Big Brother 24 shomance turned real-life couple have been hanging out together and traveling a lot since they left the BB24 bubble. The couple first shared photos together in Hawaii, and are currently in London together.
“London is amazing!” Kyle wrote on Instagram. “I feel like a kid in a candy store. So any amazing things to see! I’m so happy!”
Alyssa shared her own Instagram post with the caption “Lovers in London.” Both have shared photos and videos of their time so far in London sight-seeing and taking in a West End showing of Phantom of The Opera.
If you remember during Big Brother 24, there was drama surrounding a trip to London. Taylor won a trip to London during a veto competition, but Alyssa took the trip from her. But the trip was promptly taken from Alyssa by Jasmine. Alyssa ended up with $5,000 from that competition. But it looks like she made it to London after all.
Kyle and Alyssa all but confirmed they are dating in a Q&A one Reddit last month, and based on all the tie they are spending together, I think that it is officially official.
Below are some photos of Kyle and Alyssa in London together. To see more check out their Instagram profiles @kylecapener and @alyssanida.