Big Brother 23 Live Feeds Week 3: Thursday Night Highlights

It’s officially Week 3 in the Big Brother 23 house, so that means there’s a new Head of Household and a new target for eviction this week. Read on to find out what Xaiver’s plans are ahead of the Wildcard Competition, which as we know, could change everything.

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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, July 22, 2021:

6:12 PM BBT – Live Feeds return after the episode.

6:16 PM BBT – Xavier asks Kyland if he held meetings the same night he won HOH or if he chilled. Xavier says he wants to chill.

6:27 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Britini they have a plan this week and she’s safe. She says she and Christian have her back.

6:30 PM BBT – Derek F tells Sarah he hopes Xavier goes after Brent. They both think the next competition will be physical and one Brent can win. They say Brent has to go this week. Azah says he might put Whitney up.

6:37 PM BBT – Alyssa, SB, and Tiffany talk about how perfect it was that Brent was out first. Tiffany says it wouldn’t have been good if Hannah or Derek X won (because Brent would be safe, of course).

6:50 PM BBT – Hannah tells Brent she thinks this was a perfect outcome for them. Brent says yeah because they have an alliance with Xaiver’s team.

6:52 PM BBT- Brent says he didn’t want to win HOH but wanted to at least get to the second question (he was out first).

6:55 PM BBT – Brent says Derek F voted to keep Frenchie so he can’t be trusted. Hannah says that was just a sympathy vote. Brent says yeah, but both votes by DF so far has been against the house and that’s a liability.

6:57 PM BBT – Brent says if Xavier does make a big move it’s not going to be toward his team. Brent says “I’m sitting pretty. X and me are close.”

7:03 PM BBT – Hannah and Derek X talk about how they threw the HOH competition to make sure Brent wasn’t safe. Derek X knew the answer, but I think Hannah missed it by mistake, but planned on throwing it the next round.

7:10 PM BBT – Derek X and Hannah talk about whether or not Xavier will nominate Brent outright or try to backdoor. Hannah says maybe they can talk Brent into going up as a pawn so he won’t be such a loose cannon this week as the known target.

7:38 PM BBT – Tiffany and Claire talk about working with Derek X for the long haul. Claire says someone else can get him out for them later so they won’t have to.

7:56 PM BBT – Tiffany asks Xavier how he’s doing. He says he’s good but he really wanted Sarah Beth to win HOH. Tiffany asks X if he’s comfortable putting Brent up. He says he’s ready to do what he’s gotta do. X says he’s still going to do all the meetings, though, and expects Brent’s name to come up like Frenchie’s so he will have a similar play as Kyland did last week. Tiffany says he could always go after Whitney instead.

8:00 PM BBT – Xavier again says that he’s ready to do what he has to. Tiffany says to also remember that Brent started an alliance with her team yesterday. Xavier says that’s definitely a motive.

8:02 PM BBT – Xavier says he’s going to have to figure out who goes up next to Brent. Tiffany suggests Whitney or Britini. Xavier says he doesn’t want to do Britini but his options are limited.

8:03 PM BBT – The cameras keep following Tiffany from room to room, so she starts cam-talking. Tiffany says that she likes Whitney on a personal level but not so much on a game level. She says that Whitney hasn’t talked any game to her so she can go. She says and she’ll be going next.

8:24 PM BBT – Houseguests are hanging out in the living room talking about past seasons.

8:50 PM BBT – HGs are mostly all in the kitchen having dinner.

9:02 PM BBT – Alyssa tells SB that it wouldn’t make sense for Xaiver to put up Britini or Azah as a pawn with Brent. She says it needs to be Whitney so she can’t win veto and save Brent.

9:03 PM BBT – SB and Alyssa agree that everything Brent does is annoying. Alyssa says Brent is a good-looking guy, but he’s so ugly to her now.

9:05 PM BBT – Xavier’s team decides to have a team meeting in the storage room to do a celebration for the TV episode. They dance and jump around, which we will likely see on the next episode.

9:06 PM BBT – Xaiver says he would like to meet with the teams tomorrow morning before the wildcard competition and he’s going to meet with the teams alphabetically.

9:07 PM BBT – Alyssa lets Xavier know that Whitney has been throwing Brent under the bus. Christian asks if the noms are going to be Brent and Whitney. Xavier says it’ll be Brent, but he has to figure out who else it’ll be. They discuss the options and they agree it shouldn’t be Britini again. Alyssa says it should be Whitney because she could win and save Brent.

9:10 PM BBT – Alyssa says Derek X needs to play in the Wildcard Competition and throw it so that Brent can’t get safety that way.

9:16 PM BBT – Azah says she thinks that Xavier is going to get a lot of input from his team during his HOH. She says Kyland may have done his HOH that way, but Frenchie definitely didn’t ask his team for any input.

10:05 PM BBT – Derek F suggests to Xavier and Kyland they could start a 3-person alliance with them called “Three Kings.”

11:10 PM BBT – Kyland and DX want Brent out next but worry about a renom scenario and wonder if a BD is better.

11:15 PM BBT – Brent pitched a F2 to Alyssa.

11:20 PM BBT – Alyssa worries to Xavier and Whitney that Brent is going to know she knew he was a target when he sees his face on the board.

12:05 AM BBT – Alyssa updates Christian on Brent’s awkward behavior and proposing a F2. She says he was trying to listen in on their earlier conversation too.

12:40 AM BBT – Sarah shares with Claire that Brent approached her to create an alliance called “The Radicals” with her and Alyssa plus maybe Christian. Sarah also says that while she likes Whitney she’s sure she (W) is going out pre-jury which is too bad because Claire doesn’t think she would go after the other women.

1:00 AM BBT – Alyssa wonders about doing OnlyFans in lingerie and decides against it. Christian says he’d do nudes for $500K but doesn’t want to hurt his career. They move on to considering other options.

1:10 AM BBT – Britini is stressing the Wildcard comp and thinks she might want to play it then wonders if Derek will want to play.

1:25 AM BBT – Xavier is getting his HOH room. Everyone heads up to take a look.

1:30 AM BBT – Xavier asks production if they can switch out the one photo that shows his college since he was hiding that. (Sheesh, BB)

2:00 AM BBT – Azah, Derek F, and Britini are discussing threats. They’d like to see Christian out soon. DF says he feels safe with Christian but would consider it. DF says that Christian actually talks game with him so he’d want to keep him over those who don’t. DF shares his target list: Whitney, Hannah, DX, and Sarah.

2:10 AM BBT – Tiffany and Claire discuss their alliance with Sarah, DX, and Kyland. Tiffany is happy with it. Tiffany says she really liked how Kyland handled his HOH week and wants to keep close to him.

2:15 AM BBT – Tiffany warns Claire not to talk about Britini in front of Azah because Azah is close with Britini.

2:20 AM BBT – Britini hints that she has a crush on a HG. DF and Azah encourage her to pursue it. Could be Christian.

2:25 AM BBT – Claire and Tiffany contemplate bringing Hannah closer to them so they can balance the numbers later when Royal Flush dissolves (which includes DX but not Hannah).

2:25 AM BBT – Britini wants Whitney and Alyssa nominated then renom Christian if one comes down. Azah wants to fight for Veto this week and but does not want HOH next week.

3:00 AM BBT – Lights out for the HGs. Christian and Alyssa are in separate beds tonight but are holding hands.

The Royals should be running the show this week and that was a well-orchestrated effort and strong trust from the Aces by DX and Hannah to keep Brent vulnerable. Will Xavier pull off the big move and knock out the alliance’s target. Remember Brent can’t play for Wildcard again so this could be the shot to make it happen. Should Xavier go direct or a BD?

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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