Much like the past four or five episodes of Big Brother 25, I will again write Jag wins _____. I’ve used the term deja vu in more than one recap this season, so I can’t use it again, even though that’s exactly what tonight’s episode felt like.
Tuesday night’s Halloween (can you believe this show is still on this late in the year?) episode picks up right after the nomination ceremony where Matt nominated Felicia and Cirie. And if you’re counting, this is Felicia’s seventh time on the block.
Matt lets us know that Felicia is his target, but Jag’s target is Cirie. But Matt is telling Felicia that Bowie Jane is the target but he couldn’t put her up outright. He tells her that if all else fails, then Cirie goes home. All Felicia can do is trust him.
But Cirie knows better. She knows Bowie Jane is no one’s target this week.
And speaking of targets, Jag and Bowie Jane decide that Cirie needs to go this week over Felicia.
It’s time for the veto competition. For this competition, the players have to maneuver in some swamp water transporting pieces of a puzzle. The first person to stack their full puzzle wins the Power of Veto. And to no one’s surprise, Jag wins the Power of Veto.
And Felicia still thinks there’s a chance Jag will use the veto so Bowie Jane goes up. But Cirie knows better.
Oh, it’s time for a special Halloween luxury competition. And of course it’s an unfair competition when you have a 3-2 majority left in the game. The players have to give or take away candy from each other and the person with the most candy at the end wins $5,000. And of course Jag and Matt took candy from Felicia and Cirie and gave it to each other. Add in Bowie Jane following her leaders and that means Matt wins the $5K easily.
And even less shocking that Jag won the veto is that Jag does not use the Power of Veto. It’s starting to make sense why they’d rather Cirie go over Felicia. Cirie has their number – Felicia is still falling for their lies even though she tells us she knows they do nothing but lie.
Cirie and Felicia remain on the block, and since Jag wants Cirie gone, that’s likely what will happen.