Another season has come and almost gone. And what a rollercoaster of a summer it was. And here we are at looking at Taylor, Monte and Turner in the Final 3. If you told me at the beginning of Big Brother 24 that this would be the Final 3, I actually might have believed you.
I bet you thought I was going to say I wouldn’t have believed you. But I’m not at all surprised with this Final 3. What I am surprised about, though, is how little gameplay there has been among the three. But that’s kind of how modern Big Brother plays out. Usually there’s one dominant player and some extras that get to the end. This season, however, there are just three average players that I think are all on pretty much the same level. Or they at least balance each other out with their contrasting statistics.
What I’m saying is, to me, not one of these three stands out more than the other. But I’m also saying none are an absolute dud either. Usually there’s at least one person who was dragged all the way to the end. Last season it was Big D. This season I thought it was going to be Alyssa. But here we are. With a perfectly mediocre Final 3.
I guess I should explain myself a little before I make a lot of people angry by saying they’re mediocre. I have enjoyed this season. More so than most of the recent Big Brother seasons. And I have a person I would prefer to win. I would love to see Taylor win because of the story arc this season. And she was a true underdog, and overcome some major adversity. She has the best story to tell out of any Final 3 member in recent history. So I do have a personal winner pick. I just don’t think she, or the other two, will be a top-tier Big Brother winner. And I’m just being honest with myself here.
But the task at hand is to look at the stats and strategies to see which of the Final 3 is the most deserving. So ignore everything I just said about wanting Taylor to win. I’m going to be completely objective now, as I always am when it comes to rating players. I have loved some awful BB players and I have strongly disliked some great BB players. At the end of the day, I am honest and objective when it comes to BB gameplay. You might not think I’m right, though, because no matter how objective you are, this game still lends itself to a lot of subjectivity. No one who hasn’t played the game can call themselves a true BB pro. See, I can even be honest about my own qualifications.
Before I keep rambling, let’s get to this. As always, I’ll be looking at each player’s competition wins, their strategy, their social game, and how much control they had in the season. So here we go.
Editor’s Note: This was written before any final Head of Household spoilers.
From almost getting bullied out of the house Week 1 to sitting in the Final 3, Taylor has that BB winner story. And while she didn’t make the best moves all summer long, she fought hard, and pulled herself up from the bottom. She aligned with the right people, and let her team use her as a weapon. And that wasn’t always easy for her. She had to endure weeks of literal torment while even half of her team pretended to still be against her. I like Taylor for the win. But can she do it?
Can Taylor Win Big Brother 24? Yes. Taylor can definitely win if she sits next to Turner. She needs to win the Final HOH and evict Monte. She could win with ease then. But if she’s sitting next to Monte, it might not be that easy. I think she does have an argument. And as she even knows herself, she will have to win and take him to have a true shot. If he wins and takes her, then her chances drop. It’s all about the visuals when it comes to who takes who, I think. If she takes him, she can spin it that she kept her word and wanted the challenge of sitting next to someone more deserving. If he wins and takes her, it can easily look like he dragged her to the finale. But I don’t see him taking her, anyway. So she really needs to win the HOH and then do what she does best and deliver a fire speech.
Does Taylor Deserve To Win Big Brother 24? Yes. I’ve already said that all three are deserving, so I kind of spoiled this answer for all three. But regardless, yes I think Taylor should win. I think she should beat both the men, and again I’m being objective here. Like I’ve already said repeatedly, I love her story, and I think she has the strongest case to make to the jury on why she should win.
Monte has played an OK game. For most of the game, Monte whined about being carried along by someone who he seemed to see as a weaker player at the start of the season. I’m talking about Michael. Monte just couldn’t understand how a meathead like himself was being beaten so much by a lanky nerdy gay guy. But Monte is where he is today largely in part because of Michael. That all being said, Monte winning that double eviction veto and pushing Turner to put Michael up so they could vote him out was a savage, old-school BB move. And definitely one that could win Monte the game.
Can Monte Win Big Brother 24? So yes, he can win the game. He has that Michael eviction at the top of his resume. And it’s underlined and in bold on his and not Turner’s. And the jury sees that as Monte’s move too. It was Turner’s HOH, but that was Monte’s move. I think Monte can beat Turner for sure, and probably Taylor. I think he has a bit more of a climb to beat Taylor, but I think the jury is already leaning his way.
Does Monte Deserve To Win Big Brother 24? I thin Monte is absolutely deserving. I would probably vote him over Turner, but then again, I might not depending on my mood. But I would understand a Monte win agasint Turner. And I guess I would understand a win against Taylor, too. But like Brittany said this week, Monte would be an OK winner, but a boring one.
Turner’s game has been a bit all over the place. He has made some pretty messy decisions in the game, and has burned a lot of people, but he’s played the hell out of Big Brother. I think Turner lacked loyalty and game finesse, but the biggest strike you can give Turner, I think, is the fact that most (or maybe all) the moves he made were orchestrated or pushed by someone else.
Can Turner Win Big Brother 24? I’m not sure he can. He would have a HARD time trying to convince the jury that any of his moves were actually his, and he will have an even harder time trying to explain where his loyalties actually were. I just don’t know if he has it in him to collect five or more jury votes to get that win.
Does Turner Deserve to Win Big Brother 24? I think Turner winning wouldn’t be awful. As I write this, though, the more I think he’s the least deserving of the three. When I opened this article, I stressed how even I thought this three are. But now I’m starting to think Turner actually ranks lower than Taylor and Monte. But that’s just me currently thinking about his lack of loyalty. No one says you have to be loyal in Big Brother, but in the past 10 seasons or so, jury management has become way more important. People don’t reward backstabbing and dishonesty as much these days. They say there are no real rules to playing the game, but I think there are some unwritten ones, and Turner broke some of those.
Who do you think could and should win Big Brother 24?