Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 2: Friday Night Highlights

Joe and Pooch on BB24

Nominations are in and the Houseguests are preparing for the next Veto comp on Big Brother 24. We’re settled in to watch the BB24 Live Feeds and find out what these HGs are up to next because they’ve definitely been surprising us so far, sometimes bad and sometimes, well, very bad, okay but not all of them and not always. Let’s see what they get up to in Week 2.

So far we’ve got a nice little surprise plan in the works as the new HOH is taking one HG up on the offer to hit the Block but it may not go the way the pawn was expecting. Good times ahead on this one.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 15, 2022:

4:39 PM BBT – Feeds return from the Noms. Jasmine sent Pooch & Taylor to the Block.

4:40 PM BBT – Jasmine gets a scooter like Christmas had.

4:48 PM BBT – Pooch talks with Michael and Turner about how he was trying to build trust with Jasmine by volunteering for the pawn.

4:52 PM BBT – Ameerah lets Taylor know that Pooch is the real target. Nicole says they have the votes.

4:54 PM BBT – Jasmine tells Pooch she hopes she can compete in the Veto and if she wins she’ll keep Noms the same. Jasmine says she’d renom Brittany if she has to name someone.

4:57 PM BBT – Turner encourages Pooch and is sure they have the whole house to support them.

5:15 PM BBT – Ameerah wonders if the guys have an alliance or not. Nicole is sure they do because the guys are always whispering. Ameerah says that Monte keeps bringing her info though.

5:25 PM BBT – Pooch and Taylor talking about being on the Block and discussing the turn of events the night before with Taylor surviving the eviction.

5:35 PM BBT – HGs gathering in the kitchen to work on dinner. Indy gets a deep cut on her finger.

6:05 PM BBT – Pooch has been going around the house laying on HGs.

6:30 PM BBT – Nicole talking game with Daniel. She says she’ll go after a big target if she gets HOH and then hopes the girls will protect her. Daniel worries about Pooch going and says his game will be ruined if he does because his group is Pooch and Turner. Nicole says no one knows about the two of them.

8:30 PM BBT – Ameerah and Michael discuss the plan to get out Pooch. He wonders if everyone knows. Ameerah says just Pooch, Joseph, and Turner are in the dark on this. She doesn’t think they should pass on this chance.

8:35 PM BBT – Ameerah thinks Nicole wants to BD Monte. They don’t like that Monte wants to keep Joseph around longer. Ameerah and Michael agree they are glad Jasmine won HOH.

9:05 PM BBT – Michael talks with Taylor. She hopes Jasmine may be willing to make a big move this week.

9:25 PM BBT – Jasmine worries to Indy and Nicole about how viewers will react to getting Pooch out. Nicole says viewers will cheer for her.

9:35 PM BBT – Kyle lets Jasmine know Daniel wants Taylor out. Kyle plans to keep Pooch feeling comfortable for now. He doesn’t want anyone to know he’s in on this with Jasmine.

9:55 PM BBT – Daniel says his game plan coming in was to play with the women, not the men. He sees now that HGs who said they were with him last week aren’t anymore.

10:30 PM BBT – Jasmine continues with her hard-to-believe personal stories. She says there was a mixup at the hospital and they had to do DNA tests for her.

11:50 PM BBT – Jasmine is back to sliding down the stairs. Indy mentions they are not allowed to carry her anymore (Christmas says Hi).

12:10 AM BBT – HGs check for the backyard but the metal gate is down behind the slider.

12:20 AM BBT – Daniel complains to Terrance and Nicole that it seems like Taylor is following him around. He doesn’t like being out of power this week.

12:30 AM BBT – Alyssa tells Jasmine that she is her ride or die.

12:45 AM BBT – Alyssa wants the next evictions to go: Pooch, Taylor, Turner, and Brittany.

1:15 AM BBT – Nicole mentions to Pooch and Joe that Taylor felt she was safe this week and considered throwing the HOH comp.

1:35 AM BBT – Jasmine is surprised when Daniel tells her he wants to work with the girls. He says he’ll vote out Pooch.

1:40 AM BBT – Nicole says they should keep Terrance as long as possible and he’ll be a good pawn.

1:45 AM BBT – Pooch tells Kyle and Joe he’ll definitely save himself with the Veto if he wins it and he’ll be upset if Jasmine renoms another guy in his place. Joe thinks the guys will show their strength this week.

1:50 AM BBT – Alyssa is fluffing Jasmine’s ego and telling her this HOH reign will be iconic.

2:20 AM BBT – Lights out.

Relatively quiet night as Jasmine unrolled her plan to send Pooch out while he thought he was heading to the Block as a pawn against Taylor. It still all depends on the Veto competition on Saturday though so stick close by for those results before we know if they can still get Pooch out the door.

How long before you think Pooch starts to sweat and realize his error in volunteering?

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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