Big Brother 22: What’s With The Bad Reads This Season? [Op-Ed]

The Big Brother 22 houseguests have all played the game at least once before. They’re “All-Stars,” after all. We’ve got past winners, runners up, final 3 houseguests, and fan favorites (plus David and Christmas). So what’s with all the bad reads? Almost no one has any idea what’s really going on in the Big Brother house.

It’s just all really confusing. Nicole A and Kevin are probably the worst offenders. In Week 1 Kevin thought Janelle was behind his nomination and even tried to start an alliance with Cody, the HOH who nominated him. Kevin was already wrong about Janelle heading into Week 2, so when Nicole A got nominated by Memphis, he carried over the same thinking to Nicole A. He has convinced her that Janelle was behind her nomination and was never really an ally.

Nicole A believing Janelle is responsible for her nomination is just really hard to watch because she couldn’t be more wrong. Nicole thinks Janelle and Kaysar were using her for information and didn’t protect her from being nominated this week. She has even said if she stays this week, she’s nominating them if she wins HOH. In reality, Kaysar and Janelle are completely devastated that she’s on the block and likely going home this week. Janelle even cried over it, which is something we have almost never seen from her.

And to make matters worse, Nicole said Janelle was nothing like what she had with Cliff in Big Brother 21. And she’s right. Because Cliff actually was throwing Nicole under the bus at every turn. Janelle has not done that. So even though Kevin started it all, Nicole has spiraled out of control with the bad reads.

It’s not just Nicole A. It’s almost everyone. Da’Vonne, who is normally really on top of what’s going on, is also really far off so far this season. She is believing Cody and Dani over Kaysar and Janelle. And I just can’t make it make sense.

And then there’s Ian. He’s a really smart guy, but thinking he’s Nicole F’s number one when she’s so clearly attached to Dani and Cody? Why isn’t he seeing that? I get why he wants her there. She’s the only other winner so she is probably his only shot at winning in the end. But has he ever seen her play (insert rattle snake soundbite). And speaking of Dani, who would have ever thought she’d enter this game and work with Cody? I just sit with a dumb look on my face every time I watch the episodes and Live Feeds.

I know this is probably sounding like a Kaysar and Janelle propaganda piece, but they aren’t exempt here. Even they are fumbling. Janelle thinks Memphis is all by himself just because he played only with Dan in season 10. She’s also really clueless on Dani and how Dani really isn’t interested in working with her. And while Kaysar has a lot of things figured out, he still has some blindspots. Like pulling Christmas into an alliance and telling too many people too many things.

Even David, who had Big Brother 21 all figured out from Camp Comeback is way off. Nothing makes sense. Or does it?

I’ve been thinking about how this is all happening and I can only blame it on the pre-gaming (and the lack thereof for some). It’s clear that some of these people contacted each other before the season and entered the game already in alliances. Is that why some people are blinded by what’s going on? Is that why people we all thought would work together aren’t? I think that has to have something to do with it.

But that still doesn’t explain why Nicole A and Kevin are getting literally everything all wrong. Because, as I understand it, neither of them did any pre-gaming. So maybe that is actually their problem.

I guess I’m just really disappointed in the pre-gaming and how it’s effected the game so quickly. I understand that’s what happens in these all-returnee seasons. It happened in the first All-Stars, it happens anytime Survivor does it. It just happens. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I just really like organic relationships and alliances. This is just all so messy and currently not that fun. Hopefully it will lead to some drama in a couple of weeks, when people realize pre-gaming might not have been the best idea. I expect Dani to crack first. One can hope.

What do you think of all the bad reads from the Big Brother All-Stars this season?



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