Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Competition Results

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The new Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 23 are in and we’ve got the results setting us up for the final noms the week. Down to the F8 of the season and the pressure was on for The Cookout to secure their position again this week, or maybe there was another plan boiling inside their ranks. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

Xavier wasn’t happy about Tiffany winning HOH and having to go up for the third straight week (his own fault after selecting that punishment resulting in last week’s noms, but anyway…) so he toyed with the idea of helping Alyssa win so she’d come down and Tiffany would be forced, per Cookout’s agreement, to renom the last non-CO option, Claire. Hmm. So could it still come to that?

Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Competition Results:

  • Alyssa won the Power of Veto!

Oh my oh my. This is worst case scenario for Tiffany who will now have to renom Claire. Whoa. What a mess for her game and especially after the Cookout had done such an effective job playing this under the radar.

Joining the HOH and her noms this week were Azah, Derek, and Hannah. That left just Kyland and Claire out of the running which meant no chance of Claire winning to save Alyssa and force a Cookout vs Cookout on the Block. Not that Claire probably would have done that anyway.

We’ll see on Wednesday but sounds like the HGs faced the mini-teeny Veto competition, called “Micro Cocktail,” where they have to do the miniature challenge of moving things around and setting them up. That looked so hard last time.

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