Here’s one I didn’t see coming on the Big Brother 25 Live Feeds! Earlier today Cirie Fields sat with Cory Wurtenberger and started to detail to him reasons he should be worried about Felicia Cannon coming after him and it wasn’t far off at the end of it the season. No, the danger is much closer, posits Cirie. Oh my.
Before we jump into what’s happened this morning in the Big Brother house with Cirie and Cory let’s rewind to yesterday on the Feeds. Cirie was talking with Felicia and Izzy and brings up the curious fact that America and Cory are already aware that Jag is going this week. Oh, I told them, explains Felicia. Hah! So much for the big plan to keep this a secret from the duo that had lost trust with the powers in the house.
Cirie leans back and laughs heartily but maybe she wasn’t so entertained by that move after all. Fast forward to Tuesday at 10:10 AM BBT on Cams 1/2 (get the Free Trial now to watch) and you’ll find her with Cory in the hammock.
Cirie warns Cory that Felicia has put him on her target list. Cory asks how much time he’s got. It’s not much, says Cirie, next three weeks. Cirie says Felicia worries about Cory once they get to the Q&A comps portion of the season.
Cirie also adds that she still wants Cameron out next then probably Red, but after that then she’s okay with Felicia going. Along with that, Cirie poses Felicia as a renom option in case Cameron gets HOH again. Yikes!
So what’s going on here with Cirie and her obviously close ally of Felicia? Does Cirie really want Felicia out? I’m doubtful, but I do think Cirie wants to isolate Cory away from Felicia. If Felicia was giving him info that Cirie wasn’t then Cory might start to think he’s in a better position with Felicia than Cirie and that would undermine her position with him which already isn’t the best.
More than trying to actually get her ally evicted I believe Cirie is trying to disconnect HGs from one another while keeping herself tied to them. And also the comment about Cameron using Felicia as a renom, maybe that’s one of those “anyone but me!” sort of things. Hmm.
What do you think is going on with Cirie and Felicia? Is Cirie actually done with Felicia or was this just a facade for Cory to lose trust in Felicia?
Update: Have mercy, Felicia has done it again and run more info back to America and Cory over a possible vote change plan.
Felicia already told America/Cory that the target is potentially shifting to Red.
Izzy is not amused she's already telling people. #BB25
— RealityBBQ #BB25 (@rbbq) September 5, 2023