After the Big Brother 23 veto ceremony, the new nominee got to work on her campaign, that as we basically know will be pointless. But she doesn’t plan to go down without a fight. Read on to find out what the other houseguests are thinking of the final nominees and if there’s a chance of any kind of vote flip this week.
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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 16, 2021:
3:10 PM BBT – Britini, talking to the cameras, says that she has been here before. She says they don’t call her the block queen for no reason. She says she needs to find a way to stay and won’t stop until she does.
3:30 PM BBT – HGs discussing the movie Avatar. Not much else going on.
4:51 PM BBT – Britini asks Azah how she can even start a campaign against Derek F. Azah says she wouldn’t call it campaign against DF but a campaign as to why Britini should stay. Britini says she’s scared because yesterday Xavier told her that anyone who goes up next to Derek F will go home.
4:55 PM BBT – Tiffany tells DF that they are not saying anything about the Cookout in their goodbye messages. Derek F says no way because they don’t know who might come back.
4:57 PM BBT – DF tells Tiffany if he wins HOH next week, he puts up Kyland and Sarah Beth or Alyssa and SB.
5:36 PM BBT – Britini tells Azah one of her pitches is that with her in the house, there’s a decreased chance anyone else will be on the block because she always secures one of the spots.
5:40 PM BBT – Azah says to Tiffany that the votes have her concerned because she was trying to find a way for her to give Britini a vote and have DF still stay, but she doesn’t think she can. Tiffany tells Azah that SB will definitely vote Britini out and says she can get Claire to. So with Tiffany, Claire, SB, Xavier and Hannah, Azah should still be able to vote for Britini.
5:48 PM BBT – Britini tells Alyssa that Kyland wants to make this look like this is the best game move when it’s really just a personal move for him. Britini says Kyland showed his true colors today and lost three jury votes.
5:51 PM BBT – Britini says she still thinks there is a way she can stay this week. She says her going just doesn’t benefit the majority of the house.
6:01 PM BBT – Britini ask Kyland if she’s the target or does he care who goes. Kyland said he was indifferent but he says something no one understands and tells her there are a lot of high emotions and they can talk in the morning.
6:05 PM BBT – Kyland talks in more riddles, but what he’s trying to say to Britini is don’t trash him in her campaign.
6:08 PM BBT – Britini cam talks her frustrations after her talk with Kyland. She says he’s acting like he’s on the block and says he’s not going to tell her how she can or cannot campaign.
6:09 PM BBT – Britini tells Azah that Kyland just told her not to campaign against him. Azah tells her to campaign however she wants. She says she’s going to.
6:15 PM BBT – Britini also told Hannah what Kyland said and is now telling Xavier. Xavier asks why Kyland would tell her not to campaign against him.
6:17 PM BBT – Britini says Kyland is basically threatening her. Right now he’s saying he doesn’t care who goes home but if she starts campaigning against Kyland, then that will give him a reason to ask the house to send her out.
6:28 PM BBT – Britini tells Xavier she did the math today and she has been on the block 27 days.
6:30 PM BBT – Xavier tells Britini to run her campaign how she wants and not to listen to Kyland basically.
7:16 PM BBT – HGs are cooking dinner.
7:20 PM BBT – Britini goes over her campaigning ideas with Claire. She says for one thing she has proven she can beat Kyland in a competition, and that’s one reason to keep her.
7:33 PM BBT – Azah tells Hannah she’s afraid people are starting to suspect the Cookout. She tells her she has a plan that the next Cookout member to win HOH needs to put up two members to give them a better shot at winning veto and then they can backdoor someone. Azah says and if the plan backfires they can just vote Kyland out.
7:36 PM BBT – Hannah asks Azah who she is afraid of finding out and she says she thinks Derek X suspects something. Hannah says she really doesn’t think DX has any suspicions.
8:20 PM BBT – Tiffany thinks DF will be better off not campaigning because if he does he will end up shooting himself in the foot.
9:15 PM BBT – Tiffany has been giving DX a haircut. He brings up the idea of keeping Britini over DF this week. She says she likes the idea then changes the subject.
9:25 PM BBT – DX tells Tiffany his goal is to make it past next week so he can play for the Coup D’Etat power.
9:45 PM BBT – Claire joins them and they discuss if anyone would target Kyland. Tiffany doesn’t think DX would do it but he says he would because Kyland is unpredictable.
10:10 PM BBT – Hannah and Claire discuss targeting Kyland. They think Xavier will want to keep Kyland because he’s a shield. They wonder if Kyland is this season’s villain.
11:10 PM BBT – Tiffany tells DF that he’s got the votes and is safe this week.
11:20 PM BBT – DF checks in with Kyland to make sure they’re good. DF was getting worried whether or not Kyland was still pretending about him being the target. Kyland assures DF that it was just an act.
11:30 PM BBT – Azah and Xavier discuss the next few rounds. They’re good with DX staying a little longer. X explains that if he wins HOH next week and doesn’t go after DX then Alyssa will wonder what’s going on. Azah wants to be the one to cut Kyland.
11:50 PM BBT – Azah doesn’t want to be the one to get out DX, she tells X. He understands but warns if they keep him too long and he gets out one of the six then it’s an issue.
12:05 AM BBT – Kyland tells Sarah that the only deal he made with Britini was to be honest.
12:20 AM BBT – X tells DX that others want him to come for DX but they can do it themselves. X suggests DX was manipulated last week to go after Christian. (Seems to be suggesting Kyland.)
12:40 AM BBT – Hannah tells Xavier that she wants to go after Sarah instead of Alyssa.
12:55 AM BBT – Hannah with Azah says she would go after Kyland if they weren’t playing the game as this group. She’s not sure DX would do it either. They question why Kyland is collecting all this information but not sharing it with anyone in their group.
1:10 AM BBT – DF, Hannah, and Azah are trying to figure out who to target next. Hannah says to keep Claire because she’d be easier than Alyssa to beat later.
1:15 AM BBT – Claire tells DX that Sarah stayed upstairs last night and is trying to lie about it now.
2:05 AM BBT – DX and Claire wish they could get Xavier and Kyland to go after each other. Claire says Alyssa must be coming after DX but DX disagrees and doesn’t think she is. They wonder what she’s doing.
2:55 AM BBT – Hannah camtalking that she wants to make sure Xavier doesn’t win HOH next week. She wants to target Alyssa to flush out her BB Bucks. Hannah says Kyland is becoming a liability and will be hard to protect.
3:15 AM BBT – HGs all off to bed.
It’s not even a discussion among the HGs for this week’s eviction. Britini is set as the target and the HGs are looking ahead to coming weeks and how they can get their target on the Block next. Cookout looks to be holding strong, even if they’re all not thrilled with one another at the moment.
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