Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 9: Thursday Night Highlights

The Big Brother 24 houseguests were paid a visit by Zingbot Thursday night after the new Head of Household was crowned. Kyle was sill a big topic of discussion for part of the evening, but talk eventually turned to who the targets could be and what Zingbot said about the houseguests this year.

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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, September 1, 2022:

7:42 PM BBT – Feeds are back after the HOH competition. Michael is wearing the HOH key. Taylor says that the zings are already written at this point and Zingbot is suiting up right now getting ready to come zing them.

7:43 PM BBT – Turner tells Monte that was exactly what he expected to happen (Michael winning HOH). Turner says the good thing is that one of them will mostly likely win HOH next week. Turner says he feels 100 percent safe this week. Monte says they just have to make sure Terrance or Alyssa don’t win veto so neither of them have to go up at all.

7:44 PM BBT – Turner says Michael has told him about 100 times that he won’t put him up this week. Monte says they should both be good then.

7:55 PM BBT – Monte tells Terrance that the crowd didn’t seem very hyped with Kyle. Terrance says yeah, he didn’t hear much clapping. Monte said there was maybe no clapping.

7:56 PM BBT – Terrance says that they did the best they could with Kyle to understand what he said and the rest is up to him. Monte says the true test will be how he responds when he gets out of the house. Terrance says there will be two sides waiting for him outside the house: One that disagrees with what he said and one that totally agrees with his thought process. Monte says he hopes Kyle chooses the right path, but he isn’t sure Kyle will or not.

7:57 PM BBT – Terrance says it’s good that Kyle gets to sit in jury for a bit to think about everything more and also not be thrown right to the wolves (the outside world). Monte says by the time Kyle is out things might have died down a bit. He says no one is going to forget it, but it probably won’t be as harsh for him in a month when he comes out of the jury house.

7:59 PM BBT – Monte says that Jasmine and Indy will educate Kyle in the jury house.

8:02 PM BBT – Terrance and Monte still agree that Michael and Brittany exposed Kyle as a game move, but because it was weighing on their hearts. Terrance says they were just as guilty as Kyle for not saying something sooner.

8:04 PM BBT – Terrance says that Michael and Brittany seem to be trying to pull Alyssa in. Terrance says he thinks he is going on the block 100 percent. Terrance says they promised Turner he wasn’t going up, and they’re trying to work with Alyssa, so it won’t be her. Monte says maybe it’ll be himself and Terrance then.

8:06 PM BBT- Monte says that if Michael is in Final 2 with anyone other than Brittany, then the jury could consider everything that went down, and realize that was a sh*tty game move. Terrance says if he’s in the jury house, he will sway them on against Michael on how long he held onto the information. He says that’s the move that is going to come back and haunt Michael.

8:08 PM BBT – Terrance says he blames Kyle for sure, but he doesn’t blame him by himself. Monte agrees.

8:42 PM BBT – The HGs are hanging out waiting on Zingbot. Turner says by the time Michael’s HOH is over there are only 20 days left in the game.

8:45 PM BBT – Feeds cut. Zingbot is its way.

9:37 PM BBT – Feeds are back from the Zingbot.

9:45 PM BBT – HGs retelling their zings. (We’ll see them Sunday night.)

10:05 PM BBT – Taylor is so excited they made Top 6. Michael says he already knows what he wants to do so these conversations are going to be tough. Taylor says she wouldn’t even do one on ones. Michael says he wants to so he can get more info if it’s there.

10:45 PM BBT – Taylor and Brittany discuss the week ahead. They wonder if Turner would be the renom or if Michael would pawn one of them.

10:55 PM BBT – Brittany and Taylor go over next targets. Brittany says Terrance and Alyssa are still threats to consider and she’d want Terrance out first though since he’s competed better.

11:00 PM BBT – Taylor asks Brittany if Michael discussed a F2 with her. She says he kinda has.

12:00 AM BBT – HGs got the backyard again.

12:25 AM BBT – Turner is nervous about staying safe this week. Brittany says he’ll be okay.

12:50 AM BBT – Monte and Terrance playing pool and talking about targeting Michael and Brittany. Monte is still troubled by the timing of their Kyle reveal. Monte thinks they can get Michael to lose if he’s up against anyone but Brittany at F2.

1:00 AM BBT – HOH room time for Michael.

1:10 AM BBT – Michael shared his letter from Hayden.

2:10 AM BBT – Taylor alone in the backyard giving herself a pep talk on making it to the end and she’ll get herself there.

2:25 AM BBT – Michael’s one on one meetings are starting. Terrance is up first. Michael asks him for what happened at Dyre Fest. Terrance sticks with Joseph revealing LOs. He says Joseph and Monte were running everything in the house.

2:40 AM BBT – Terrance says he didn’t know what Turner was going to do with his nominations.

2:50 AM BBT – Terrance is done. Alyssa is next. Terrance heads downstairs and tells Turner he covered for him with his nominations and Michael doesn’t know he was a BD consideration. Turner talks with Monte who tells him he should be safe this week because Turner didn’t actually put Michael up.

3:00 AM BBT – Michael tells Alyssa that he won’t go after Turner after he did the right thing last week unless there’s critical information he learns that could change his mind.

3:25 AM BBT – Brittany is in talking with Michael. He confirms his plans are to nom Alyssa and Terrance. Michael thinks Terrance was upset that he got HOH again. Brittany says Taylor would want Terrance out.

3:30 AM BBT – Michael knows he’s a target for next week. Brittany says Taylor thinks something would take him out, but she doesn’t think Taylor would do it herself.

3:40 AM BBT – Brittany and Michael wonder if The Pound is still a thing for Monte and Turner with the other half gone.

3:50 AM BBT – Michael reaffirms his F2 with Brittany. He fears Kyle has poisoned the well at Jury against him and they have to get to F2 together.

3:55 AM BBT – Michael is meeting with Turner and promises he won’t put him on the Block. Turner offers that in return for next week if he’s HOH.

4:00 AM BBT – Taylor promises to warn Monte if he’s in danger. Monte heads in for his one on one with Michael.

The night continues for the HGs as Michael is working through his one on ones, but for now, it sounds like Alyssa and Terrance will go up. Maybe Terrance will start throwing his allies under the bus for safety this week and we could see a shift with the renom.

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