Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 8: Friday Daytime Highlights

It is Nomination Day inside the Big Brother 24 house and it was a busy one as this week’s Head of Household had to decide which side of the house they wanted to show their loyalty with. There was a plan put into place last night, but it seems like the plan has completely shifted for Week 8 of Big Brother. Read on to find out what the BB24 houseguests had to say prior to today’s Nomination Ceremony right here!

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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 26, 2022:

7:25 AM BBT – HGs are waking up. Kyle is in the HOH room talking to Turner who is still half asleep. Turner tells Kyle that Monte mentioned that Taylor, Michael, and Brittany offered him a F4. Kyle seems to be freaking out, but they both agree they can trust Monte because he told him about this.

7:27 AM BBT – Kyle tells Turner that his gut is that Michael, Birttany, and Taylor will take a shot at them next week, they aren’t going to take out Terrance and Alyssa. He adds that if Monte is really on board with them, then he would be okay with Taylor and Brittany going up and Michael being backdoored.

7:30 AM BBT – Kyle tells Turner (again) that he thinks that Michael knows about The Pound alliance.

7:57 AM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animal loops.

9:47 AM BBT – Feeds return to the HGs all leaving the HOH room to see their new smaller table. They also noticed that they got a new working dishwasher.

9:49 AM BBT – They noticed that the clock on the microwave is no longer set because they likely had to cut the power which reset all the clocks.

9:55 AM BBT – Terrance asks Kyle if he knows who Turner is putting up. He says he thinks it’s going to be Monte/Taylor or Taylor/Brittany, he isn’t sure.

10:30 AM BBT – Monte, Kyle, and Turner are all talking in the HOH room. Reliving Taylor’s HOH when they were trying to pressure Kyle to use the Veto so that Alyssa could go up. Kyle is playing up Michael’s role in wanting Alyssa out and how he was telling Kyle that he didn’t want Alyssa to go, but then didn’t say anything when they all talked at the pool table.

10:35 AM BBT – Monte says that the tell-tale sign was when Michael picked Monte over Kyle. If he was so concerned about Alyssa going, he would have split Kyle and Alyssa up.

10:40 AM BBT – Monte is telling Kyle that Michael, Brittany, and Taylor kept saying all week that if Kyle and Alyssa came back into the house that they would be their targets this week.

10:45 AM BBT – Monte and Kyle continue to compare notes about Brittany/Michael/Taylor and Turner is just listening to it all unfold. Monte says that it’s like they were expecting Kyle to do something foul this week on the other side (if Monte only knew).

10:50 AM BBT – Turner says that it would be a liability for him to keep all three of them (Michael/Taylor/Brittany). Monte is worried that if Michael wins the Veto, they won’t be able to take that shot. Turner says that regardless one of them goes to Jury and talks out scenarios.

10:55 AM BBT – Turner says that he has to get one of them out this week. Especially since they have all been lying to him about the whole Alyssa thing during Taylor’s HOH.

11:00 AM BBT – Kyle reiterates to Monte and Turner that Joseph told him on his way out that Brittany and Michael are playing them all (The Leftovers).

11:05 AM BBT – Turner asks them who he should nominate and Monte says that it should be Brittany and Taylor because they at least have a shot at Michael not getting to play. Kyle says that way the only risk they have would be if Michael gets picked and wins.

11:20 AM BBT – Kyle is worried that Michael, Brittany, and Taylor are going to come after him. Turner says that luckily, one of them has to go home this week regardless.

11:30 AM BBT – After Monte leaves the HOH room, Kyle and Turner discuss whether they should loop Monte in on After Party so that Monte could try and make amends with Alyssa and Terrance. Turner says that after the nominations, they should. Kyle wonders if they should tell Monte that Kyle spilled the beans or stick to the Joseph story.

11:42 AM BBT – Turner tells Alyssa that his plan is to put Brittany and Taylor up with the goal to backdoor Michael. Alyssa asks if he is going to let them know that and he says no. They all think they are safe and now he (T) feels like Joseph and in an alliance with everyone.

11:45 AM BBT – Turner plants the seed with Alyssa about possibly bringing Monte into the After Party and she is okay with that.

12:08 PM BBT – Turner has just realized that the table is smaller even after all the conversations about it and the new dishwasher took place after the HOH lockdown.

12:18 PM BBT – Taylor is telling Michael about her conversation with Turner from last night and that it seems like Alyssa and Terrance are going up. Michael says as long as that happens, they are golden.

12:35 PM BBT – Michael tells Brittany that he talked to Taylor quickly and it sounds like Turner told her the same thing he told them.

1:05 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Terrance that the plan is for Turner to put Brittany and Taylor up so they can BD Michael.

1:35 PM BBT – Turner is going over his plan with Terrance. He says that he is going to backdoor Michael. If Michael gets picked and wins, then Taylor will go (assuming that Michael will use the Veto on Brittany). He then brings up the idea of bringing Monte into their group.

1:38 PM BBT – Terrance says that the only thing that makes him nervous is that Monte knows that Terrance tried to betray him. Turner thinks that he has put that in the past. Terrance says he’s put it in the past and that he is good with working with him.

1:40 PM BBT – Turner tells Terrance that they don’t know they are going up and says he says he has to break that news at the key. Michael walks in and breaks up the conversation.

1:45 PM BBT – Michael and Turner are chatting in the HOH and Turner is still implying that Terrance and Alyssa are going up. Turner tells Michael that he needs to pump out the rest of his one-on-ones. Michael says he feels good about this week, Turner says he does too and it should be a fairly easy and boring week.

1:47 PM BBT – Kyle tells Turner that he is going to tell Monte everything because he is worried that someone else might use it against him. Meanwhile, Michael and Brittany are talking about how long Kyle and Turner have been talking.

1:57 PM BBT – Brittany tells Michael that she wants to try and find out more about what happened outside, but is worried about pushing too hard.

2:00 PM BBT – Taylor is telling Monte about her conversation with Turner and asks Monte how his talk went. He says same. Taylor says that she is nervous because Alyssa, Kyle, Turner, and Terrance have all said that Joseph talked too much which could be true, or lies. Monte says unfortunately they don’t have Joseph there to confirm which is what they were worried about.

2:12 PM BBT – Brittany tells Alyssa that it’s always scares her when someone doesn’t tell you who their target is and only tells you that you’re okay. Alyssa is just hoping that it isn’t her.

2:15 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Brittany that she has always been honest with her and hopes that Brittany is honest with her. Brittany asks if Joseph said anything that suggested otherwise? Alyssa says he was just all over the place and trying to stay in the house.

2:22 PM BBT – Terrance tells Monte that he wanted to check the tempurature with the showmance and see what was up with Joseph.

2:27 PM BBT – Terrance tells Monte that the one thing solid that Joseph told him was that he aligned himself with people who didn’t have his best interest in mind. Adds that Joseph told him that he was loyal to people who wouldn’t have been loyal yo him (Nicole & Daniel).

2:30 PM BBT – Terrance tells Monte that during the Festie Bestie thing, he threw OTEV to Michael instead of winning and taking them down. Monte tells him that he respected the game move.

2:35 PM BBT – Terrance tells Monte that he is giving him all the information about what happened outside and not leaving anything out. Monte tells him when it came to Big BroChella, he was confused by Michael’s picks. They start going over them and Monte says it was clear that he was setting something up to get Jasmine out.

2:40 PM BBT – Monte is telling Terrance about the information he heard about Girls, Girls and how Jasmine didn’t want Taylor in it. Retelling how Taylor ended up the house target by trying to expose Girls, Girls to Monte to warn him they were coming after the guys.

2:50 PM BBT – Monte mentions how everyone in the house loves Michael. Terrance says that they need get him out this week. Terrance says that he hopes no one picks him for HG Choice and he has to be a spectator. Terrance adds that if the game ended today, Michael wins hands down.

2:55 PM BBT – Monte says that if they don’t take the shot now, Michael will make it to F2. Adds that it’s important that if any of them win the Veto, they have to use it. Terrance says he can take all of his victories to Jury.

3:00 PM BBT – Monte tells Terrance that after Michael goes, he loves Kyle and Turner, but they will beat him in future competitions.

3:05 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Adoptable Animals for Nomination Ceremony!

Well, there you have it, Kyle has sunk his teeth into Turner and it seems as though he is ready to take a shot at Michael by nominating his two closest allies. The feeds are currently down for the Nomination Ceremony and based on today’s talks, Turner’s noms have changed from Terrance and Alyssa to Taylor and Brittany. They will be completely blindsided which could potentially cause for some chaos inside the Big Brother house when they come back up. Be on the lookout for spoilers coming soon!

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