Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 6: Wednesday Night Highlights

Indy spent much of Wednesday evening fighting the good fight in the Big Brother 24 house, but when she couldn’t even get her closest allies to commit, she started to get worried. Then the houseguests were treated to the halfway party that lifted the mood in the house and left behind a hacked up cake with only the evicted houseguests faces intact.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 17, 2022:

3:16 PM BBT – Indy and Alyssa meet up with Brittany to discuss the vote. Brittany says she wants to do what the house is doing and Alyssa says she doesn’t want to vote Terrance out twice and him stay in the game again. Indy is freaking and Brittany tells her maybe they’re just being paranoid and the vote isn’t leaning toward her going. Indy wants Jasmine there so they can all discuss.

3:27 PM BBT – Indy gets Jasmine to join them to talk about the vote. Indy says she needs to know where they all stand. Jasmine says she is still talking to people but at the moment she’s voting to keep Indy. Jasmine says she does need to think about jury management at this point though. Indy says she thought they had each other’s backs 100 percent and never thought she’d have to worry about whether or not she had their votes. Indy says if it was her and another one of them then she’d understand but since it’s her and Terrance, she never excepted to even have concerns.

3:29 PM BBT Jasmine says that’s just how this game is though. Jasmine reminds Indy how it was last time they were on the wrong side of the vote. Jasmine says she doesn’t think anyone has completely decided on their vote right now.

3:37 PM BBT – The girls ask Indy if they all voted to keep her and so did Michael who would the fifth person be that would actually make her stay. Indy says she could work on Joseph. Jasmine wonders if Joseph would really vote with them because none of them talk game with him.

3:42 PM BBT – Michael has been summoned to talk about the vote. Brittany, Jasmine and Alyssa tell Michael they were just telling Indy they hadn’t decided yet. Michael tells Indy that he’s going to hear Terrance out, but he will at the very least hear him out. He says he has a hard time to think he would want Terrance to stay over Indy, but he will hear him out. Jasmine says she wants to have a one-on-one with him as well, just to see where his head is as far as the game goes.

3:44 PM BBT – Jasmine says she’s going to have to consider in her decision whether or not Terrance even tries to talk to her. She says if you’re not the block you have to fight, but if she’s the one who has to initiate a talk with him, she will have to consider that in her vote.

3:45 PM BBT – Indy says when they all know 100 percent, just confirm with each other. She says she wants to get to the end of the game with the four of them. She says she will respect their decision, but she really hopes they keep her. She says they can fight together and make good moves together. She thanks them and the meeting breaks up.

3:53 PM BBT – Indy pulls Kyle aside to campaign to him. She tells him she thinks she has the numbers but could really use his vote too. She tells him how much she cares about him and Alyssa. She tells him he’d never have to worry about her because she’d never go against him. And she said last week there wasn’t even a chance she was going to vote Kyle out.

4:05 PM BBT – Brittany warns Joseph that Indy is going to try to get his vote tonight.

4:06 PM BBT – Indy meets with Turner now. She tells him that she has a feeling in her heart that she’s going to be OK. She says and that means whether she goes or not she’ll be OK. She says this was so huge for her since she came from another country and everything. Turner says he hates to tell her this, but he also doesn’t have any clue what he’s doing either. He tells her that he has to talk to Terrance first, but he does love her being in the house. He says he will keep her updated. He says he’s very close with Terrance. She says she knows that but she still has to ask him. He says of course, but at the moment he doesn’t know.

4:13 PM BBT – Brittany tells Michael that this big talk with Indy started when Jasmine asked her in the storage room how she was voting. Brittany says she told her she was undecided and Jasmine said she was undecided too.

4:22 PM BBT – Indy joins Michael and Brittany. She tells them that Turner is closer to Terrance so he’s the one she doesn’t feel comfortable with. But she says she still feels OK. She tells them that she has been dreaming to go on Big Brother since she was 10. She says she planned to be on the Brazil version, so coming on the US version was so different but she knows God brought her there for a reason.

4:25 PM BBT – Indy is getting pretty emotional about having to campaign so hard to people she thought she had no worried about.

4:27 PM BBT – Joseph says he’s going to have to tell Indy that if Jasmine and Alyssa are on the fence, then he probably can’t commit to voting for her. He says if he votes to keep her and they don’t that could jeopardize his game.

5:04 PM BBT – Everyone is pumped up for their halfway party.

5:47 PM BBT – Indy cam talks that she hopes she’s still going to be here after tomorrow night. She says she fought so hard to be here, and she still hopes that she can win the $750,000.

6:01 PM BBT – Brittany dogging Kyle to Taylor. She says that there should be no protecting anyone outside your alliance. Taylor says that Indy isn’t the one who should be going to the jury house this week. She says it should be Alyssa. Brittany says that Indy knows that too. She says Indy said Taylor never intended for her to still be on the block.

6:02 PM BBT – Taylor tells Brittany that nothing has happened with her and Joseph. She says she admits she’s attracted to him but she would never, ever let what happened between Kyle and Alyssa happens to them. Taylor says Alyssa has really been encouraging the Taylor/Joseph romance to take some of the heat off her and Kyle.

6:06 PM BBT – Feeds cut for their party.

8:16 PM BBT – Feeds return from the party.

8:30 PM BBT – Taylor tells Indy she didn’t want her to be in this position. Indy asks Taylor to tell anyone who asks that she (T) wants Indy to stay.

8:40 PM BBT – Indy and Jasmine are telling Taylor they think Joseph really likes her (T). Taylor is telling them her and Joseph aren’t happening. This is a staged conversation so her and Joseph are not targeted as if they’re a showmance.

9:40 PM BBT – Jasmine is frustrated that Brittany seems to be lying to her about her vote and not knowing what she wants to do.

10:05 PM BBT – Indy talks with Brittany and hopes everyone is thinking clearer tomorrow. Indy says it’s too soon for her to go.

10:10 PM BBT – Jasmine still talking about Brittany lying. She says Brittany claims she doesn’t talk game to Taylor and was just being friendly with her.

10:20 PM BBT – Michael asks Taylor if he can give Indy a sympathy vote. Taylor agrees but says they need to make sure on Jasmine and Alyssa’s votes. Michael says the alliance is more important to him but he’d like to do that for Indy if he could.

10:35 PM BBT – Taylor is upset and believes Alyssa deleted photos of her (T) and Kyle off the camera. Michael gets the camera to check. He finds the photos. They were not deleted.

10:50 PM BBT – Alyssa is crying about the vote and feels bad that she can’t help Indy. Indy says there is no question on how she would vote if Alyssa needed her.

11:30 PM BBT – Alyssa is stressed and says she’s having a panic attack. Jasmine is trying to comfort her. Jasmine tells her to not let a guy do this to her emotions. Alyssa tries to claim it’s not about Kyle (it is).

11:35 PM BBT – Brittany tells Joseph that Jasmine and Alyssa are telling her they’re undecided about their votes. Taylor joins. She’s concerned about both Joseph and Michael wanting to give Indy a sympathy vote. That could let it end up as a tie if Alyssa and Jasmine also vote to keep Indy. Taylor doesn’t want to have to break the tie.

11:40 PM BBT – Joseph continuing what Taylor started earlier as he plays up to Jasmine and Alyssa that it’s not working out for him and Taylor. Joseph also adding on that Taylor was targeting Monte and this wasn’t supposed to be how it goes.

12:10 AM BBT – Jasmine and Alyssa discuss that Terrance could get dragged to the end because anyone next to him would win. Jasmine doesn’t think that’s fair.

12:20 AM BBT – LOs, minus Turner and Brittany, meet up to discuss the vote. Joseph and Michael want to do sympathy votes but that could tie it and make Taylor vote Indy out.

1:25 AM BBT – Jasmine talking with Indy about Joseph after he said he was interested in someone in the house who was not available. (Jasmine must think it could be her.) This was all part of Joseph and Taylor trying to appear distanced.

2:10 AM BBT – Taylor playfully smashes some of the cake on Joseph.

2:35 AM BBT – Alyssa, Jasmine, and Indy worry that Brittany may have overheard them earlier talking.

2:40 AM BBT – LOs gather in the HOH room. Taylor doesn’t want a tied vote. Michael says he won’t do the sympathy vote after all.

3:05 AM BBT – Brittany questions why the Swatters are continuing to pretend like they’re together. Joseph says he’s learned they were trying to still vote to keep Indy.

3:50 AM BBT – LOs finally break up their hangout and head downstairs all at the same time.

4:45 AM BBT – Turner and Joseph still hanging out in the bathroom and chatting about life back home and past seasons.

The chance of a tie has faded as Michael won’t be throwing a sympathy vote to Indy. Taylor can breath easier with that and the LOs can look ahead to their next moves. But they won’t see that split house twist coming!

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