Thursday’s Big Brother was a no-show in favor of its delayed appearance on Sunday night, but don’t worry. The Feeds eventually returned and with it came all the details we needed to confirm who was voted out and who won HOH last night! Read on for the results and see who will be naming the noms in the week ahead.
When the Feeds came back we saw the HGs busily discussing what sounds like an Endurance Comp that we missed out on watching. Sigh. The HGs were also discussing what sounds like the Besties twist that pairs HGs together. That was supposed to roll out last week, but Paloma happened. So far it sounds like Michael and Brittany are paired and Turner and Jasmine are paired. That works out pretty well for Jasmine because look who won HOH…
Big Brother 24 Week 3 HoH Comp:
- Turner is the new Head of Household
Turner lost his ally Paloma and then his closest ally, Pooch, so he’s having a rough go at it but now he’s safe. Of course Turner was also one of the top picks for the next target so that’ll throw out a lot of plans for this week. And if he is paired with Jasmine and she’s safe this week then that means he can’t go after the HOH responsible for his Pooch pal’s eviction. Hmm. Wonder who will be the new target.
Who do you think the new HOH will send to the Block? Share some picks below and let’s see what happens.
Nominations are coming up on Friday then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.