Veto Day arrived on Saturday for the Big Brother 24 Houseguests and with it came the return of BB Comics. All but one HG would get to play and obviously, this would decide which nominee was heading home as the first of Thursday’s two evictions. No major revelations during the day but Terrance did air his frustrations with Michael and Brittany over the timing of their Kyle reveal.
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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights โ Saturday, September 3, 2022:
7:45 AM BBT – HGs get their wake-up call.
8:53 AM BBT – Feeds cut for players pick.
9:15 AM BBT – Feeds are back. All but Turner will play. Terrance picked Taylor instead of Turner.
9:18 AM BBT – Terrance says he’s very angry about the Kyle situation and plans to elaborate at the house meeting. Terrance says Michael is guilty too. He plans to go into this later but says before the house split Michael & Brittany knew this information that affected all the POC HGs but didn’t say anything.
9:25 AM BBT – Terrance tells Taylor he thinks M&B are manipulating her by being friends with her.
9:40 AM BBT – Terrance telling Taylor he doesn’t want Michael of Brittany to win after the Kyle events. He wants F2 to be Monte and Taylor.
9:55 AM BBT – Alyssa and Monte agree they are confused by Terrance picking Taylor instead of Turner.
10:00 AM BBT – Taylor tells Turner that Terrance was apologizing for turning on her last week. Turner says it’s convenient timing.
10:00 AM BBT – Terrance tells Alyssa that he’s upset that only Kyle was punished for what Kyle did. Terrance doesn’t like it.
10:05 AM BBT – Terrance tells Turner he picked Taylor so he didn’t put Turner in a difficult situation of picking between him and Alyssa if he won the Veto. Terrance also discusses with Turner that he doesn’t like how only Kyle was punished. Terrance going over the timeline and how he doesn’t like that they waited.
10:15 AM BBT – Michael and Monte discuss that Turner is feeling paranoid. Monte says he wouldn’t trust Terrance. Monte mentions how Terrance wanted to keep Kyle last week and he thinks that was a huge error to consider doing.
10:35 AM BBT – Michael tells Brittany he wants Terrance out this week because Terrance would come after them next week.
10:40 AM BBT – Brittany and Michael discuss who she could possibly beat at the end if Michael is gone. She thinks her best chances are against Turner and Terrance. Brittany is worried about next week and wishes they could take out Turner this week.
10:50 AM BBT – Brittany is sure Turner will try for Michael next week because that was Turner’s plan last week.
11:15 AM BBT – Monte and Brittany discuss this week’s path is straightforward. They question the decisions Terrance is making.
12:10 PM BBT – Alyssa is camtalking. She misses Kyle but doesn’t want to see him in Jury too soon. She explains Turner leaves half coffees all over the house and it drives her nuts.
1:05 PM BBT – Terrance meeting with Michael and explains why he’s upset with Michael. Michael explains his reasoning for the delay as he thought Kyle might go then he wanted to be safe so he wasn’t accused of trying to save himself with the info.
1:30 PM BBT – Terrance is telling Brittany he’ll go to the Jury house with his concerns about their timelines of the reveal.
1:50 PM BBT – Brittany encourages Terrance to play hard and win the Veto. She tells him the LOs are over and things can change this week for him.
2:10 PM BBT – Brittany and Michael discussing how Terrance is upset at Michael and her about the timing of their Kyle reveal.
2:35 PM BBT – Monte mentions to Taylor that if Brittany is out next week then Michael would be taking one of them instead of Brittany. Monte says that could set them up for a F3 with Michael. Taylor says it’d be scary to be next to Alyssa or Turner at F2.
2:38 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.
8:51 PM BBT – Feeds return. HGs wearing BB Comics t-shirts and Michael has the medallion.
9:15 PM BBT – Monte says things might get ugly between Alyssa and Terrance as they campaign to stay this week. Monte says he’s still waiting for that ball-centric competition so he can win something.
9:20 PM BBT – HGs discussing their comics and trying to figure out what they meant. Paloma didn’t get a comic.
10:05 PM BBT – Brittany comes upstairs to chat with Michael who is alone in the HOH room. Michael confirms he’s going to keep the noms the same. Michael has an idea to make a speech at the Veto meeting about Terrance’s threat to poison the Jury so he can get that message to the Jury.
10:40 PM BBT – Michael points out that everyone finished the comp and no one timed out like usually happens in past seasons.
12:05 AM BBT – Alyssa tells Brittany she’s going to fight and is here to play. Brittany indirectly letting Alyssa know she’ll be safe this week. Alyssa tells Brittany she’s the only HG she trusts 100%. They promise each other they wouldn’t put the other on the Block.
12:10 AM BBT – Alyssa is worried about being seen as the Big D of this season.
12:25 AM BBT – Alyssa worries she’s being portrayed as a bimbo.
1:30 AM BBT – Monte, Terrance, and Taylor discussing the HGs’ comics and trying to figure out why Kyle’s was an allusion to erectile dysfunction.
2:25 AM BBT – Michael and Brittany going through scenarios in the kitchen. Brittany would want to nominate Monte and Turner with Turner as the target.
2:30 AM BBT – Brittany tells Michael she can’t get a read on what Monte is planning to do but she feels better about Alyssa after talking with her. Michael thinks Brittany would be safe with most HGs.
3:05 AM BBT – HGs hanging out in the kitchen getting some food and cleaning up.
3:15 AM BBT – Brittany and Alyssa discussing what they’d do with the money: start a business, invest, travel, etc.
4:00 AM BBT – HGs still up and hanging out in the kitchen.
5:00 AM BBT – Brittany and Turner are chatting in the bathroom. Most HGs are asleep.
No surprise here on Michael’s win and it does put him over the top for the number of PoV wins in any season. He’s also now tied with Janelle for the most overall comps in a season at nine wins. One more and he’ll have it, but the DE is coming up on Thursday and he could easily be a top target.
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