Big Brother 25 Comic Week continued Tuesday night as the houseguests played for double vetoes. And with two houseguests feeling invincible, the not-so-invisible HOH was feeling inclined to reverse that power he was told he wasted in the last episode.
The episode picks up right after the invisible Head of Household made their nominations. Felicia lets us know that this was a wasted super power. She says this is the fifth time she’s been up and she’s over it. Meanwhile, Blue realizes that since she’s sitting next to Felicia, she might be the target. She also suspects that Jag might be the invisible HOH.
Blue isn’t the only one who suspects Jag, though. Felicia knows it’s either Jag or Cory, and she confronts them and tells them that this move was a wasted super power. And after talking to Cory and Jag together, she knows from Jag’s behavior that he is the secret HOH. Jag is a terrible liar.
And while Blue and Felicia work on sussing out the HOH, Cory and America are feeling a little cocky. Cory is planning to go after Jag and Matt next week and they couldn’t feel more comfortable this week.
The houseguests get a message from the Comic-verse. This time it tells them that another super power has been unleashed – the Power of Multiplicity. This power multiples the number of veto players and the number of vetoes. All houseguests will play in the competition and there will be two competitions, which means two veto winners.
Before the veto competitions begin, Blue tells Matt and Jag that America has been trying to work on her to turn her against them. Blue also tells them that Cory and America are going to be coming after Matt and Jag. And Jag realizes he may have made the wrong nominations. Lucky for him there are two vetoes up for grabs, so he might still get that chance.
It’s time for the first veto competition. For this one, the players have to stand on a disc tethered to a rope. All they have to do is hang on. The last houseguests spinning wins the first Power of Veto.
Felicia is out first after 3 minutes. Bowie is out next after 7 minutes. At the 11 minute mark, Cirie is out. Cory is out three minutes later. Matt drop after 16 minutes. America, Blue and Jag remain.
America drops at 22 minutes. So it’s between Jag and Blue. And after two hours and 6 minutes, Blue falls. Jag owns the first Power of Veto.
For the second veto, all they have to do is guess how long Jag can hang onto another rope. The person who is closest to the time Jag holds on will win. Others will get punishments. And he drops at 110 seconds.
Let’s find out how everyone guessed and won got the closest guess.
Bowie guessed 482 seconds.
Felicia’s guess was 600 seconds.
Matt said 150.
America said 75 seconds.
Cirie went with 600.
Blue guessed 105.
And Cory’s number was 135.
Blue wins the Power of Veto
Felicia and Cirie get punishments for being the furthest away. Felicia ends up with solitary confinement. Cirie gets a clothing change punishment. She has to go into a phone booth and change clothes every time they call for her.
Jag and Matt decide that they need to take this shot at Cory and America. So Jag goes on his confession tour. He tells everyone but Cory and America that he’s the invisible HOH. Felicia is thrilled. Cirie is thrilled. Bowie is Bowie.
And then there’s his conversation with Blue. He tells her he’s sorry but now he knows that Cory and America has villainized her. And when he tells her he’s putting Cory and America up, all is forgiven.
But we don’t get to see the veto ceremony. We will have to wait until Thursday to see how this all plays out.