I am hoping these rankings last longer than 10 seconds. I am not very good at writing them, but I like writing them for you – but if you want to stop reading, you can.
If you do not know what I am talking about – then PLEASE go to Twitter and type in “#BB24 10 Seconds.”
This has been the sloppiest week in the Big Brother 24 House this season. There was a ton of bad gameplay and even more over gameplaying. In the end – we are getting a possible blindside and the house will be shook when the new twist is unveiled.
BUT FIRST – I need to hand out Bacon (not much), Tofu (a lot), and try to figure out which one of these bozos get the Tofurkey of the Week
Monte – 4 strips of Bacon – all he did this week was sit back and let everyone go crazy around him. He played along with the rouse that he was the “Big Target” the HoH was claiming to be aiming for. His spot in the Leftovers is still safe – unlike someone else. He’s just chugging along.
Michael – 3 strips of Bacon – nice bounceback week for Michael after his HoH was boring and basic. He is still the voice of reason when it comes to the big picture & end game. I am still shocked that people are not looking at him as the biggest threat to win the game despite Daniel shouting that in his nominee speech last week. But here we are.
Turner – 2 strips of Bacon – Turner is doing an amazing job of being the house goofball – with most of his pranks in 1 person’s general direction. The way he talks to & about Jasmine had me thinking, perhaps he has a little schoolboy crush. But no, it’s just his way of enacting revenge on the ridiculousness coming from her direction. From a game perspective – he is seen as a non-threat, which is working perfectly. To paraphrase Bruce Willis’ character in pulp fiction “That’s how you’re gonna beat ’em, (Turner). They keep underestimating you”
Brittany – 2 strips of Bacon – unfortunately for Brittany – she cannot keep this bacon, this is for her to give to Michael since she is already giving him $750k – why not a couple pieces of bacon too?
Terrance – 1 strip of Tofu – 4th time on the block, and 4th time not going home. Not really sure what else there is to say about him this week.
Taylor – 2 strips of Tofu – not sure what is worse – Taylor’s HoH reign, or Taylor’s overall gameplay. The BB Fandom rallied behind her when she was being treated unfairly – but this is the thanks we get? Her HoH was a total failure – she was so wishy washy on who to target & how to target them. The only thing she did right was color coordinate her dress & HoH robe during her nominations, and wearing lingerie under her HoH robe during the picking of the Veto players. She was gunning hard for Terrance at the beginning of the week, was willing to put up her fake showmance partner Joseph, shifted the target to Alyssa, couldnt convince Kyle to use the Veto – and now is playing dumb with Indy as her plans were foiled. All the while she is becoming the mean catty girl that people were accusing her to be at the beginning of the game.
Joseph – 3 strips of Tofu – what is with all of these people volunteering to go on the block this season? This used to be the biggest taboo in BB – but now we have arguably the best player in the first half of the game doing it. Joseph is/was in the safest spot in the house – being the double agent with the Five Swatters for The Leftovers. But seeing him willing to risk his safety in the game for optics at this point is just dumb dumb and dumb! Luckily for him things went differently with the Veto not being used – so hopefully he gets his head straight and goes back to playing a winning game – not a Pooch/Nicole game.
Indy – 4 strips of Tofu – we never quite saw the meltdown that everyone was expecting from her being on the block this week. But something has definitely changed this week as she is not as fun & bubbly as she was. She still thinks she has a chance of staying – so hopefully from the fan’s perspective – I hope she is blindsided tonight and goes out in a ball of fire. Now that there will be a live audience – I think this could save a blah week.
Jasmine – 5 strips of Tofu – I mean, it is so easy to make fun of Jasmine, as we have seen Turner do it all week, and well… let’s face it BB Twitter has been doing it all season. But it’s not like we just pick on her for the sake of picking on her. She makes it SOOOO EASY! Yes, her birthday was this week – but she has been walking around as if she is the queen – and was actually upset that they would not give her balloons for her birthday. (Note… she wanted to release a balloon in the backyard in honor of her father’s birthday, which she shares with him & he has passed away). When Turner mentioned that a balloon could hurt or kill a bird – that’s all she needed to overplay the victim card… again. Truth be told – I love her in the game – for comedic reasons only. As far as actual gameplay though – she has the worst read on the house or she would have realized Joseph is playing both sides.
That brings us to the Tofurkeys of the Week – yes, plural – and it should come as no surprise, Kyle & Alyssa share this honor. Kyle has let his little head do the thinking while his big head is sinking his own game. Yes – he has been pushing the narrative of possibly a Cookout 2.0 starting – which is ridiculous and no actual proof. But he cannot see that being tied so closely to Alyssa is going to be his downfall. I guess $750k is not worth as much as 10 seconds of pleasure (I hope you looked this up already).
As far as Alyssa getting the Tofurkey – why why why would you take a vacation away from the HoH. If she actually had any sort of strategy – she would have traded Indy for the Veto – so the 2 of them could be safe. Jasmine would have held onto the $5k or traded it for the trip – and that would have kept Taylor happy. And then Kyle would have been able to trade the Punk-itard to Jasmine. HoH would have been happy, Indy would be saved, and that would have forced Taylor to have to put up the “bigger target” in Joseph. Instead – she had regrets over her actions all week – and ended up putting both her & Kyle in an awkward position (not on the pool floaties in the Have Not room).
There ya have it – let me know what you think of my rankings in the comments section below. This new split house twist will for sure shake up everything in the game – and hopefully bring a little more excitement this upcoming week to make up for this past one.
From outside the Big Brother house – I am Adam Poch – I’ll be back before you can say Blueberry pie!
Catch me here every week during the BB season for my rankings. If you want more of my thoughts during the season. follow me on Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy – and listen to my Podcast – @BigBrothersPod.