzing. Jag says him too, but it just means that Jag has to win it. They said that the only person who can’t win is Felicia.
2:50 PM BBT – Matt says that they (M&J) have to convince Felicia that they will take her to F2 so that she doesn’t play as hard in the Veto. Jag thinks that will work.
2:53 PM BBT – Matt asks Jag how Bowie is feeling. Is she okay with coming in third to them? Jag says she has said that to him a couple times, but he feels bad. Says they he peptalks her when she says that.
2:56 PM BBT – Bowie, Matt, and Jag agree that they should study a couple more times later and then again in the morning.
3:00 PM BBT – Casual conversations going on in the house right now. Jag, Matt, and Bowie are laughing about Matt and Jag hiding some of the chocolates that Bowie was using for chips in their poker game. Felicia is talking about all the spots on her green dress there are from her dropping food on herself the other night.
Jag and Bowie are still unnecessarily lying to both Felicia and Cirie about where their votes will land on Thursday night. Meanwhile, both Felicia and Cirie have come to terms with the idea of them possibly heading to the Jury house. However, that didn’t stop them from trying one last time to sway the votes in their favor. Even after their conversations, Cirie remains the target for Week 13 of Big Brother 25.
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