Big Brother 22: Veto Ceremony Plans for Week 5

It is Monday, which means it’s POV Ceremony day in the Big Brother 22 house and there might be something big in the works. After an interesting turn of events and a super emotional confession by Tyler, it looks like we could see the Power of Veto used and either Bay or Day could be safe from eviction.

Tyler talked to Bay and Day on the Big Brother live feeds last night and apologized to them for spreading lies about them. He tells them that in a way he thinks that he was self-sabotaging his game. Hoping that someone would publicly call him out so he would be targeted and taken out.

Tyler added that he saw how devastated Day was after she lost the POV and how bad she wanted to be there and felt guilty because he didn’t want to be there as bad as her. He told them that he was going to go to Christmas and ask her to use the POV on one of them and put him up in their spot. He also told them that while he remained in the house, he was going to try and fix their game the best that he could.

He went to Christmas and we don’t know anything that was said in the HOH room for the entire hour and a half he was in there because the feeds cut away. However, based on conversations following his talk with Christmas it seems like she is on board with taking Bay or Day off the block and putting up a replacement nom.

With the craziness that has already gone on in this house this week, putting Tyler up as a renom is probably the craziest of them all, but that is what we can expect to happen. What do you think of this move? Do you think that Tyler should fall on his sword because he feels bad for Bay and Day?

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